Re: a php relay to either rev cgi or onrev

2009-07-28 Thread Pierre Sahores

Hi Friends,


You just need to insert a simple line of javascript in your irev  
script to call a php piece of code from it.

About a working example see : 
contact.irev where the reCAPTCHA part relies on 3 simple php sniplets  
and the rest of the page on irev.

In calling from a simple js snipplet directly inserted in your revTalk  
code the first php sniplet, you go outside of the rev loop of your  
process ;
Then, the first php sniplet call the main php function (second php  
sniplet) you need to handle and have the return catched-back as your  
needed irev readable $_vars
At this point, and it's up to you..., you can have a thirst php  
sniplet called from the second one, etc..., as long as you need to  
bind more php libs functions to the php part of your process.

Feel free to adapt the reCAPTCHA process working example as a starter  
point :

the irev form :

link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=Blog/stylesheet_1.css /


tdlabel for=nomNom */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=nom id=nom/td
tdlabel for=entrepriseEntreprise */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=entreprise  

tdlabel for=activiteActivité */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=activite  

tdlabel for=adresseAdresse/label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=adresse id=adresse/ 

tdlabel for=villeVille/label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=ville id=ville/td
tdlabel for=codepostalCode postal/label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=codepostal  

tdlabel for=emailEmail */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=email id=email/td
tdlabel for=telephoneTéléphone */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=telephone  

tdlabel for=objetObjet */label/td
tdselect size=1 name=objet id=objet style=font-size:11px;  

option selectedChoisir dans la liste/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites de jeux en lignelots inédits  
pour sites de jeux en ligne/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites agrave; vocation  
commercialelots inédits pour sites à vocation commerciale/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites  d'informationlots inédits  
pour sites d'information/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites  d'information localelots  
inédits pour sites d'information locale/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites p#233;dagogiqueslots inédits  
pour sites pédagogiques/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse de jeuxlots inédits pour  
presse de jeux/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse gratuitelots inédits pour  
presse gratuite/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse de loisirslots inédits pour  
presse de loisirs/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse généralistelots inédits pour  
presse généraliste/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse localelots inédits pour  
presse locale/option

option value=autre demandeautre demande/option
tdlabel for=detailDétail/label/td
tdtextarea id=detail name=detail rows=3/textarea/td
trtd colspan=2 height=20/td/tr
trtd colspan=2 align=right
script type=text/javascriptinclude('./recaptchaloader.php')/script
trtd colspan=2 height=12/td/tr
trtd colspan=2 align=right
input type=submit value=Envoyer name=contact_report  
class=bouton ## irev handled submit button



the first .php sniplet used to bind the php $_vars to the irev handled  
submit button :




the second .php sniplet :



// Get a key from
$publickey = your_revcaptcha_public_key_goes_there;
$privatekey = your_revcaptcha_private_key_goes_there;

# the response from reCAPTCHA
$resp = null;
# the error code from reCAPTCHA, if any
$error = null;

# was there a reCAPTCHA response?
if ($_POST[recaptcha_response_field]) {
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,


echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error);


witch call the 'recaptchalib.php' as the thirst one, etc...

the submit button irev function handler

function sc_contact_report
repeat for each key k in $_POST
if lang_flag_mem is not in k and contact_report is not in k 
and \
			recaptcha_challenge_field is not in k and  
recaptcha_response_field is not in k

then put k  :  $_POST[k]  cr  cr after aaa
end repeat
put $_POST[telephone] into phonectl
filter phonectl with *[0-9]*
	if $_POST[nom] is  or $_POST[entreprise] is  or $_POST[activite]  
is  or phonectl is  \

or @ is not in $_POST[email] or 

Re: a php relay to either rev cgi or onrev

2009-07-28 Thread Nicolas Cueto
Thank you Pierre, but I do not understand your example.

Where is the ?rev declaration?

How does the (rev?) function sc_contact_report get called? I see a
contact_report, but no sc_contact_report.

About the input type submit, shouldn't there be a form
action=somefile.irev method=post line somewhere?

Very confused...

Nicolas Cueto
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: a php relay to either rev cgi or onrev

2009-07-28 Thread Pierre Sahores


Thank you Pierre, but I do not understand your example.

Where is the ?rev declaration?

How does the (rev?) function sc_contact_report get called? I see a
contact_report, but no sc_contact_report.

About the input type submit, shouldn't there be a form
action=somefile.irev method=post line somewhere?

Very confused...

Nicolas Cueto

Le 28 juil. 09 à 09:41, Pierre Sahores a écrit :

Hi Friends,


You just need to insert a simple line of javascript in your irev  
script to call a php piece of code from it.

