Re: repeating keyDown ?

2004-11-18 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Marty Billingsley wrote:

> Some of my students are programming games in which the user makes a figure
> move using the keyboard, via the keyDown message.  For example, pressing
> the "k" key makes the figure move 10 pixels to the right. The problem is
> that the user has to release and press the key again to make the figure
> move another 10 pixels -- he can't just hold down the key and have it
> repeat the way a lot of games allow you to.
> Any ideas (a) why Rev isn't recognizing repeating keys, or (b) an easy way
> to implement this?  I don't see a keyStillDown message the way there's a
> mouseStillDown message.
> Thanks for any hints you can give me.

You can use the keysDown function in a repeating/send-in loop to test the
keys that are currently pressed on the keyboard.  This must run
independently of other scripts as a loop since it is a function that must be
called by script.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Irregular shaped buttons redux

2004-11-19 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Judy Perry wrote:

> Sorry to be so dense here, but I'm not seeing how to use the within()
> function.
> I suppose I could set *either* image as the object, but the loc of both
> are constantly changing, and how do I check for within() four sets of
> points?

Without knowing what you're doing, this might work:

 function collisionCheck obj1,obj2
set itemDel to "|"
put "0|0|0|0" into tPointSet
put the topLeft of img obj1 into item 1 of tPointSet
put the topRight of img obj1 into item 2 of tPointSet
put the bottomLeft of img obj1 into item 3 of tPointSet
put the bottomRight of img obj1 into item 4 of tPointSet
repeat with N = 1 to 4
if within(img obj2,item N of tSet) then return true
end repeat
    return false
 end collisionCheck


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Newbie question about image/button relationships

2004-11-22 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Judy Perry  wrote:

> In perhaps a more 'brain-friendly' fashion, simply create a number of
> buttons whose type is "transparent" -- these will respond just fine to
> mouse events.

Also remember it is not necessary to use buttons at all.  You can import
images separately and script each image object as needed.  One benefit with
this method (depending on the application) is that transparent regions in
the images will not respond to mouse events.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Newbie question about image/button relationships

2004-11-22 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Judy Perry  wrote:

>>> In perhaps a more 'brain-friendly' fashion, simply create a number of
>>> buttons whose type is "transparent" -- these will respond just fine to
>>> mouse events.

>> Also remember it is not necessary to use buttons at all.  You can import
>> images separately and script each image object as needed.  One benefit with
>> this method (depending on the application) is that transparent regions in
>> the images will not respond to mouse events.

> I understand that, but if the person's not a programmer, there's little
> harm to using transparent buttons (especially if we're talking about 0-9
> plus a couple of phone feature buttons).

Judy, nowhere did I imply there was any "harm" in using one method over
another.  Apologies if you felt I was belittling your solution -- my
intention was to simply to provide an alternate method.

> This individual is perhaps familiar with such things, but I guarantee you
> that if you take somebody who just wants to pull together some quickie
> simulation or app and who doesn't want to sit down and learn about setting
> 'ink = noop' and figuring out coords, buttons are probably the easiest
> conceptually to use (especially inasmuch as in this case they are mimicing
> actual buttons).

The great thing about Rev is that, in many cases, there are multiple ways to
solve a problem.  I, for one, am always eager to hear about the various
techniques folks use to tackle their projects.  Even after years of use, I
am still learning different programming techniques.  I believe there is
value in sharing these varied strategies, and would venture that offering
several options to solve a problem is just as valid as trying to determine
what is best for new users' situations.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: What are the default values for the templateGraphic

2004-11-26 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Jim Hurley wrote:

> I've discovered I don't understand the templateGraphic. In the docs it says:
> Use the templateGraphic keyword to set up default properties to be
> used for any new graphics you create.The properties of the
> templateGraphic are reset to their defaults when all running handlers
> finish executing.
> However the following handler give me a circle whose foregroundcolor is white.
> local x0,y0
> on circle radius
>  reset templateGraphic
>  if there is no graphic "myCircle" then create graphic "myCircle"
>  set the style of graphic  "myCircle" to  oval
>  set the  rect of graphic "myCircle" to
> x0-radius,y0-radius,x0+radius,y0+radius
> end circle
> This implies that the default value of the foregroundcolor of the
> templateGraphic is white. At least for this particular stack. I can,
> of course, set the foregroundcolor to black--but only after the
> "reset templategraphic." (I did have an earlier problem with this
> stack--it did appeared that all the foregroundcolors were set to
> white throughout the stack. Maybe the stack is corrupted.)
> If I create a new stack, the same handler gives me a black
> foregroundcolor for the circle.
> Are there default values for the templateGraphic that apply to the
> *stack*? How would one get the default values of the templateGraphic?

The templateGraphic is used to set properties of any graphic you create
*before* you create it.  In the above example, you should be able to set
your properties before calling "create graphic".  "resetGraphic" is usually
called after changing the template to restore the template object to

Try this:

 on circle radius
  if not there is a graphic "myCircle" then
set the style of the templateGraphic to oval
set the  rect of the templateGraphic to \
set the name of the templateGraphic to "myCircle"
create graphic
reset the templateGraphic
  end if
 end circle


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: audio input level

2004-11-26 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Ken Ray  wrote:

>> Strange, it worked perfectly for me.
>> I just typed that line into the message box in Rev and it worked fine.
>> Did you copy it exactly (the entire line, starting with "do" and
>> ending with "AppleScript" -- that is apparently how you convince Rev to
>> execute something as an AppleScript command...)?
>> For the Script Editor, you would only take the part in quotes, then;
>> just "set volume input volume 100" w/o the quotes.
>> It worked both ways for me.  Any takers on this one?
> I tried it too in both places and got errors (from Script Editor: "An
> identifier can't go after this identifier" with "input volume" selected; in
> Rev: "compiler error"). For Script Editor, do you need to "tell" some
> application? Or does there need to be some particular hardware or OSAX
> present? I'm running on OS X 10.3.4...

I tried this as well.  The first time I tried it I swear I got an error.  I
tried again this morning at it seemed to work fine -- no error at all.

>From the msg box I tried:

  do "set volume input volume 50" as applescript

I do recall reading somewhere that for some AppleScripts to work, something
under another control panel needs to be enabled, along the lines of "Enable
access for assistive devices" in the Universal Access panel.  But here, this
checkbox is disabled and the script still works fine.  Hmmm...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Most Efficient Timer?

2004-11-29 Thread Scott Rossi
I've been thinking about timers recently and thought I run this by the list
to see what other Rev experts thought.  I guess the way to set this is up
is: "Can you script a more efficient timer?"


The way I usually build asynchronous timers uses a "send in" structure like
the following: (simplified for example)

local tCurrTime
on runTimer
  if not the uAllowTimer of me then exit runTimer
  if (the millisecs > tCurrTime + 1000) then
put the millisecs into tCurrTime
put the long time into fld 1
  end if
  send "runTimer" to me in 100 millisecs
end runTimer

The above example checks the value of the milliseconds 10 times a second and
puts the result into a locked field after one second has elapsed.  But it
also generates 10 messages a second, and it occurred to me that another way
to do this is to use the "wait x with messages" construct which I'm guessing
evaluates time many more times a second, but at a lower level than "send

local tCurrTime
on runTimer
  repeat forever
if not the uAllowTimer of me then exit runTimer
wait until (the millisecs > tCurrTime + 1000) or \
(not the uAllowTimer of me) with messages
put the millisecs into tCurrTime
put the long time into fld 1
  end repeat
end runTimer

Both of the above routines provide the same output.  However, when viewing
the %CPU use on a Mac OSX system with the Activity Monitor, CPU usage is
clearly dependent on the frequency of the "send in" message: with 100
milliseconds frequency, the first handler runs at about 15% usage, and with
50 milliseconds frequency runs at about 30% usage (makes sense).

