Re: slow revVideoFrameImage

2004-02-04 Thread Doug Lerner
But then wouldn't there be the same pause while the frame grabbed data is
retrieved and brought into the main app? Anyway, it does have to be one
integrated app for what I am doing...


On 2/4/04 7:38 PM, "Frank Leahy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does the frame grabbing code have to be in the same app?  What about
> building a second app that does just frame grabbing -- that way the
> user could put it in the background and keep working in their
> foreground app.
> -- Frank
>> In this app, at the same time people are doing other things, like text
>> input, etc. But during revVideoFrameImage everything else stops.
>> Is there a way of not having revVideoFrameImage itself hog the whole
>> cpu
>> when it does its frame grab?
>> Thanks,
>> doug
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: slow revVideoFrameImage

2004-02-04 Thread Frank Leahy
Does the frame grabbing code have to be in the same app?  What about 
building a second app that does just frame grabbing -- that way the 
user could put it in the background and keep working in their 
foreground app.

-- Frank

In this app, at the same time people are doing other things, like text
input, etc. But during revVideoFrameImage everything else stops.
Is there a way of not having revVideoFrameImage itself hog the whole 
when it does its frame grab?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: slow revVideoFrameImage

2004-02-03 Thread Doug Lerner
On 2/4/04 1:47 PM, "J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2/3/04 9:51 PM, Doug Lerner wrote:
>> So it seems the revVideoFrameImage command itself is causing the app to
>> pause while it finishes the video grab.
> If I remember right, all externals act like that. When an external is
> called, MetaCard passes control to the external and pauses until it returns.

What is MetaCard? A former name of Revolution?

So, there is no way around this problem?

Is there any way of capturing a video movie into a variable instead of a
file? Maybe I could then chop out a frame and reset the variable instead...?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: slow revVideoFrameImage

2004-02-03 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 2/3/04 9:51 PM, Doug Lerner wrote:

So it seems the revVideoFrameImage command itself is causing the app to
pause while it finishes the video grab.
If I remember right, all externals act like that. When an external is 
called, MetaCard passes control to the external and pauses until it returns.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: slow revVideoFrameImage

2004-02-03 Thread Doug Lerner
On 2/4/04 12:47 PM, "Thomas McGrath III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are you sure it is the reVideoFrameImage that is the hog?


> Because if it is the send then you might need a "with messages"
> or if it is a socket issue then you might need a "with messages"

I am already doing the socket stuff with "with messages" and can send and
receive a 1MB file with no slowdown in the app at all, even if I display an
updating progress bar. The "with messages" thing is great.

So it seems the revVideoFrameImage command itself is causing the app to
pause while it finishes the video grab.


> I actually can't remember which needs it.
> Tom
> On Feb 3, 2004, at 10:18 PM, Doug Lerner wrote:
>> I am calling revVideoFrameImage periodically and sending the grabbed
>> frame
>> over a socket. The problem is that the revVideoFrameImage command
>> itself
>> takes a noticeable amount of time: 1/4 - 1/2 second on my machine, 1
>> second
>> or more on slower machines.
>> In this app, at the same time people are doing other things, like text
>> input, etc. But during revVideoFrameImage everything else stops.
>> Is there a way of not having revVideoFrameImage itself hog the whole
>> cpu
>> when it does its frame grab?
>> Thanks,
>> doug
>> ___
>> use-revolution mailing list
> Thomas J. McGrath III
> 1000 Killarney Dr.
> Pittsburgh, PA 15234
> 412-885-8541
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: slow revVideoFrameImage

2004-02-03 Thread Thomas McGrath III
Are you sure it is the reVideoFrameImage that is the hog?
Because if it is the send then you might need a "with messages"
or if it is a socket issue then you might need a "with messages"
I actually can't remember which needs it.



On Feb 3, 2004, at 10:18 PM, Doug Lerner wrote:

I am calling revVideoFrameImage periodically and sending the grabbed 
over a socket. The problem is that the revVideoFrameImage command 
takes a noticeable amount of time: 1/4 - 1/2 second on my machine, 1 
or more on slower machines.

In this app, at the same time people are doing other things, like text
input, etc. But during revVideoFrameImage everything else stops.
Is there a way of not having revVideoFrameImage itself hog the whole 
when it does its frame grab?



use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

slow revVideoFrameImage

2004-02-03 Thread Doug Lerner
I am calling revVideoFrameImage periodically and sending the grabbed frame
over a socket. The problem is that the revVideoFrameImage command itself
takes a noticeable amount of time: 1/4 - 1/2 second on my machine, 1 second
or more on slower machines.

In this app, at the same time people are doing other things, like text
input, etc. But during revVideoFrameImage everything else stops.

Is there a way of not having revVideoFrameImage itself hog the whole cpu
when it does its frame grab?



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