About a working example see : 
 where the reCAPTCHA part relies on 3 simple php sniplets and the  
rest of the page on irev.

In calling from a simple js snipplet directly inserted in your  
revTalk code the first php sniplet, you go outside of the rev loop  
of your process ;
Then, the first php sniplet call the main php function (second php  
sniplet) you need to handle and have the return catched-back as your  
needed irev readable $_vars
At this point, and it's up to you..., you can have a thirst php  
sniplet called from the second one, etc..., as long as you need to  
bind more php libs functions to the php part of your process.

Feel free to adapt the reCAPTCHA process working example as a  
starter point :

the irev form :

As usual, the form method:POST tag comes after the body tag of the  
page :

link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=Blog/stylesheet_1.css /


tdlabel for=nomNom */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=nom id=nom/td
tdlabel for=entrepriseEntreprise */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=entreprise  

tdlabel for=activiteActivité */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=activite  

tdlabel for=adresseAdresse/label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=adresse  

tdlabel for=villeVille/label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=ville id=ville/td
tdlabel for=codepostalCode postal/label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=codepostal  

tdlabel for=emailEmail */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=email id=email/td
tdlabel for=telephoneTéléphone */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=telephone  

tdlabel for=objetObjet */label/td
tdselect size=1 name=objet id=objet style=font-size:11px;  

option selectedChoisir dans la liste/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites de jeux en lignelots  
inédits pour sites de jeux en ligne/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites agrave; vocation  
commercialelots inédits pour sites à vocation commerciale/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites  d'informationlots inédits  
pour sites d'information/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites  d'information localelots  
inédits pour sites d'information locale/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites p#233;dagogiqueslots  
inédits pour sites pédagogiques/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse de jeuxlots inédits pour  
presse de jeux/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse gratuitelots inédits pour  
presse gratuite/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse de loisirslots inédits  
pour presse de loisirs/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse généralistelots inédits  
pour presse généraliste/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse localelots inédits pour  
presse locale/option

option value=autre demandeautre demande/option
tdlabel for=detailDétail/label/td
tdtextarea id=detail name=detail rows=3/textarea/td
trtd colspan=2 height=20/td/tr
trtd colspan=2 align=right
script type=text/javascriptinclude('./recaptchaloader.php')/ 

trtd colspan=2 height=12/td/tr
trtd colspan=2 align=right
input type=submit value=Envoyer name=contact_report  
class=bouton ## irev handled submit button



the /form tag comes, as usual before the /body tag

If you could'nt see them in my example, it's just because this one is  
only a component of the final page as you can see on the site

the first .php sniplet used to bind the php $_vars to the irev  
handled submit button :




the second .php sniplet :



// Get a key from
$publickey = your_revcaptcha_public_key_goes_there;
$privatekey = your_revcaptcha_private_key_goes_there;

# the response from reCAPTCHA
$resp = null;
# the error code from reCAPTCHA, if any
$error = null;

# was there a reCAPTCHA response?
if ($_POST[recaptcha_response_field]) {
   $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,





Re: a php relay to either rev cgi or onrev

2009-07-28 Thread Pierre Sahores


My mistake : Please read :

form method=POST

instead of form method:POST

on the following mail
Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

Le 28 juil. 09 à 14:17, Pierre Sahores a écrit :


Thank you Pierre, but I do not understand your example.

Where is the ?rev declaration?

How does the (rev?) function sc_contact_report get called? I see a
contact_report, but no sc_contact_report.

About the input type submit, shouldn't there be a form
action=somefile.irev method=post line somewhere?

Very confused...

Nicolas Cueto

Le 28 juil. 09 à 09:41, Pierre Sahores a écrit :

Hi Friends,


You just need to insert a simple line of javascript in your irev  
script to call a php piece of code from it.

About a working example see : 
 where the reCAPTCHA part relies on 3 simple php sniplets and the  
rest of the page on irev.

In calling from a simple js snipplet directly inserted in your  
revTalk code the first php sniplet, you go outside of the rev loop  
of your process ;
Then, the first php sniplet call the main php function (second php  
sniplet) you need to handle and have the return catched-back as  
your needed irev readable $_vars
At this point, and it's up to you..., you can have a thirst php  
sniplet called from the second one, etc..., as long as you need to  
bind more php libs functions to the php part of your process.

