Re-2: Umlaut - set the unicodetext of field 1 to numtochar(68) numtochar(1)

2007-03-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
to the multilingual crowd hoping for runrev becoming 100 % unicode compliant. 
Yesterday I downloaded the new java netbeans IDE of sun and enjoyed it to be 
100% unicode - the same VB.Net Express Edition I hope to enjoy this in 
runrev too in the near future.
We can not type the letter you wish directly in a runrev field, but we can use 
a wrapper (I hope this might help in the case you need it):
set the unicodetext of field 1 to numtochar(68)  numtochar(1)
This puts the unicode letter into the field.
use the following script to replace ´n to n with akut
put the unicodetext of field 1 into zeile
-- for getting the values:
--put chartonum(char 1 of the unicodetext of field 1) 
--put chartonum(char 1 of the unicodetext of field 1) 
-- these are the two byte of letter 1 of the field 1
replace (numtochar(180)  numtochar(0)  numtochar(110)  numtochar(0)) with 
numtochar(68)  numtochar(1) in zeile
set the unicodetext of field 1 to zeile
This puts n into field 1 (just tested)
1. runrev seems not to be able to display letters and unicode diacritics 
(=2byte letter and 2 byte combining diacritical letter) together but can handle 
combined letters (2bytes) in the unicode standard with unicode fonts. I opened 
charmap.exe on win, searched for n (U-0144: Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe N 
mit Akut) and copied it. Now it is important: If I copy this direct into runrev 
it fails. But if I copy it in notepad and from notepad into a field in runrev 
it is correct. I do not know why. The same is the case if I copy arabic, syriac 
etc. text from a webpage: After copiing it into notepad I can copy anything 
into a runrev field but not directly. Why?
2. You can create any letter in the unicode standard if you know the low byte 
and the high byte it exists of: 
n with akut for example is in the unicodestandard u-0144 hex
open your calc.exe in extended view, set to hex and put 44, change to decimal 
view and you will find 68, do the same with 01 which of course will be 01.
44 hex = 68 dezimal
01 hex = 01 dezimal
this means:
set the unicodetext of field 1 to numtochar(68)  numtochar(1)
creates this letter.
Hebrew Aleph is u-05d0
05 hex = 05 dec
c0 hex = 208 dec
set the unicodetext of field 1 to numtochar(208)  numtochar(5) numtochar(209) 
creates aleph and beth (but wrongly displays beth aleph according to the hebrew 
rtl direction).

Good luck

Regards, Franz Böhmisch

GF Animabit Multimedia Software GmbH
Am Sonnenhang 22
D-94136 Thyrnau
Tel +49 (0)8501-8538
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Re-2: Umlaut

2007-02-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Mark,

you are right - I am wrong. In a runrev textfield it is not possible to combine 
the characters you were talking about as you can in notepad on win too. I did 
it in notepad and pasted it (and even this did only work in half the cases).
Perhaps it would the best for runrev they would rework the textfield unicode 
functions and starting also removing the righttoleft bugs in the textfields for 
arabic,syriac and hebrew.

Copy the syriac phrase  in a runrev textfield = 
(if the syriac text is sent by the mailinglist ...)
Regards, Franz

Original Messageprocessed by David InfoCenter 
Subject: Re: Umlaut (28-Feb-2007 16:19)
From:Mark Schonewille [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Franz,

00f1 is a single character. We were trying to figure out whether 
Revolution is able to combine a character with the combining diaresis cc88. In 
other words, we want to display two different characters in 
one position, which e.g. Apple's TextEdit is able to do, but 
Revolution isn't.



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Re: Re-2: Umlaut

2007-02-28 Thread Richard Gaskin

runrev at wrote:
 Perhaps it would the best for runrev they would rework the
 textfield unicode functions and starting also removing the
 righttoleft bugs in the textfields for arabic,syriac and hebrew.

Ouch!  That survived v2.8?  Any word on when that'll be addressed?

Oh, I'm in for a tough conversation with some customers

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation

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Re: Re-2: Umlaut

2007-02-28 Thread Devin Asay

On Feb 28, 2007, at 10:58 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

runrev at wrote:
 Perhaps it would the best for runrev they would rework the
 textfield unicode functions and starting also removing the
 righttoleft bugs in the textfields for arabic,syriac and hebrew.

Ouch!  That survived v2.8?  Any word on when that'll be addressed?

Oh, I'm in for a tough conversation with some customers


I don't think the 2.8/2.9 fixes even addressed the unicode bugs,  
which are probably shortcomings in the engine that will need to be  
addressed as a whole. I would be surprised if that issue were even  
addressed before the next major Rev version.

But in the meantime, you can get right to left languages to mostly  
behave as long as you don't need to support extensive user input. If  
you only need to support *display* of right to left langs you can do  
it pretty reliably. In that case you're usually better off to create  
the text outside of Rev, save as unicode--utf-8 seems to be pretty  
reliable--and read it into a field.

I covered many of the basic unicode issues in my Revcon talk last  


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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