Amazingly, the "wait x with messages" handler runs at less than 1% usage.
And because "with messages" does not block other messages from being sent,
this seems a very efficient way to run a timer.

Obviously the above is useful only in situations requiring accuracy of 1
second or less, but at first glance I can't see any drawback to using this
method.  Can you?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Most Efficient Timer?

2004-11-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

>> I guess Scott was concerned about the smoothness of the time display
>> ticking over. If you send every 1 second, and there is something holding
>> up message processing, the timer may be late to update. Increasing the
>> frequency increases the chance of getting it right (but doesn't
>> guarantee it).
> Wouldn't any issues that would delay the firing of a one-second timer
> also delay a 1/10th second timer as well?

It could, but if one is after one second accuracy, for example, the
one-second timer will be thrown off, whereas the 1/10-second timer has the
opportunity to correct itself (assuming whatever issues delay the timer
don't take 3 seconds to execute).


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Most Efficient Timer?

2004-11-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

>>>> I guess Scott was concerned about the smoothness of the time display
>>>> ticking over. If you send every 1 second, and there is something holding
>>>> up message processing, the timer may be late to update. Increasing the
>>>> frequency increases the chance of getting it right (but doesn't
>>>> guarantee it).
>>> Wouldn't any issues that would delay the firing of a one-second timer
>>> also delay a 1/10th second timer as well?
>> It could, but if one is after one second accuracy, for example, the
>> one-second timer will be thrown off, whereas the 1/10-second timer has the
>> opportunity to correct itself (assuming whatever issues delay the timer
>> don't take 3 seconds to execute).
> If a message were completely removed from the queue that would be an
> issue.  But if the message is merely delayed until the next idle,
> wouldn't all messages that are due for firing get fired in their firing
> order, regardless of the wait period specified when they were queued?

I don't quite follow what you're asking here (like Dave, my brain is
starting to ache), but it prompted me to try something else:

on runTimer
  if not the uAllowTimer of me then exit runTimer
  send "runTimer" to me in 100 millisecs
  put the long time into fld 1
end runTimer

This handler immediately triggers itself again before doing anything, so in
theory, it should remain relatively consistent while being called only once
per second.  However, taking a look at the CPU usage shows this simple
routine runs around 14% to 15% or so processor usage.  The "wait x with
messages" apparently uses next to nothing.  So while efficient script-wise,
"send in" appears to require significant more engine power to run.  That's
my take on this anyway without knowing the details about Rev's inner

You may say "what's the big deal about 15% CPU usage?"  It may not be an
issue for many folks.  In my case, it is a big deal: moving images around a
card, swapping the icons of buttons, scrolling text in fields, all this
stuff adds up and places higher demands on the engine.  Anything I can do to
reduce these demands enhances the ability of my apps to play nice with

FWIW, I've come across other things that contribute to CPU use.  From the
above, running a timer and updating the time in an unlocked field requires
about 4 to 5 times as much usage as when placing text in a locked field.
Locking the screen before updating a number on on-screen items can place
very high demands on CPU usage if done frequently.  You may recall the
jukebox project I posted some time ago -- I consistently ran into memory
problems when trying to move all those bubbles around the screen.  I tried
everything I could of the get the processor use down and on a whim tried
removing the "lock screen" instructions from my scripts.  Not only did
processor use become manageable but Rev was fast enough to update the 25 or
so images without major delay.  This may not work for all situations but
it's a good trick to keep in mind.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Most Efficient Timer?

2004-11-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Dar Scott wrote:

>> "Can you script a more efficient timer?"
> Here are some overhead times on my system:
> Time to "send in time": 10 ns
> Time to use an empty custom command:34 ns
> Time to process an _additional_ empty pending message:  21 ns
> The last time applies if more than one message is ready.  I'm not sure
> about this one.  It seems to be nonlinear; adding a pending message
> might increase the time 0 ns or 100 ns.
> It looks to me that using "send in time" is efficient.

Actually, I was referring to "efficiency" in terms of placing demands on the
system, not in the amount of time to process within Rev.  I agree that "send
is" is an efficient way to process stuff within Rev, but the surprise (for
me anyway) was that apparently using "wait x with messages" taxes the system
less than "send in".  Or does it?  Anybody at RunRev want to chime in?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Most Efficient Timer?

2004-11-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Scott Rossi wrote:

> I don't quite follow what you're asking here (like Dave, my brain is
> starting to ache), but it prompted me to try something else:
> on runTimer
> if not the uAllowTimer of me then exit runTimer
> send "runTimer" to me in 100 millisecs
> put the long time into fld 1
> end runTimer

Sorry my mistake.  This should have been:

on runTimer
 if not the uAllowTimer of me then exit runTimer
 send "runTimer" to me in 1000 millisecs # <--- 1 second
 put the long time into fld 1
end runTimer

...which runs lower in terms of processor use.  This is definitely a lot
less than sending 10 times a second, but the for me, the question remains:
is "send in" better to use than "wait x with messages"?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: QT->MP3?

2004-11-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin  wrote:

> Anyone have an external to convert QT audio files to MP3?

Do you have to do this within Rev or are you looking to simply convert files
(thus something like iTunes)?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: AirTunes and REV

2004-11-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

> Has anyone figured out how to send to an Airport Express with AirTunes?
> I know that the music is wrapped in Apples new compression scheme and
> then decoded. Also, Dolby files are wrapped and then unwrapped and then
> decoded at the stereo.
> SOOOo if REV could pass to the airport express and do the wrapping then
> this would be easy.
> Anyone else looking at this?

Send me an Airport Express and I'll be happy to try it out. :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: QT->MP3?

2004-11-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

>>> Anyone have an external to convert QT audio files to MP3?
>> Do you have to do this within Rev or are you looking to simply convert files
>> (thus something like iTunes)?
> Gotta be Rev.  It's for a client.

Might be possible to do on OSX using AppleScript + iTunes + Rev.  Not sure
if this is acceptable to your client.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: arrowkey bug?

2004-12-03 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Klaus Major wrote:

> i had a script for arrowkeys like (a little abbreviated, the syntax
> is correct in my script, of course!):
> on arrowkey what
>  switch what
>   case "up"
> do1
>   break
>  do2
>   do3
>   do4
>  end...
> end ...
> There were NO other scripts that could interfere!

Achtbar Klaus:

Did you verify that this behavior occurs in a new, empty stack with no front
scripts running?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: devolution available

2004-12-03 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Anyone else interested in working on a script editor if it were open source?

I might go for that.  Regardless, breaking it out into a separate stack
would make it much easier to deal with.

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Opacity Percentage?

2004-12-04 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Rick Harrison wrote:

> I wanted to create a bunch of different color filters
> and to be able to change the opacity by percentages.
> I thought I'd use a basic rectangle and see if I could
> change the opacity so that the object beneath it
> shows through.

