Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-11 Thread Paul Claude
 Bon Jurno, Paul,
Buon giorno, Rob,

 1. Would this work?
Nice script. In my first post about this problem I have wrote that a
solution similar to yours may surely works, but I was searching for some way
to not load all images (for memory problemns) in my stack; now i'm supposing
that this will be the only way...

Merci beaucoup, Rob, pour ton temps et ton aide.

Paul Claude
Greetings from Rome

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-10 Thread Rob Cozens

Bon Jurno, Paul,

You got reason, perhaps I have not explained well the problem. My stack is
an utility that simply shows the images of another choosen stack opened by
the user; so I cannot know if the user have one or many open stacks, and
what stack was opened before, or the potential ID conflicts.

That's why my only goal was to succeed to indicate exactly from which open
stack my utility read the images, avoiding eventual ID conflicts of
previously opened stacks.

1. Would this work?

Create a number of invisible thumbnail images [not buttons; 
lock size  position] on the image display

card of your utility stack.

Utility stack script:

answer file Please select a stack to see its images...
if the result is Cancel then exit to top
push card
lock screen
repeat with x = 1 to the number of images of me
hide image x of me
end repeat
open invisible stack it
repeat with x = 1 to the number of images of stack it
set the imageData of image x of me to the 
imageData of image x of stack it

show image x of me
end repeat
close stack it
pop card
set the itemDelimiter to /
put item -1 of it into field Image Source -- if 
you want the image stack name to appear

unlock screen

I presume you have logic to handle the case where there are 
more images in the stack you are opening then
there are buttons to display them.  Just change it to deal 
with images.

2.  I previously suggested when a thread boils down to two or three 
people, it should be taken off list.  Actually, I was focusing on 
off-topic conversations, and feel that conversations such as this 
between Paul  moi should remain on the list so long as the focus is 
strictly how to use Revolution.  Do others agree or disagree?


Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution! 

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-09 Thread Paul Claude
Dear Rob,

I cannot change in any way the X2 or X3 stack, because it is an external
stack, not mine, and it may change everytime: I'm not switching themes, I'm
browsing stacks.

on 5-01-2006 17:15, Rob Cozens at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can your design allow you to separate the images in X2 from the
 resources that must be opened?  (If not, why not?)

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-09 Thread Rob Cozens


Can your design allow you to separate the images in X2 from the 
resources that must be opened?

I understand now that stacks X2  X3 were created by other people.  I 
also understand that, for whatever reason, X2 must be remain open 
when X3 is opened.

This leaves me mystified as to what you want to achieve (not that 
it's any of my business; but it's hard to propose a solution when one 
doesn't understand the problem).

* Are you trying to compare the two stacks?

* Do you have some other reason for needing them both open at the same time?

* If they were authored by the same person and meant to work in 
tandem, you should notify the author of the conflict.

* If they were authored by different people but still meant to work 
with others' stacks open, you should notify both authors of the conflict.

The odds of icon conflict are greatest, I suggest, when authors 
import images and leave the ids as assigned by Rev.  At the very 
least, increasing the id values for images by some six-digit amount 
reduces the odds of icon conflict.  If the author(s) of X2 and X3 
expect their stacks to be run along with others' stacks, they should 
reserve a set of unique icon ids on Ken Ray's website.

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution!  

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-09 Thread Paul Claude
Hi Rob,

You got reason, perhaps I have not explained well the problem. My stack is
an utility that simply shows the images of another choosen stack opened by
the user; so I cannot know if the user have one or many open stacks, and
what stack was opened before, or the potential ID conflicts.

That's why my only goal was to succeed to indicate exactly from which open
stack my utility read the images, avoiding eventual ID conflicts of
previously opened stacks.

I'm sorry for my poor english ;-)

Paul Claude
Greetings from Rome

on 9-01-2006 17:56, Rob Cozens at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This leaves me mystified as to what you want to achieve (not that
 it's any of my business; but it's hard to propose a solution when one
 doesn't understand the problem).

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-05 Thread Paul Claude
Hi Rob,

Very good work. It actually may help people who must switch themes of a

For my needs, I cannot close the stack X2, therefore your solution it's
not applicable.

Thanks however.

Paul Claude

on 5-01-2006 6:40, Rob Cozens at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chameleon stack script:
 On the vain presumption this might actually be of use to some people,
 here's an improved version.  Initialization is moved from openStack
 to preOpenStack and the handlers otherwise tweaked.
 local imagePath1,imagePath2,currentLibrary
 on preOpenStack
get the effective fileName of this stack
set the itemDelimiter to /
put X2.rev into item -1 of it
put it into imagePath1
put X3.rev into item -1 of it
put it into imagePath2
start using stack imagePath1
put imagePath1 into currentLibrary
 end preOpenStack
 on switchLibraries
set the itemDelimiter to /
stop using stack currentLibrary
close stack currentLibrary
get item -1 of currentLibrary
if it is x3.rev then -- use switch logic if toggling between
 three or more icon libraries
  start using stack imagePath1
  put imagePath1 into currentLibrary
  start using stack imagePath2
  put imagePath2 into currentLibrary
end if
send refreshButtons to this stack in 1 tick
 end switchLibraries
 on refreshButtons
lock screen
repeat with x = 1 to the number of buttons
  set the icon of button x to (the icon of button x)
end repeat
unlock screen
 end refreshButtons
 Rob Cozens, CCW
 Serendipity Software Company
 Vive R Revolution!
 use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-05 Thread Rob Cozens


I cannot close the stack X2, therefore your solution it's
not applicable.

