Dan Shafer's Revolution book question

2005-03-22 Thread Tom Vawter
I am reading Dan's book and working through his creation of a To Do 
list.  The problem is I am unable to locate the calendar object,  Shao 
Sean's Calendar Object.  The URL given 
(www.runrev.com/Revolution1/developercentral/usercontributions.html) is 
no longer active.  I have looked through the User Spaces in RevOnline, 
but I am not finding anything like a calendar.  I would appreciate any 
help the good minds on this list could provide.

Tom Vawter
use-revolution mailing list

Dan Shafer's Revolution Book

2005-03-21 Thread Tom Vawter
I am reading Dan's book and working through his creation of a To Do 
list.  The problem is I am unable to locate the calendar object,  Shao 
Sean's Calendar Object.  The URL given 
(www.runrev.com/Revolution1/developercentral/usercontributions.html) is 
no longer active.  I have looked through the User Spaces in RevOnline, 
but I am not finding anything like a calendar.  I would appreciate any 
help the good minds on this list could provide.

Tom Vawter
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Dan Shafer's Revolution Book

2005-03-21 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Tom,
I am reading Dan's book and working through his creation of a To Do 
list.  The problem is I am unable to locate the calendar object,  Shao 
Sean's Calendar Object.  The URL given 
is no longer active.  I have looked through the User Spaces in 
RevOnline, but I am not finding anything like a calendar.  I would 
appreciate any help the good minds on this list could provide.
Get it here:
- Development
Tom Vawter
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

New pricing for Dan's Revolution book

2004-05-17 Thread Kevin Miller

Dan's excellent guide to working with Revolution, Software at the Speed of
Thought, is now available at a new reduced price.  The printed book is now
just $37, a $10 reduction.  To order, visit our online store:


Also, a quick update for the community:

As part of our drive to focus clearly on our core business - of building,
maintaining and publishing the best possible Revolution product, we've
suggested to Dan, and he has agreed, that it would be best to put the
production of Dan's next books on hold while we look for a mutually
agreeable publishing company to take those forward.

The only implication that you might want to be aware of is that we will be
slowing down the publication of the new e-book chapters somewhat while this
search is going on.  We'll probably release one every month or so for the
moment.  To make up for this slow down, we'll be making the new chapters
free to members of Dan's e-community, and making the printed books free to
those members when they come out too.  If you have any comments or questions
about this, please [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Dan directly.

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://www.runrev.com/
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools

use-revolution mailing list

Revolution Book

2003-05-30 Thread Alan Golub
Last fall I unleashed a few posts regarding plans for a Revolution Book. I
received several responses, suggestions, inquiries, etc., enough to make me
believe the project is worthwhile.

Unfortunately, things got put on hold due to personal and professional
issues that are only now beginning to settle down. In the coming months, I
plan to devote a substantial amount of my free time (which, after all, isn't
nearly enough time!) to re-launching the project.

Sort of.

What I mean is that I don't quite feel up to the task of writing a complete
book about Revolution, at least not one that would serve the community, or
be worth reading. This is especially true in light of the dramatic
changes/additions evident in version 2, which I have only just incorporated
into my daily work.

I do, however, feel well-equipped to cover what I'll refer to as basics
plus in a way that will be helpful to new programmers, and perhaps
experienced programmers looking at Revolution for the first time. To that
end, my plan is to launch a new web site along the lines of Marc Zeedar's
REALbasic Univeristy over at the Applelinks web site
(http://www.applelinks.com/rbu). If you haven't seen it yet, you should take
a look. Marc did a wonderful job developing a series of free tutorials to
introduce newbies to RB. That project, and the success of his shareware
application, Z-Write, made it possible for Marc to launch the very
successful REALbasic Developer Magazine (again, if you haven't seen it yet,
you should take a look -- it's great stuff: http://www.rbdeveloper.com).

I'd like to do for Revolution what Marc and others have done for RB. For
starters, I'm currently architecting/designing the site and planning the
content for the first 2-3 months of articles, with new content at least once
a week. Like RBU, I plan to include tutorials about using Rev, but I'd also
like to adopt a more flexible newsmagazine format, which would allow for
interviews with members of the community, a letters section,
profiles/reviews of apps built with Rev, and general commentary on software
development, marketing, and sales. I envision a full online newsmagazine
dedicated to Revolution, one that may well serve as the basis or inspiration
for a proper Revolution book down the road (whether written by me or by
someone else).