Create an image object, fill it with a color, and set its blendLevel to a
value from 0 to 100.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: testing on case

2004-12-09 Thread Scott Rossi
>> Are you trying to test the first letter only, or the entire string?
>> The proposals so far only test the first character of the string.  If
>> you need the whole thing to be uppercase:

Not sure if someone already tossed this solution out:

 function caseTest tString
   set the caseSensitive to true
   if tString = toUpper(tString) then
return true
   else return false
 end caseTest


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: hard crashes with data from Internet

2004-12-18 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> I have an app that makes a series of HTTP calls to a server to obtain a
> list of directory contents in nested directories.  I find when I make
> single calls with some time between them the results are almost 100%
> reliable, but when I make these calls in rapid succession sometimes I
> see garbage in the returned result, where the data from the server
> should be.
> The nature of the garbage suggests it may be the result of an errant
> pointer, and this issue is being tracked in Bugzilla:
> <>
> But my question for the moment is:  Anyone seen this before and have a
> workaround in place for preventing this errant-pointer garbage?
> To be more specific, the engine doesn't crash until I try to set the
> htmlText of a field to it -- can you think of a way to determine if the
> data is valid HTML?
> I thought about checking the data for the presence of something like
> "", but I can imagine circumstances where the garbage might also
> contain some of the returned data (though I haven't logged enough yet to
> really know how frequently, if ever, that's really the case).
> That may be sufficient in most cases, but I'd sure like to find a 100%
> method if possible.  I don't mind script errors, but things that cause
> hard crashes make my work look really sloppy to the user. :)

I didn't look up the bug you make reference to but I'm assuming it's the one
where trying to grab content from the Web results in partial stack/control
script being returned in the result.  If this is the case, the method I have
been planning to use is checking for the end of the content file, such as
 or whatever is appropriate for the content.  Even better might be to
check for both the beginning and the end if that's possible.  Otherwise,
since every stack is different, I don't know of a reliable check
(unfortunately, the bug is not reliable either).


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Bundle/Package Question

2004-12-18 Thread Scott Rossi
Anyone know if it's possible to enable an OSX Rev standalone app to accept a
dropped file and automatically place it somewhere within its package

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bundle/Package Question

2004-12-19 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Rob Cozens wrote:

>> Anyone know if it's possible to enable an OSX Rev standalone app to accept a
>> dropped file and automatically place it somewhere within its package
>> contents?
> Here's what I use for d&d compression/decompression of files/folders on MacOS:
> on appleEvent aeClass,aeId,aeSender -- 3 Dec 04:RCC
>  if aeId is not "odoc" then pass appleEvent
>  request appleEvent data
>  catchTheObject it
> end appleEvent
> on catchTheObject droppedObject -- 3 Dec 04:RCC
>  switch (char -4 to -1 of droppedObject)
>  case ".sgz"
>sdbExpandFile droppedObject
>  case ".sga"
>go to stack droppedObject
>  default
>if there is a file droppedObject then
>  sdbCompressFile droppedObject
>  quit
>else sdbCompressFolder droppedObject
>  end switch
> end catchTheObject

Thanks Rob:

Thanks, this is useful for me, but I should have described the situation
better.  I'm wondering if it's possible for the OSX package itself that's
sitting on the desktop to accept a drop (on the icon) and know to place a
file within its contents.  I don't need to filter any of the dropped files,
but simply place any file that is dropped on the app icon into a designated

Maybe this is too much voodoo to pull off...

Thanks & Regards.

P.S. I almost missed your message -- it came in from the year 1969... :-)

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bundle/Package Question

2004-12-19 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Dar Scott wrote:

>>> Anyone know if it's possible to enable an OSX Rev standalone app to
>>> accept a
>>> dropped file and automatically place it somewhere within its package
>>> contents?
>> Here's what I use for d&d compression/decompression of files/folders
>> on MacOS:
> Are you wanting the app to wake up and work in a special mode?

No, I'm simply trying to avoid forcing a use to go through the whole "show
package contents - navigate nested subfolders - find specified folder - copy
files to folder" routine.  Ideally I'd like a user to be able to drop their
files on the icon and the files get placed in a designated folder.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: positioning the cursor

2004-12-21 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Hershel Fisch wrote:

> I need to tell the cursor ( or the I pointer) where to be. ( meaning
> should always be after a certain or last char)  how would I do that ?
> on keyUp
>  put  the cursor after fld "abc"
> end keyUp
> what happens is the on every time the keyUp is triggered then the char
> that is typed into the fld a number "8" follows.
> what is that , and how do eliminate it?


  select after fld "abc"


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Parent-child relationship in Revolution

2004-12-26 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Can I establish a
> "parent-child" relationship within Revolution in the following 2 situations:
> a.   Can I arrange it so that while the program is running, the user can move
> a graphic and have another graphic follow along?

Enter the following in your message box:

  go url "";

Click the "Demo Stacks" link at the top and scroll down to Lemmings.  The
math in the demo stack is wrong but it illustrates the concept you're
looking for.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Passing Click from Image to Field?

2004-12-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Looking for some new thinking on a problem:

I have a translucent image which overlays a scrolling list field.  I need to
have the list field accept mouse clicks but because the overlaying image is
only semi-transparent (not 100%) it prevents mouse clicks from reaching the
list field.

The only way I've been able to get around this is a kludge of locking the
screen on mouseDown, hiding the image, using the click command to click at
the mouse location, and then showing the image and unlocking the screen.  It
works, but it's a little slow, and I'm wondering if there might be a more
efficient/programmatic solution.

BTW, the image needs to appear above the list field because it semi-obscures
the text at the edges of the field.  Placing the image behind the field and
making the field transparent isn't going to work in this case.

Any other ideas?...

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Setting Pixels

2004-12-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Gordon Webster wrote:

> Here is my question - Dan's book describes the use of
> the 'mouseColor' handler to get the color value of the
> pixel that is below the mouse - is there any way in
> rev, to set the value of an individual pixel?

See Ken Ray's useful explanation here:

This explains how imageData, alphaData and maskData work.  It may be a bit
overwhelming at first, but there's some sample code included to get you

(I just used this last night -- thank Ken!)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Passing Click from Image to Field?

2004-12-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, J. Landman Gay wrote:

>> I have a translucent image which overlays a scrolling list field.  I need to
>> have the list field accept mouse clicks but because the overlaying image is
>> only semi-transparent (not 100%) it prevents mouse clicks from reaching the
>> list field.

> It depends on what you need to do, but you might be able to calculate
> the line number from the clickV, then artificially set the hilitedlines
> of the field to that line number, then send either a "mouseup" or a
> "selectionChanged" message directly to the field (or some other custom
> handler.) The field would need a mouseUp or selectionChanged handler
> that examines its hilitedlines and takes action.
> This will calculate a line number based on the click location:
> function clickToLine tFldNum
>  put item 2 of the rect of fld tFldNum into tTop
>  put the effective textheight of fld tFldNum into tHt
>  return (the clickV - tTop) div tHt + 1
> end clickToLine

Thanks to you and Jonathan Lynch for this idea.  I need to account for the
scroll of the field as well since it's a scrolling list.  I guess I have to
add the scroll of the field multiplied by the textHeight of the field to
figure out the equivalent clicked line.  Hmmm...

This is getting complicated but I guess it's my lot in life to develop
overly complex solutions. :-)

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Passing Click from Image to Field?

2004-12-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> This will calculate a line number based on the click location

Dude, you rule.  Your function with bit of modification works:

on mouseUp
  put clickToLine(tFldNum)
end mouseUp

function clickToLine tFldNum
  put item 2 of the rect of fld tFldNum into T
  put the effective textHeight of fld tFldNum into H
  put (the scroll of fld tFldNum) div \
  (the effective textHeight of fld tFldNum) into S
  return (the clickV - T) div H + 1 + S
end clickToLine

Now to see if this can work in the real stack.  :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Passing Click from Image to Field?

2004-12-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Trevor DeVore wrote:

> I sent an example that does this but it hasn't gone through yet
> apparently.  Anyhow, this one is a little prettier then the first one I
> sent:
> on mouseMove pX, pY
> subtract top of fld "MyField" + borderWidth of fld "MyField" from pY
> put max(0, \
> min(number of lines of text of fld "MyField", \
> trunc((pY + vScroll of fld "MyField") / effective textHeight of fld
> "MyField") + 1) \
> ) into tLine
> put "Line:" && tLine
> end mouseMove

Thanks for this.  A little messing around with Jacque's function produced
similar results, although yours works on mouseMove.