Feel free to adapt the reCAPTCHA process working example as a  
starter point :

the irev form :

As usual, the form method:POST tag comes after the body tag of  
the page :

link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=Blog/ 
stylesheet_1.css /


tdlabel for=nomNom */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=nom id=nom/td
tdlabel for=entrepriseEntreprise */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=entreprise  

tdlabel for=activiteActivité */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=activite  

tdlabel for=adresseAdresse/label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=adresse  

tdlabel for=villeVille/label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=ville id=ville/ 

tdlabel for=codepostalCode postal/label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=codepostal  

tdlabel for=emailEmail */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=email id=email/ 

tdlabel for=telephoneTéléphone */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=telephone  

tdlabel for=objetObjet */label/td
tdselect size=1 name=objet id=objet style=font-size:11px;  

option selectedChoisir dans la liste/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites de jeux en lignelots  
inédits pour sites de jeux en ligne/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites agrave; vocation  
commercialelots inédits pour sites à vocation commerciale/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites  d'informationlots inédits  
pour sites d'information/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites  d'information localelots  
inédits pour sites d'information locale/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites p#233;dagogiqueslots  
inédits pour sites pédagogiques/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse de jeuxlots inédits pour  
presse de jeux/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse gratuitelots inédits pour  
presse gratuite/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse de loisirslots inédits  
pour presse de loisirs/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse généralistelots inédits  
pour presse généraliste/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse localelots inédits pour  
presse locale/option

option value=autre demandeautre demande/option
tdlabel for=detailDétail/label/td
tdtextarea id=detail name=detail rows=3/textarea/td
trtd colspan=2 height=20/td/tr
trtd colspan=2 align=right
script type=text/javascriptinclude('./recaptchaloader.php')/ 

trtd colspan=2 height=12/td/tr
trtd colspan=2 align=right
input type=submit value=Envoyer name=contact_report  
class=bouton ## irev handled submit button



the /form tag comes, as usual before the /body tag

If you could'nt see them in my example, it's just because this one  
is only a component of the final page as you can see on the site

the first .php sniplet used to bind the php $_vars to the irev  
handled submit button :




the second .php sniplet :



// Get a key from
$publickey = your_revcaptcha_public_key_goes_there;
$privatekey = your_revcaptcha_private_key_goes_there;

# the response from reCAPTCHA
$resp = null;
# the error code from reCAPTCHA, if any
$error = null;

# was there a reCAPTCHA response?
if ($_POST[recaptcha_response_field]) {
  $resp = recaptcha_check_answer 

Re: a php relay to either rev cgi or onrev

2009-07-28 Thread Richard Gaskin

This discussion has taken some useful and enlightening turns, but has 
anyone yet pinned down the specific recipe for the root problem which 
started this, in which it seems that Rev seems unable to get POST data 
in non-English/non-ISO8959-1 languages?

Is there a but report filed against this?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Revolution training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: a php relay to either rev cgi or onrev

2009-07-28 Thread Pierre Sahores

Interesting. I did'nt know about this. Thanks for the input, Richard

Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

Le 28 juil. 09 à 15:02, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

This discussion has taken some useful and enlightening turns, but  
has anyone yet pinned down the specific recipe for the root problem  
which started this, in which it seems that Rev seems unable to get  
POST data in non-English/non-ISO8959-1 languages?

Is there a but report filed against this?

Richard Gaskin
Fourth World
Revolution training and consulting:
Webzine for Rev developers:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: a php relay to either rev cgi or onrev

2009-07-28 Thread Pierre Sahores

Perhaps usefull about the same subject :


Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

Le 28 juil. 09 à 09:41, Pierre Sahores a écrit :

Hi Friends,


You just need to insert a simple line of javascript in your irev  
script to call a php piece of code from it.

About a working example see : 
 where the reCAPTCHA part relies on 3 simple php sniplets and the  
rest of the page on irev.

In calling from a simple js snipplet directly inserted in your  
revTalk code the first php sniplet, you go outside of the rev loop  
of your process ;
Then, the first php sniplet call the main php function (second php  
sniplet) you need to handle and have the return catched-back as your  
needed irev readable $_vars
At this point, and it's up to you..., you can have a thirst php  
sniplet called from the second one, etc..., as long as you need to  
bind more php libs functions to the php part of your process.