Can your design allow you to separate the images in X2 from the 
resources that must be opened?  (If not, why not?)

Keep what needs to be open in X2 and place the images in new stack, 
X4.  (There's no reason X2 can't use the image resources in X4 
just as X1 does.)

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution! 

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-05 Thread Rob Cozens


Can your design allow you to separate the images in X2 from the 
resources that must be opened?

A simpler solution?:

on switchLibraries
   stop using stack currentLibrary -- may need to be tweaked?
   close stack currentLibrary
  set the itemDelimiter to /
  get item -1 of currentLibrary
  if it is x3.rev then
start using stack imagePath1
put imagePath1 into currentLibrary
 start using stack imagePath2
put imagePath2 into currentLibrary
  end if
  send refreshButtons to this stack in 1 tick
   if currentLibrary is imagePath2 then
  stop using stack imagePath2
  close stack imagePath2
  lock messages -- [?]
  open stack imagePath1 -- /or start using ?
  unlock messages
  -- don't change currentLibrary, so the next call will toggle 
[may cause problems in line 1  2 above]

   end if
end switchLibraries

Experience shows us the icons won't change if refreshButtons is not 
sent to the stack.

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution!  

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-05 Thread Rob Cozens

if currentLibrary is imagePath2 then
  stop using stack imagePath2
  close stack imagePath2
  lock messages -- [?]
  open stack imagePath1 -- /or start using ?
  unlock messages
  -- don't change currentLibrary, so the next call will toggle 
[may cause problems in line 1  2 above]

   end if

actually needs to be at the end of the refreshButtons handler to work 

Another means of changing icons en mass would be to set button 
profiles with the appropriate icons.  The downsides of this are (1) 
profiles -- at least for moi -- are prone to error if you don't know 
what you are doing (eg: changing a property which has not been 
identified in the current profile establishes identifies that 
property in the master profile), and (2) this keeps both sets of 
icons in RAM at all times.

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution! 

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-04 Thread Rob Cozens

Paul, Ken, et al,

It's alive!

My icon-changing stack, Chameleon is now changing icons on-the-fly.

Chameleon stack script:

local imagePath1,imagePath2,currentLibrary

on openStack
  get the effective fileName of this stack
  set the itemDelimiter to /
  put X2.rev into item -1 of it
  put it into imagePath1
  put X3.rev into item -1 of it
  put it into imagePath2
  start using stack imagePath1
  put imagePath1 into currentLibrary
end openStack

on switchLibraries
  set the itemDelimiter to /
  get item -1 of currentLibrary
  if it is x3.rev then
stop using stack imagePath2
close stack imagePath2
start using stack imagePath1
put imagePath1 into currentLibrary
stop using stack imagePath1
close stack imagePath1
start using stack imagePath2
put imagePath2 into currentLibrary
  end if
  send refreshButtons to this stack in 1 tick
end switchLibraries

on refreshButtons
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of buttons
set the icon of button x to (the icon of button x)
  end repeat
end refreshButtons

The key to making this work was sending refreshButtons to the stack 
instead of calling it from the handler that switches the libraries. 
Also, one must close the previous library [with destroyStack true], 
not just stop using it.

So all you game builders who want to change the look and difficulty 
as the user reaches each new level could address that with multiple 
libraries containing images with the same icon id and handlers with 
the same name but different logic.

It's gratifying when one's long-term hunch proves to be correct.  :{`)

Rob Cozens CCW
Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

 from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-04 Thread Rob Cozens


Chameleon stack script:

On the vain presumption this might actually be of use to some people, 
here's an improved version.  Initialization is moved from openStack 
to preOpenStack and the handlers otherwise tweaked.

local imagePath1,imagePath2,currentLibrary

on preOpenStack
  get the effective fileName of this stack
  set the itemDelimiter to /
  put X2.rev into item -1 of it
  put it into imagePath1
  put X3.rev into item -1 of it
  put it into imagePath2
  start using stack imagePath1
  put imagePath1 into currentLibrary
end preOpenStack

on switchLibraries
  set the itemDelimiter to /
  stop using stack currentLibrary
  close stack currentLibrary
  get item -1 of currentLibrary
  if it is x3.rev then -- use switch logic if toggling between 
three or more icon libraries

start using stack imagePath1
put imagePath1 into currentLibrary
start using stack imagePath2
put imagePath2 into currentLibrary
  end if
  send refreshButtons to this stack in 1 tick
end switchLibraries

on refreshButtons
  lock screen
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of buttons
set the icon of button x to (the icon of button x)
  end repeat
  unlock screen
end refreshButtons

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution!

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