Thanks for all the suggestions.  More may be needed soon... :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: resize a card to full screen size

2004-12-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Paul Salyers wrote:

> How do you make a program open up in full screen size whether your using
> 640X480, 800X600, 1600X1200, or what ever size your using.

If you're building a dynamic interface, see the screenRect property to
calculate the dimensions of the screen.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Data-Only Bundle?

2004-12-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Is there such a thing as a data-only bundle on OSX?

I'm asking because I want to deliver "single file" modules (text and image
files) for my app that can be selected from the answer file dialog.
Currently I've taken a folder of files, added a ".bundle" suffix to it, and
can load it as expected from the answer file dialog, apparently without
trouble.  Is there any drawback to doing this?

The one issue I've noticed is that when double clicking on the bundle, a
dialog is displayed stating there is no specified application to open the
document.  This is not a big deal but it leads me to believe that by
creating some kind of artificial plist within the bundle, I might be able to
get it to launch my app?

Thanks for any clarification here.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Passing Click from Image to Field?

2005-01-03 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

> Rather late getting into this thread, but would it be possible to make
> the field transparent and put the image underneath it? That way the
> clicks would go to the field first.

Sorry Sarah -- see below:

>> the image needs to appear above the list field because it
>> semi-obscures
>> the text at the edges of the field.  Placing the image behind the
>> field and
>> making the field transparent isn't going to work in this case.

Several solutions were posted on the list -- many thanks to Jacque, Trevor
DeVore, Jonathan Lynch and Jose Rodriguez.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: clicktext and decimal numbers

2005-01-06 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Klaus Major wrote:

> Short question:
> When clicking on decimal numbers like 12.34, "the clicktext"*** returns
> "12", "." or "34", which is not very helpful if you need the complete
> number...
> *** "clickcharchunk" and "clickchunk" etc... are working the same way
> :-(
> Now i worked around this by setting the "textstyle" of those numbers to
> "link" and
> set the underlinelinks to false
> set the linkcolor to 0,0,0
> set the linkvisitedcolor to 0,0,0
> set the linkhilitecolor to 0,0,0
> to make the numbers look like any other text.
> Now "the clicktext" returns "12.34", which is what i want.
> But this way other links do not look like links anymore, since these
> properties are
> valid either globally or for a specific stack...
> Does anybody have another solution for this phenomenon?
> SHORT scripts preferred ;-)

Maybe this could work:

function getTheText tField
  put fld tField into F
  put the clickChunk into T
  put value(T) into N
  if N is a number or N = "." then
put (word 4 of T) + 1 into C
repeat while (char C of F is a number or char C of F = ".")
  put char C of F after N
  add 1 to C
end repeat
put (word 2 of T) - 1 into C
    repeat while (char C of F is a number or char C of F = ".")
  put char C of F before N
  add -1 to C
end repeat
return N
  else return the clickText
end getTheText


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: 3D Object Viewer (was: Open-source: Presentation software)

2005-01-06 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Gordon Webster wrote:

> A 3D object viewer for rev, now you're talking!
> My personal dream would be to see a set of openGL
> bindings for rev that would allow you to create a 3D
> viewport window on a rev stack

The iGame3D guys have it.  The developed a game for uDevGames with it here:


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: 3D Object Viewer

2005-01-06 Thread Scott Rossi
> A 3D object viewer for rev, now you're talking!

I don't know if Bill Griffin (one of the iGame3D guys) is ready to share his
mind-boggling development work with the world (it's pretty complicated
stuff) but as a licensee, I'm hoping to provide a subset of what the iGame
guys are doing as a simple 3D tool.

This is pretty niche stuff, so development time is scarce, but hopefully, it
will happen later this year.  Props to the iGame guys -- they're doing great


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: 3D Object Viewer

2005-01-06 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

> Are they working in versions
> for OS X and Windows?
> Last time i contacted Bill,
> it was only for OS X... :-(

I thought they were doing both, but perhaps Mac is getting more attention
because the number of Mac tools out there is slim.  Best to check with Bill.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Spacebar Controlled Menus?

2005-01-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Is it possible to make a menu option whose command equivalent is the
spacebar, but the word "space" is actually listed in the menu? (Doesn't do
much good to have a command key you can't see.)

By the same token, is there some way to insert the special character
equivalents of the arrowkeys into the menus, such that command+right, for
example, triggers the menu?

The above is for Mac OSX.  Thanks for any suggestions.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Practically perfect printing - an idea that should work...

2005-01-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Lynch, Jonathan wrote:

> Does anyone have a suggestion on how to determine the exact x,y position
> of a character within a field?

The selectedLoc might be one way...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Spacebar Controlled Menus?

2005-01-07 Thread Scott Rossi
More on menus:

I'm trying to insert "Start/Stop" as an option in a menu.  I've read that
using double slash // is supposed to allow insertion of a slash character
but here all it seems to produce is "StartStop" with "S" as the command

Is it not possible to place a slash character between words in a menu?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Spacebar Controlled Menus?

2005-01-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, I wrote:

> I'm trying to insert "Start/Stop" as an option in a menu.  I've read that
> using double slash // is supposed to allow insertion of a slash character
> but here all it seems to produce is "StartStop" with "S" as the command
> equivalent.

Sorry, the result is actually the slash character as the command.  Still not
what I need.

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Quicktime player and relative path

2005-01-08 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, duane poncy wrote:

> I have tried to build my first standalone with Rev 2.5.  My
> program needs a seperate mp3 to function, but the player
> did not show up on my stack in the standalone.
> Back to the Rev program. The player shows up fine with an
> absolute path, but when I set a relative path, my player
> disappears.  I thought at first that I was designating the
> path incorrectly, so I tried several different
> alternatives. No luck. The player only shows up with an
> absolute path. I even tried putting the mp3 in the same
> folder as the app. Didn't work.  Can someone tell me what
> I'm doing wrong?

Make sure you know what the path is relative to: your stack or the engine.
When you work in the IDE and use a relative path, the path will be relative
to the engine, which is in the Applications folder, unless you explicitly
reference a path to your stack.  Once you've built a standalone, the engine
is now a part of your stack which is likely in a new location (not the
Applications folder), so the relative path will be different.

In my work, I usually build absolute paths based on the fileName of the
stack, storing it for later reference.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Quicktime player and relative path

2005-01-08 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, duane poncy wrote:

> My problem seems to be something else entirely. Until I
> built the 
> standalone, I was using an absolute path, so I never
> bothered
> to even check out the relative path.   Even within the
> IDE environment I cannot get it to work. I have set a
> relative
> path from The Rev app. As soon as I set the path to my mp3
> in the property inspector, the player disappears in my
> stack. I even tried to move my mp3 and stack both into the
> same folder as the Revolution app, so I couldn't make any
> mistakes with the relative path. Same result.

Another thing to do is to make sure Rev can play your file: if you can open
and play the MP3 in Apple's QuickTime player, then you should be OK in Rev.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

[ANN] Get In Line - List Reordering Demo

2005-01-11 Thread Scott Rossi
Greetings List:

It's been a fair number of eons since I last posted a demo, so here goes...

Recently I was looking for an alternate way of reordering a list field using
a translucent drag-and-drop effect, similar to the Layers palette in Adobe
products.  "Get In Line" is the result of my experiments.  During the drag,
a translucent representation of the source text is dynamically created and
used along with an indicator to show where the text can be dropped.
Currently the demo only handles individual lines but with some tweaking
could probably accommodate multiple lines.  For folks looking to manage
lists, try this out to see if it works for you (only tested on Mac OS so far
-- Windows tests are appreciated).

To get the stack, run our stack player.  Enter in your message box:

  go url "";

Scroll down to GetInLine and click to run.

