Re: font engines

2005-01-21 Thread Meitnik

In a message dated 1/21/05 11:16:13 AM, 

> FreeType 2 is a GLP software font engine
> small, efficient, highly customizable and portable.
> -- I would love RR to support Freetype! Yes, a proper font engine is the tool 
to fix several font problems in RR. 


use-revolution mailing list

Font engines and antialiased vector graphics

2005-01-21 Thread Alejandro Tejada
Hi Developers,

Probably this message belongs to the
improve-list, but anyway...

As many of you have already noticed,
one of the areas of interest for me
in computer programming are vector graphics.

If my memory serves well, RunRev is planning
for a future version of the engine include
antialiased vector graphics and i hope
that they include a font engine rendering 
(to have kerning pairs and justified
text as well).

Could the inclusion of both technologies
(antialiased vectors and rendering font engine)
in the engine, bring the total size of
the single executable engine to more than
2 megabytes???

I'm asking this because just today, i had become 
aware of the four times size increase of the 
Macromedia Flash plug-in for web browser:

>From 103k to 588k... and i'm almost sure that
much of these 483k increase come from the
addition of Scripting to the swf format.

But they have nice antialiased vector and
font rendering since the beginning at only

Could this means that in 200k or less, RunRev
could add this capability to the engine

Looking in the web, i found these websites
about font rendering engines and antialiased

"The source for the best font engine and font
rasterizer technology!"
Founded in 1989 by Sampo Kaasila, lead engineer 
behind the TrueType technology while at Apple 
Computer, Inc.
This is wholly-owned subsidiary of Bitstream Inc.

FreeType 2 is a GLP software font engine 
small, efficient, highly customizable and portable.

Portable, high-performance and high-quality 
scalable font engine for smooth (anti-aliased) text 

If had to choose between antialised graphics
and a font rendering engine, my choice is obvious:

the font rendering engine... ;-)


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