Feel free to adapt the reCAPTCHA process working example as a  
starter point :

the irev form :

link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=Blog/stylesheet_1.css /


tdlabel for=nomNom */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=nom id=nom/td
tdlabel for=entrepriseEntreprise */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=entreprise  

tdlabel for=activiteActivité */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=activite  

tdlabel for=adresseAdresse/label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=adresse  

tdlabel for=villeVille/label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=ville id=ville/td
tdlabel for=codepostalCode postal/label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=codepostal  

tdlabel for=emailEmail */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=email id=email/td
tdlabel for=telephoneTéléphone */label/td
tdinput class=textInput type=text name=telephone  

tdlabel for=objetObjet */label/td
tdselect size=1 name=objet id=objet style=font-size:11px;  

option selectedChoisir dans la liste/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites de jeux en lignelots  
inédits pour sites de jeux en ligne/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites agrave; vocation  
commercialelots inédits pour sites à vocation commerciale/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites  d'informationlots inédits  
pour sites d'information/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites  d'information localelots  
inédits pour sites d'information locale/option
option value=in#233;dits pour sites p#233;dagogiqueslots  
inédits pour sites pédagogiques/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse de jeuxlots inédits pour  
presse de jeux/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse gratuitelots inédits pour  
presse gratuite/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse de loisirslots inédits  
pour presse de loisirs/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse généralistelots inédits  
pour presse généraliste/option
option value=in#233;dits pour presse localelots inédits pour  
presse locale/option

option value=autre demandeautre demande/option
tdlabel for=detailDétail/label/td
tdtextarea id=detail name=detail rows=3/textarea/td
trtd colspan=2 height=20/td/tr
trtd colspan=2 align=right
script type=text/javascriptinclude('./recaptchaloader.php')/ 

trtd colspan=2 height=12/td/tr
trtd colspan=2 align=right
input type=submit value=Envoyer name=contact_report  
class=bouton ## irev handled submit button



the first .php sniplet used to bind the php $_vars to the irev  
handled submit button :




the second .php sniplet :



// Get a key from
$publickey = your_revcaptcha_public_key_goes_there;
$privatekey = your_revcaptcha_private_key_goes_there;

# the response from reCAPTCHA
$resp = null;
# the error code from reCAPTCHA, if any
$error = null;

# was there a reCAPTCHA response?
if ($_POST[recaptcha_response_field]) {
   $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,




echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error);


witch call the 'recaptchalib.php' as the thirst one, etc...

the submit button irev function handler

function sc_contact_report
repeat for each key k in $_POST
		if lang_flag_mem is not in k and contact_report is not in k  
and \
			recaptcha_challenge_field is not in k and  
recaptcha_response_field is not in k

then put k  :  $_POST[k]  cr  cr after aaa
end repeat

Re: a php relay to either rev cgi or onrev

2009-07-27 Thread Jim Ault

On Jul 27, 2009, at 8:07 PM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

After much testing and frustation, I've discovered that the on-rev
server is unable to read the $_POST array when sent by WAP/WML-based
Japanese cellphones to an .irev script.

As a workaround, I've make a .php script that can read in $_POST. The
next step is using php to forward the $_POST data to an .irev or
rev-cgi script -- assuming of course that such a thing is possible.
But, I really want to avoid having to learn (any more!) php, so am
instead posting this somewhat off-topic request for help.

Has someone tried to use php to relay data to .irev/rev-cgi?

Use PHP to extract the parts of the array you need, and then do a  
$_POST or $_GET to the irev/cgi using the desired variable names, just  
like you would if you were going to use PHP to navigate to another web  
page and pass variables to that page.  You might have to encode the  
characters before sending them to irev/cgi to be successful.

For example:

Then setup the 'targetStack' to look for both the GET  POST using the  
one that is not empty.  Now it can handle both methods of data arriving.

In August I will start working with my On-Rev account.  I have not  
actually done this, so hopefully this will point you in a useful  

Jim Ault
Las Vegas
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: a php relay to either rev cgi or onrev

2009-07-27 Thread Bernard Devlin
Years ago Pierre Sahores built an application server based on Rev.  He
used Apache/PHP as the front end, then used socket connections between
PHP and Rev so that a long-running Rev process could interact with
databases, and return the results via PHP to Apache.

There is a lot to recommend in his design.  He has a tutorial (in
french and english) here:

I can imagine you may not need the whole infrastructure he had in
mind, but getting the Apache/PHP/Rev stuff to work sounds like it
might be what you want, and from what I remember when I followed his
tutorial a couple of years ago, it was all straightforward.


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 4:07 AM, Nicolas wrote:
 After much testing and frustation, I've discovered that the on-rev
 server is unable to read the $_POST array when sent by WAP/WML-based
 Japanese cellphones to an .irev script.

 As a workaround, I've make a .php script that can read in $_POST. The
 next step is using php to forward the $_POST data to an .irev or
 rev-cgi script -- assuming of course that such a thing is possible.
 But, I really want to avoid having to learn (any more!) php, so am
 instead posting this somewhat off-topic request for help.

 Has someone tried to use php to relay data to .irev/rev-cgi?


 Nicolas Cueto
 use-revolution mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 