Or go to the Download page:

See the script of the scrolling field for details.  Feel free to report any
problems for fixing.

Hope some folks find this useful.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: crash recipe for htmlText?

2005-01-12 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Dar Scott wrote:

> Should the htmlText have complete information concerning the content of
> the field?  Then the code for the character used for the image should
> be retained.  Would this be better?
>   This is an image:.

It seems that doing something like this would prevent the display of images
from HTML source.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Trouble with graphics display in OS X

2005-01-12 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, James Hurley wrote:

>> on mouseUP
>>  set the loc of grc "ball" to 100, 100
>>  put .1 into dx
>>  put .1 into dy
>>  put the loc of grc "ball" into tBallLoc
>>  repeat 5000
>>add dx to item 1 of tBallLoc
>>add dy to item 2 of tBallLoc
>>set the loc of grc "ball" to tBallLoc
>>--wait 1 millisec
>>  end repeat
>>  set the loc of grc "ball" to 100,100
>> end mouseUP

>> In OS 9, this causes the ball graphic to  slide smoothly along a 45
>> degree line. In OS X the ball moves erratically to two or three spots
>> on the line and then quickly back to the starting location.
>> (Since the loc consists only of integers, this should move the ball
>> smoothly through points 100,100 to 101,101 to 102,102 ... 600,600.)
>> If I insert the "wait 1 millisec" the motion is smooth, but slow. It
>> takes, of course, 5 seconds plus.
>> Is this a known problem in OS X?
>> I am running RR 2.2.1 and OS X 2.3 on a PowerBook G4

It's not a problem, it's the fact that Rev is moving the ball so quickly,
there's not enough time to render the results to the screen.

And Bill Griffin is right: you can only position objects to the nearest
pixel, nothing less, so simply changing the original code by 1 decimal place
fixes the problem:

on mouseUP
  set the loc of grc "ball" to 100, 100
  put 1 into dx
  put 1 into dy
  put the loc of grc "ball" into tBallLoc
  repeat 500
add dx to item 1 of tBallLoc
add dy to item 2 of tBallLoc
set the loc of grc "ball" to tBallLoc
wait 1 millisec
  end repeat
  set the loc of grc "ball" to 100,100
end mouseUP

If you remove the "wait" instruction, again, the ball moves so fast you
can't see it.  Look at increasing the the dx and dy values to get even
faster performance.  And see the following example for some more clues.  In
your message enter:

  go url "";

Raymond E. Griffith wrote:

> you might want to look at the drag command.
> set the dragspeed to 500
> drag grc "ball" from 100,100 to 600,600
> And then there is the "move" command:
> move graphic "ball" to the points of graphic "path"
> "move" also has an appropriate movespeed you can set.
> Your difficulty is that you are trying too hard, and you are making the
> objects do too much work. While OS X does have graphics difficulties that OS
> 9 does not, physically setting each movement consumes a lot of resources.

Here's another opinion:

Setting the position of objects via a repeat or send loop will often times
look *better* than move or drag, so don't rule out this technique outright
without trying it in your situation.  I've noticed better performance by
manually setting object position, even if at the expense of system

Rev is actually pretty good at moving things around the screen -- it just
gets tricky when you need to move many things...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Compression question / problem

2005-01-12 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Miller wrote:

> Solved the issue with compressing/decompressing the jpeg files. It was
> a need to specify all files as binfiles during both the compression and
> decompression phases. (Your script helped identify this). But haven't
> been able to put the fifty files into one stack (as custom properties),
> compress and then decompress that stack. The number of bytes stays
> exactly the same, but the decompressed stack is not recognized by Rev.
> I suspect this has to do with the file format of a Rev stack...
> somethings getting corrupted or left out. Is there a way to fix that?

If you're doing this on a Mac system, you probably just need to set the
(global) fileType property to "revoRSTK" before you write the file.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

[ANN] GetInLine, Now More In Line

2005-01-13 Thread Scott Rossi
An update to the previous GetInLine stack has been posted.  For those who
missed it, this is an attempt at a more intuitive method for drag-and-drop
repositioning of lines within list fields.

This post contains tightened up code and performance, constrained dragging,
no more messing with hiliteColor, and now should work on *both* Win and Mac
platforms.   Please try to break it so it can get better. :-)

In your message box:

  go url "";


One cosmetic issue I can't figure out: when doing a screencapture here on
WinXP, the desktop icons flash as if the desktop is being redrawn.  Any way
to avoid this phenomenon?

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] iTunes-like software for Classic?

2005-01-13 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin  wrote:

> My gal's using OS 9.2 and has a new MP3 player.  Of course iTunes makes
> it easy to load songs onto just about anything, but it's for OS X only.
> Any of you have a recommendation on an iTunes-like package for Classic?
> Ideally it should:
> - Rip CDs into MP3s
> - Provide a sortable list of songs in the collection
> - Copy to any valid device
> I'd build one for her myself, but alas we have no means of ripping to MP3.

Audion ( should do most if not all of what you mention (plus,
it's now free).


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] GetInLine, Now More In Line

2005-01-14 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

>> An update to the previous GetInLine stack has been posted.  For those
>> who
>> missed it, this is an attempt at a more intuitive method for
>> drag-and-drop
>> repositioning of lines within list fields.
> I find it much more intuitive now that the dragged line disappears from
> the list while I'm dragging it.

I'm still wondering whether this is the right way to go.   When
dragging/dropping text in word processing apps, the dragged text doesn't
disappear -- it changes position when the mouse is released.  When
reordering a layers in a graphics package (Adobe/Macromedia) the original
dragged layer stays where it is until the mouse is released.  iTunes follows
suit  as well -- keep the original until the mouse is released.  Perhaps the
type of application dictates how this should be handled but so far I haven't
seen any examples of removing the clicked line from the field.  Any examples
out there that remove the clicked line when reordering?

> The only other thing I would like is
> the ability to cancel a drag somehow - perhaps if you move the mouse
> pointer outside the field.

Yes, that should be next.

Recently, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:

> Any chance there could be an option, as per the request quoted below,
> to cancel the drag -- but at the same time, support drag-and-drop (so
> that if the dragged item is plopped on a compatible target, it can be
> moved/copied there)?

It should be quite doable, but the copying part will be up to you as the
developer. :-)  I can make the clicked line a property or variable that you
can pass to whatever object you have.

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Change in default colors in v2.5?

2005-01-14 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> using the v2.5 engine I'm now
> getting reports from some users of unusual appearance.  In XP everything
> works as expected, but in pre-XP systems (2K, 98) I'm getting reports
> that the window is mostly black.

Did you check if this is a 16 color setting problem?  Last time I checked,
the Rev engine would often display an all black window when run under 16
colors on Windows (the official word back then was the engine would not
display reliably under 16 colors).


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Change in default colors in v2.5?

2005-01-14 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

>>> using the v2.5 engine I'm now
>>> getting reports from some users of unusual appearance.  In XP everything
>>> works as expected, but in pre-XP systems (2K, 98) I'm getting reports
>>> that the window is mostly black.
>> Did you check if this is a 16 color setting problem?  Last time I checked,
>> the Rev engine would often display an all black window when run under 16
>> colors on Windows (the official word back then was the engine would not
>> display reliably under 16 colors).
> Ahh-- I'll look into that.
> Why the change? And if there a Bugzilla requst to change it back?

It's not a change, it's a feature.  I learned of this during the Raney
administration (pre Rev days) and was told that they just couldn't support
anything less than 8 bit color, though it might be possible to run stacks
with system drawn controls only (no imported graphics, etc).


