Re-2: write to and read from a hardware address directly, possible?

2007-01-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Stephen,

There are some hardware tasks (f.e. drivers for special PCI cards to manage 
relais or OPTOIN cards) which need to communicate through one byte in a 
hardware address. And the status has to be read fast ... As in Perl it should 
be possible, but not recommended ...
But it seems not to be possible, because nobody could tell me a solution in 


Original Messageprocessed by David InfoCenter 
Subject: Re: write to and read from a hardware address directly, possible? 
(19-Jan-2007 17:24)
From:Stephen Barncard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You are looking for a PEEK or POKE type command in Rev.

ummm... I don't think it's advisable to do that 
directly anymore, certainly on macs. Most 
resources on modern hardware are managed.


Is it possible to write to a hardware address directly from runrev?
Did not find any command for this task in the docu.

0xA000 FF

8 bit  to the address A000.

Can I set or get the value with native commands in runrev?

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Re-2: write to and read from a hardware address directly, possible?

2007-01-29 Thread Stephen Barncard


I didn't say it was impossible, but you'll have to write some XCMDs 
to access special hardware. This would be true in most other 3GLs as 

If you want to try to write an XCMD, check out  Mark Waddingham's 
most excellent article about writing one. 

Before going any further you will need:
*   Revolution 2.7.x (any edition should do)
*   Visual C++ 2005 - any edition including Express
(if you want to build 
externals on Windows)

*   XCode 2.4.x (if want to build externals on Mac OS X)
*   The Revolution externals build environment:
	*	A set of pre-constructed environments for each step 
in the tutorial article:
	*	A cup of coffee (not strictly required, but I find it 
helps when coding in lower-level languages...)

I sympathize, as this was my first complaint when I first touched a 
mac after coming from the super-open Apple II, where all the hardware 
addresses were IN THE BOOK. On the mac, until Hypercard arrived, 
there was no way to get to anything except by using Pascal.

I also understand about the speed issue. Most data acquisition I've 
seen is 8 or 16 bit, and not particularly fast (compared to audio 
DSP, say), so a quick PEEK or POKE command could be quickly created, 
and even with the overhead of going in and out of the API, it could 
be fast enough for most data acquisition.

if you're not up to writing an external, it might be cheaper or 
easier to find some alternative relay-OPTO cards that have drivers 
already made that will talk to your chosen OS. There are MANY out 
there now...

You also might consider controlling and acquiring through the serial 
port using a Keyspan USB adapter. Some systems can acquire on the 
hardware side while streaming to the computer at its convenience.

in 1989 I built a huge cassette controller system using the serial 
port, a hardware chip (cybernetics Cy-233), and hypercard. Chip tape 
copy room run with hypercard

this is a big industry. There are scores of companies that make 
acquisition equipment.


Hi Stephen,

There are some hardware tasks (f.e. drivers for special PCI cards to 
manage relais or OPTOIN cards) which need to communicate through one 
byte in a hardware address. And the status has to be read fast ... 
As in Perl it should be possible, but not recommended ...
But it seems not to be possible, because nobody could tell me a 
solution in runrev.



stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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Re-2: write to and read from a hardware address directly, possible?

2007-01-29 Thread Stephen Barncard
I might add that unless one is intimately knowledgeable about the 
hardware or it was self-made, that one should avoid touching anything 
in the memory map directly, 'behind the back' of your OS, so to 
speak., unless the makers of the I/O card have made a certain memory 
space available.

These addresses, still, are not 'fixed' but must be calculated 
carefully. Computers these days don't like us poking around without 
'management'. Major damage could result.

This is probably why there is no PEEK and especially POKE commands 
are available in REV! We'd all blow up our computers.

I'd add another plug for using serial based data acquisition:

expand ability
isolation from host
long wire lengths
use any software, even a dumb terminal, to test in early stages.

if one uses good wire, one can get pretty high speeds. There are even 
ways to send 'serial' data over a Ethernet network to a remote box 
which has several serial ports.

If I've underestimated your knowledge or your applications, I apologize.



stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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