Right now I'm testing on a local server. I expect the site to be up and
running some time around July 4th.

In the meantime, I'd like to hear from anyone who cares to comment. What do
you think? What would you like to see? Are there any questions, success
stories, rants, jokes, ideas you'd like to offer for inclusion on the site?
Any volunteers for interviews/articles/profiles?

If you'd like to reach me about this project, please do so off-list. You can
reach me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unless Heather or the list members object, I
would, however, like to use the lists to update everyone on the status of
the project, especially as we get closer to launch.

Until then, I hope everyone enjoys their exploration of all the cool new
stuff in v. 2 (I mean, 2.0r2;)!

Alan S. Golub
StoryCard Software, LLC

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution Book

2003-05-30 Thread Mark Talluto
On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 01:37 PM, Alan Golub wrote:

If you'd like to reach me about this project, please do so off-list. 
You can
reach me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unless Heather or the list members object, 
would, however, like to use the lists to update everyone on the status 
the project, especially as we get closer to launch.

Until then, I hope everyone enjoys their exploration of all the cool 
stuff in v. 2 (I mean, 2.0r2;)!


I for one would like to be keep abreast of what you are working on via 
this list.  I find it very pertinent.  Please keep up the good work!

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list

Revolution Book Project

2002-10-07 Thread Alan Golub

Hi all--

I've posted a draft Introduction section for the Revolution book. Here's the


Hopefully, this draft will give readers the feel and flavor of the book.
Please check it out -- feedback is encouraged!

Since first announcing the project, I've received quite a few e-mails from
folks who have expressed interest and checked out the weblog. I'm happy to
note that everyone I've heard from is quite excited about the project, and
eager for details, i.e., publication date, publisher, etc. Suffice it to say
that no such details are yet worked out. From my prior experience in the
tech book market, it's best to have as much written as possible before
approaching publishers -- publishers demand such quick turn-around times
(based on the fact that software versions quickly and frequently change
between the signing of a book contract and actual publication) that it's
best to have a good head-start before you commit to real deadlines. My
preference, however, is to base the book on version 2 or later, with
publication sometime next early-Fall. A long way off, but necessary and
desirable to make it something to be proud of.

Anyway, I'll continue to work as fast and often as I can. Thanks for your

Alan S. Golub
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution book

2002-04-08 Thread Heather Williams

 I have been using RR daily now for months.  I continue to be happy with its
 capabilities. The only thing that remains an issue for me is the lack of
 printed documentation and / or third party books on the subject. It is clear
 that there are additional sources of information because many of the
 contributors to these lists seem to be extremely knowledgeable about
 transcript and RR in general.  Where did these folks get this information?
 Was it working w MetaCard? Is there some printed documentation available for
 Don't get me  wrong.  I'm not angry about this, just frustrated.  Does
 anybody know if there is there a book in the works. What we really need is a
 book similar to Danny Goodman's Complete HyperCard Handbook. That type of
 book could make learning the intricacies of Transcript and Run Rev a lot
 easier than randomly accessing the online help app or going to the lists.

A printed version of the existing documentation is in the works. I am
working on getting it available as fast as possible, however this could
still be several weeks. As soon as it is available I will announce it on
this list, as well as the website. We are well aware of the need for this
book, and apologise for the long delay in making it available. I would ask
for your patience for just a few weeks longer.


 Just my 2ยข.

Heather Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.runrev.com/
Runtime Revolution Ltd.
Tel: +44 (0) 131 7184333 Fax: +44 (0)1639 830707
Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor Teach your Fingers to Dance

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Revolution Book

2002-04-08 Thread Yates, Glen

 -Original Message-
 From: Ken Norris (dialup) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Anyway, FYI, I am still looking for parts, but I expect to 
 end up with a Mac
 IIci with: Accelerator card, high res video, 128mb memory, 
 9.1.gb drive (4
 2gb partitions, the rest for VRAM). I intend to use it as a dedicated
 reference machine.

Gee, seems like it would be easier and cheaper to just get a second monitor
for your main machine.

-Glen Yates
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution Book

2002-04-08 Thread Michael D Mays

J. Landman Gay of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 4/8/02
2:33 PM

 Unix community until
 a few years ago -- and you know how they don't do docs. :)

No problemo. Just type man


use-revolution mailing list