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

[ANN] GetInLine, Part III

2005-01-14 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Trevor DeVore wrote:

>> One cosmetic issue I can't figure out: when doing a screencapture here
>> on
>> WinXP, the desktop icons flash as if the desktop is being redrawn.
>> Any way
>> to avoid this phenomenon?
> I wonder if the flashing would still occur if you imported the snapshot
> using the windowID feature as opposed to a global rect.  This would
> only work in Rev 2.5 > where the bug was fixed but maybe it would solve
> the problem of flashing and still allow you to use the transparency.

Thanks for the suggestion Trevor.  I tried this but it doesn't seem to help.
Does the icon flashing not occur on your end when you do a Windows

Any other suggestions?

Regardless, GetInLine has been updated yet again with suggestions from the
list (thanks to Ken, Trevor, Alex and Sarah): more accurate positioning, a
better drag representation, a drag threshold, and a little surprise for
folks who need to cancel the drag (you'll have to download it and try it to
find out what it does). Bonus: all the secondary elements used by the code
are now generated dynamically, so the only object needed to create this
effect is script in the host field.  In your message box:

  go url "";

One item left to update is auto-scrolling which will be completed in a day
or so.  And if someone knows a workaround for the Windows icon flash, this
would be the icing on the cake for a what is hopefully a useful drag

Get out your hammers and break it. :-)

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] GetInLine, Part III

2005-01-15 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:

>>>> One cosmetic issue I can't figure out: when doing a screencapture here
>>>> on
>>>> WinXP, the desktop icons flash as if the desktop is being redrawn.
>>>> Any way
>>>> to avoid this phenomenon?

> Trevor, are you sure you're using the latest Rev engine? As I recall,
> the flashing icons on screen capture was fixed. I don't see them on my
> WinXP machine.

Actually that was my comment (the wonders of quoting).  If you're not seeing
any icon flashing then perhaps I don't have the latest engine there (fingers


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] GetInLine, Now More In Line

2005-01-15 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Klaus Major wrote:

>>   go url "";

> the script could use something that will prevent the "duplication"
> of
> the clicked line when you simply "click" that line...?
> Know what i mean?
> This happens after the first succesful/not poofed drag'n'drop operation
> and i think that some local vars still hold some "out of date" values...

Did you download the latest version?  There was a hiccup in a previously
posted version but it should be fixed now.

But for my own scripting knowledge, I thought declaring the locals with
empty values at the top of script cleared them out.  If not then there's no
need to declare them with values at all and an addition like yours would be

> ## added...
>  put empty into tClickTime
>  put empty into tClickNum
>  put empty into tContent
>  put empty into tVirtualHilite
>  put empty into tAllowScroll
>  put empty into tDragValid
> ## added...

Thanks and Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] GetInLine, Now More In Line

2005-01-15 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

>>>> One cosmetic issue I can't figure out: when doing a screencapture here
>>>> on
>>>> WinXP, the desktop icons flash as if the desktop is being redrawn.
>>>> Any way
>>>> to avoid this phenomenon?

> I have got a stack here ("Multiple Choice Tutorial"; see my website)
> that uses integrated "transparent" answer and ask dialogs, where the
> transparency is produced by taking a snapshot of the rect beneath the
> dialog, which is then masked by a translucent overlay image to achieve
> the effect of semi-transparency of the dialogs.
> No flashing occurs on WindowsXP with the latest Rev engine of Nov 19th,
> and none with earlier versions
> I compared the scriptlines responsible for taking the snapshots in
> "GetInLine" and "Multiple Choice Tutorial" and found no relevant
> differences.
> The one difference of the "Multiple Choice" stack is that I set the
> backdrop. If I remove the backdrop, then I get a flashing, but only at
> the bottom line of the screen.
> The same holds (of course) for your stack. With the backdrop set to any
> color there is no visible flashing.

Well, it makes sense that obscuring the desktop will prevent any desktop
flashing from being visible, but I would expect the problem is still
occurring, in the background, so to speak.

There isn't anything special going on with my script.  Running a simple
"import snapshot" routine in an empty stack produces the flashing results
here on my XP system, so if Chipp and maybe others aren't seeing this then
perhaps it is indeed an engine issue that was updated in the most recent


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Trouble with graphics display in OS X

2005-01-15 Thread Scott Rossi
>> Try this simple experiment in OS X. Run the following handler:
>> on mouseUP
>>   repeat 1000
>> add 1 to field 1 -- This is an empty field.
>>   end repeat
>> end mouseUP
>> In OS 9, I get a blur of numbers displayed in the field--this is fine
>> and what I would expect.
>> In OS X I get a discrete sequence of 4 numbers displayed. This is the
>> same kind of herky-jerky behavior I found with graphics display in OS
>> X (but not in OS 9.)

This still sounds like a speed issue to me, that the update of the digits is
occurring too quickly to display.  I would hazard a guess that the engine is
running slower on OS9 and thus you're able to see the update occur in the
field.  (For myself, I'd rather have an engine that ran too quickly than one
that was limited by the display, but that's me.)

Using your example, If you wish to visibly the update the display of numbers
in a field on OSX, you can script the behavior yourself.  Here's one way

put 0 into N
on mouseUP
  repeat 1000
add 1 to N
if N mod 5 = 0 then put N into fld 1
wait 0 millisecs
  end repeat
  put N into fld 1
end mouseUP

I know the above doesn't solve your problem and understand from your
previous posts that you're dealing with vector issues.  But perhaps if you
could identify a specific problem you need to solve, folks here could
provide a solution that would work for you.

I recall way back someone on the list complained about Rev's drawing speed
when creating a series of concentrically drawn rectangles, and how 15 year
old Hypercard was much more effective at doing the same thing. It turned out
that by simply using an alternate paint tool Rev's drawing routine was near
instantaneous. Often what helps in Rev is a different way of looking at the


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Trouble with graphics display in OS X

2005-01-15 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, James Hurley wrote:

> I need to know whether my problem with OS X
> lies in my computer graphics card or with RR.

One other question James: are the OS9 and OSX systems you're comparing
running on the same box or different boxes?  Because another issue you *may*
be running into *might* have to do with the capability of the graphics
card/s (yet another variable in the problem).

Regardless, it still may be possible to script a solution around your


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Trouble with graphics display in OS X

2005-01-16 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, James Hurley wrote:

> I have a scripted solution for OS X. But it is not very good. You can
> see this best in Turtle Graphics applied to controls:
> In the message box: go url
> "";

James, I get: "stack is corrupted, check for ~ backup file"

Maybe needs to be uploaded again?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: substack behavior

2005-01-16 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Byron Turner wrote:

> I was under the impression that a mainstack cannot be modified, but
> that substacks could be.  Is there some process involved for text
> changes in fields of substacks to be retained?

Any stacks that are *not* part of a standalone can be modified and saved.
Stacks that are made into standalone applications, and any included
substacks, can be modified but not saved.  If you want to save changes to a
stack that is part of a standalone distribution, you need to store the stack
outside of the standalone.  This concept is similar to using a text
application to modify/save a text file, or a graphics application to
modify/save an image file.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

[ANN] GetInLine Updated

2005-01-24 Thread Scott Rossi
GetInLine, the drag-and-drop list reordering demo, has once again been

Now features include immediate drag response (no need to click and hold),
hilite of original selection in list (more consistent with Mac and Win
implementations), auto-scroll and minor enhancements.
Tested on Mac OSX and Win XP, in Revolution and MetaCard.

In your message box:
  go url "";

If you make use of GetInLine, you are encouraged to make a contribution to
continue its development (plans include support for HTMLtext and multiple
line selection).

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

AppleScript Lockup?

2005-01-24 Thread Scott Rossi
Greetings AppleScript-saavy Folks:

On OSX, it appears that Rev locks up when trying to communicate with an app
via AppleScript and the app has a modal dialog up.  Rev effectively freezes
(spinning beachball) until the app's dialog is dismissed -- perhaps Rev is
waiting for a response from the app.

