Having at last got my act together running Windows Vista

[Installed Vista Home Premium (unregistered) on a Pentium 4,
  1.7 GHz, 512 MB RAM; running Windows standalone smoothly;
will delete tomorrow]

I have the unfortunate information that previous
feedback about the behaviour of Unicode fonts in RunRev standalones
running on Windows Vista is distinctly wonky; as per my previous




I previously wrote:

Recently I had a slightly worrying post from a chap
attempting to use my Devawriter on a computer
running Windows Vista.

The problem is that when Devawriter calls a Unicode
character that is not meant to move the cursor/insert place
forward, merely print something either above or beneath
the preceding character it does not; while printing the
character it also moves the insert forward so that
everything comes out incorrectly.

Installed RunRev Studio 4.0 on Vista (all remarkably smooth
and unproblematic); runs the original stack a wee but slower
than the standalone (no surprises there):

Exactly the same problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tinkering around with the RunRev code will not affect this problem at
all; therefore there is something going on with the way Vista handles
Unicode fonts that "upsets" RunRev, or the other way round.

This is hugely problematic . . .  :(


Mind you; having had exactly half an hour of the "Vista experience"
I am extremely glad I will (probably, hopefully) have to have very
little to do with it again.

By contrast XP looks really rather positive to the Windows-hater in
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