Might there be some way to address this situation so my Rev app isn't
disabled while the app's dialog is visible?

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] GetInLine Updated

2005-01-25 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Ken Ray  wrote:

> btw, it tried to go to the "thank you" screen and it
> got a 404 trying to go to

Thanks for noticing this -- forgot about the return page variable (haven't
used PayPal in a long time).  Should be fixed now but I'm guessing yours
might be only contribution to come in. :-)

Thanks again,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Windows settings: volume & front app

2005-01-27 Thread Scott Rossi
> is it possible to read &/or set the system volume in Windows XP?

Are you talking about the master volume?  Otherwise, the playLoudness
setting as mentioned already can be used (looks like it actually sets the
wave volume level on Windows).

What are you trying to accomplish?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: toolbar icons

2005-01-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Bob Hartley wrote:

> Are the standard windows toolbar icons available anywhere? IE the floppy
> icon (disc) open icon (folder ) etc etc.

Most of the Windows system icons are located in shell32.dll


Use an icon extraction utility to retrieve them.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Dragging from list field

2005-01-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Mark Swindell wrote:

> Can I drag and drop items selected in an unlocked list field into
> another field?  How can I accomplish this?

If I understand your need, the answer is sure.  In its most basic form, you
can add the following to the script of your destination field:

on mouseEnter
  set the acceptDrop to true
end mouseEnter

on dragDrop
  put the dragData into me
end dragDrop

> Also, why does drag and drop in Rev not look like any other text drag
> and drop on OS X... text cursor turns to arrow, hilighted text is
> picked up and visibly carried to next window, field, etc.?  I find that
> unless I know ahead of time that the text is going to come along for
> the ride, I'd never intuit it from the screen behavior of the cursor
> and selected text.

The above is exactly the reason why GetInLine was developed.  Execute the
following in your message box:

  go url "";

This is not a complete solution to your problem, as it is only for list
reordering at the moment, but it could be adapted to suit your needs.

Of course you can always make a donation to further its development. :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Success with Sending email without a SMTP Server!!!!

2005-01-30 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Well folks the stack is available under my username "soapdog" at
> revOnline or thru   sorry I put
> a space in the file name

Just tried it myself -- seemed to work as expected.  Even when I used a
fictitious email account as the sender.  Sure, it's something that could be
misused but no more so than being able to write files to the drive.

Nice work Andre.  As someone else said: Você é o homem.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Is this possible?

2005-01-30 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Jim Hurley wrote:

> Rather than have a handler poll the OS each time it is run, would it
> be possible to modify a handler just once in an openstack handler
> like the following:
> on openstack
>  put the script of button 1 into tScript
>  if the platform is "macOS" then
>replace "--unlock screen" with "unlock screen" in tScript
>  end if
>  set the script of button 1 to tScript
> end openstack
> This works in the IDE environment, but will it work in a stand alone?
> I know a script can't modify itself, and that a stack can't make
> permanent changes in a stand alone, but can a stand alone modify
> component scripts each time the stack is opened as indicated above?

Not if the script is more than 10 lines long.  Scripts run outside the IDE
cannot be edited if they're more than 10 lines.  What you're trying to do
above will need to be coded for within the script, which could be done with
a custom handler:

  on doMyRoutine
   lock screen
  end doMyRoutine

  on unlockTheScreen
   if the platform = "macOS" then unlock screen
  end unlockTheScreen

FWIW, I don't believe "polling the OS" is a big deal.  But if you're really
concerned about it, you can store the platform info at startup in a global
or user property and reference this in your scripts.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev and alternative input devices

2005-02-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

> From a BBC article about young pupils learning Spanish by dancing (!), I was
> interested to discover that a "dance-mat" can be connected to a PC. This got
> me pondering...
> ... are there other mat-like input devices for the PC?
> ... could this dance-mat or other such devices interface with Revolution?
> ... how would such an interface be scripted ("on leftFootUp"?!)?
> The idea of combining Rev with a wild input device like this, well, my
> primary-grade learners would go gagga over it.

A quick Web search discovered this:

The difficult part is finding some way to trap the mat signals over USB.
USB communication has come up repeatedly on this list and as far as I know,
no one has successfully implemented this in Rev, aside from using a USB
serial adapter on older(?) Mac systems.

(My hope is someone will prove me wrong and say "Hey wait, we've been doing
USB with Rev for years!")

On a related note, I once did very much the same thing as you mention above
with a device called the Sega Activator
This ring sits on the floor of whatever room you're in and bounces infra red
beams off the ceiling.  You stand in the middle of the ring and move your
arms and legs to interrupt the beams and thus trigger events.  Using an
adapter provided by a now long defunct company, you could enable the
Activator to control a Rev (then MetaCard) stack on your computer.

I made a virtual sound machine that kids at my son's preschool could stand
in and trigger sound effects in time with a music track.  At first it worked
but I forgot kids' tendency to repeatedly pound on something to see what
happens.  They would stand in the Activator and block the beams for several
seconds, thus creating long loops of sounds that would effectively lock up
the machine until the sounds were done.  I should have limited the number of
times a sound could be triggered so the kids couldn't overload the system.

Anyway, not an answer to your question, but maybe a little helpful advice.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Printing Crashes Rev in OSX

2005-02-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Frank D. Engel, Jr.  wrote:

> what if you want the same code to execute for both 3 and 4?  In
> C/Transcript, you can't do this:
> switch whatever
> case 3, 4: do this; break;
> ...
> end switch

If you can stomach being a little verbose, you can do this:

   case whatever = 1
 do this
   case whatever = 2
 do this
   case whatever = 3 and whatever = 4
 do otherStuff
 end switch


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Quicktime controller does not work

2005-02-03 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Sivakatirswami wrote:

> I have a stack that uses a quicktime player to run .mp3 audio files
> using quicktime. I  have set the player to always buffer, visible, and
> show controller. But the controller bar does not work.. you cannot grab
> the thumb (smallround ball on the slider bar of the controller) and
> move back and forth in the talk...
> I grabbed all that player objects, put it in a new stack with only a
> button to "start player "theTape"  to eliminate any of my scripts
> interference... still the controller doesn't let you move it back and
> forth.
> What's strange is.. I've been using this stack in various forms, from
> when it first was created in Supercard, nearly 10 years ago, ported to
> metacard then to Revolution and, I remember in earlier versions of
> Revolution, the player control *did* work...

You could try setting the alwaysBuffer to false.  This is the property that
usually affects playback performance anyway.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Audio issues in Rev on Windows

2005-02-04 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:

>> Another problem I found is that the audiovolume in rev just doesn't work
>> like any other windows programs, it changes the volume of the system and not
>> it's own... GR - This is a major bug that's gonna make PC users scream!
> X,
> It's actually a bit different than what you say. Try this. Open up the
> audio volume control panel on WinXP and set the master volume to Max.
> Now, go into RR and create a new stack, import a .wav audioclip and
> create a btn:

Perhaps I'm missing something but I think the explanation is simpler: on
Windows, Rev sets the WAV volume, not the master volume of the system.  On
our XP system, setting the playLoudness only changes the WAV slider in the
volume control panel (you may need to close and reopen the panel to see the
slider update).  The levels for other sound sources such as MIDI remain


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Concise Variables

2005-02-06 Thread Scott Rossi
I'm looking for a way to employ concise persistent variable names in a

Currently, I'm using the form:

  get the hilite of buttonPlay

...where buttonPlay is a script local variable containing the absolute
reference to a control.  The problem is, as soon as I edit the script, the
value of buttonPlay is lost.  I have about 15 of these references to manage.

If I change the variables to globals, the values will be persistent, but
I'll have to declare the global names everywhere in the script, which is
going to be a major chore in a 1700+ line script that has around 70
handlers, not all of which require the globals.

If I change the variables to custom properties, I'll have to use a form
similar to:

  get the hilite of (the buttonPlay of me)

Having to include the owner of the property makes for a fair amount of extra
script and complicates the readability of the script in places, compared to
the simple "buttonPlay".

So, my question is, might there be some way I can make my short object
references persistent, or must I use a more verbose form to do this?

I've considered turning the variables into functions, like buttonPlay(), but
it seems inefficient to have continually rebuild an object reference that
could be defined once and stored.  But then I'm back to the original

It's late here and I'm out of ideas so I'm looking for suggestions on how I
might solve this dilemma.

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Concise Variables

2005-02-06 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Thomas Gutzmann wrote:

>> If I change the variables to globals, the values will be persistent,
>> but
>> I'll have to declare the global names everywhere in the script, which
>> is
>> going to be a major chore in a 1700+ line script that has around 70
>> handlers, not all of which require the globals.
> You can put the global definition on top of the script; then it's valid
> for all handlers

How easy is this?!  The old MetaCard docs I read said declaring globals like
this treats variables like locals so I assumed the values would not be
persistent, but it turns out they are.

This qualifies as another huge forehead slap (and major time savings for
me).  Thanks Thomas.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Concise Variables

2005-02-06 Thread Scott Rossi
>> I'm looking for a way to employ concise persistent variable names in a
>> script.

> You could do the global thing. You could also write an initialization
> routine, something like:
> on initLocals
>  put "whatever" into buttonPlay
>  -- etc.
> end initLocals
> Then you can call it whenever you update the script.
> ... 
> although that gets a bit unwieldy.

Yeah, unwieldy is what I'm trying to avoid.  I've got a somewhat complicated
script that lays out custom stacks on-the-fly and need to reference absolute
paths of all the controls so the app can know where to find them.  Storing
the object references in "local global" variables will work perfectly for my


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MP3 without QuickTime on Windows

2005-02-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Ben Rubinstein wrote:

> In my trivial test (set the filename of a player to the path to the mp3
> file; start the player) this isn't working, with a standalone on a machine
> running Windows XPembedded, without QuickTime or Windows Media Player.
> Also possibly worth noting, on the XPe machine I can play wav files embedded
> in the standalone as an audio clip (but not external wav files through a
> player).  
> I have limited opportunities to investigate on the target platform (and
> we're extremely tight on space on the boot disk).
> Do I need to do something special in the way I build the standalone?  Or is
> it that on Windows you don't need QuickTime - but only providing you do have
> Windows Media?  I have tried running the same test on a PC running a
> standard installation of XP, from which I'd removed QuickTime (fully, as far
> as I can tell) and indeed was able to play an MP3 file, with a gratifying
> display glitch where the controller/player should have been.
> So what counts as the minimum installation to play MP3 in this way?  Or in
> fact any external audio file?  (Is there another way to play external audio
> files without using a player object?)

You need to have *some* kind of multimedia support on the system, which is
usually Windows Media Player if not QuickTime.  The only other way you might
do it is to hand off playback to some other app that is capable of playing
MP3s.  But you may wind up with little to no control over playback and if
WMP is not on the system you may not have success at all.

The simple way to test if MP3s will work on the system is to double click an
MP3 file and see if it plays.  If it does, determine what app is playing it
and see if you can use the launch/open process or shell commands to handle
launching of the file in the app (again, you may not be able to have any
control over playback if you go this route).

As you discovered, Rev is natively capable of playing WAVs, AU and AIFF
files, but not MP3s.

In my experience, if you want to use a player in Rev, you really need to
have QT or WMP installed, but perhaps someone else knows differently.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Thousands of Graphics = Bad Performance

2005-02-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Thomas Gutzmann  wrote:

> some time ago I discussed with some of you ways to display very "heavy"
> graphics in Rev at an
> acceptable speed.
> Well - I failed. I think if I want to do it with Rev, I have to write some
> sort of plugin.
> I tried:
> - set the properties of the templateGraphic, so only the positions and lengths
> of the graphics had
> to be changed before actually drawing them
> - lock messages and screen, of course
> - draw 2000 objects
> -> this alone took up to 14 seconds (PB 17" 1 GHz 2 GB), though I tried to
> save cycles
> - then scrolling these objects takes 3 seconds :-(

One thing to remember about doing this kind of thing in Rev is that the
default behavior of the development environment is to track all objects.  If
you allow the IDE to track all 2000 items, it will indeed slow down and take
a good deal of time to manage them.

However, if you 1) lock messages and 2) lock the screen before creating
thousands of objects, you should be able to create them very quickly,
especially with vector (graphic) objects.  If you remember to group the
resulting set of grcs, the you have the added bonus of being able to delete
a single group, rather than deleting each grc one by one.

I just tried a simple test of creating 2000 random rect graphics on a 600 x
500 card, and was able to create and group the graphics in less than 2
seconds (a 466 mHz machine).  After increasing the graphic count to 5000,
the total time was about 6-1/2 seconds.  So Rev can actually be very fast
depending on what you are doing.

Because Rev often provides multiple ways of doing a single task, achieving
desired results is often a matter of testing several methods.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Thousands of Graphics = Bad Performance

2005-02-07 Thread Scott Rossi
>> I just tried a simple test of creating 2000 random rect graphics on a 600 x
>> 500 card, and was able to create and group the graphics in less than 2
>> seconds (a 466 mHz machine).  After increasing the graphic count to 5000,
>> the total time was about 6-1/2 seconds.  So Rev can actually be very fast
>> depending on what you are doing.
>> Because Rev often provides multiple ways of doing a single task, achieving
>> desired results is often a matter of testing several methods.

> Interestingly enough, I recently worked with a C programmer in SF on
> creating a kids 3D application with the 3D engine done completely in RunRev.
> The programmer had already tried to do it in RealBasic and it couldn't
> be done. He doubted RR could do it, but once I showed him the
> multi-polyon draw with set points trick, it worked great! One of the
> cool parts of the trick, is that by inserting a blank line in the points
> of a polygon, you can actually create as many polys as you want. This
> worked out very well for the app. In fact, we were able to create this
> game, with sounds and multiple scaling images, in less than a weeks time.
> It's pretty cool to see RR rendering 3D in realtime using native
> transcript. I'll post the app here when a demo version is available.

That sounds great -- would love to see it.  (Were you referring to Tutti3D
as an example?)

The drawback of course to the above method is that you are working with a
single graphic and cannot address/access portions of the graphic separately.
In Mr. Gutzmann's case, he may have wanted to be able to access all 2000
objects separately, I'm not sure, but again, the bottom line is to note that
Rev often provides multiple methods of accomplishing the same task.  The
tough part can be knowing which one is the best to use in a given situation.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

What Is Triggering The Menu?

2005-02-07 Thread Scott Rossi
On OSX, I set up a menu with 1, 2 and 3 as command keys for one of the menu
buttons.  When pressing the keys on the keyboard, the menu flashes as if
triggered, but no menuPick message is generated and the menu does nothing.
If I change the command keys to letters, for example, the menuPick message
is sent and the menu operates as expected.  How can I use numbers as command
key equivalents for menu options?

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: .mov on Windows

2005-02-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Stephen Van Esch wrote:

> I'm testing a stack that includes a single .mov file.
> The movie displays fine on a Mac but doesn't appear on
> Windows.
> If I try to open the movie on the disc rather than
> through the app I receive a message that states that I
> "may have problems playing the video track because the
> required compressor could not be found."
> Quicktime 6 is installed on the target machine.
> Is there something I'm doing wrong when encoding the
> video that Rev won't accept? I'm currently using
> SnapzProX to capture video.
> Unfortunately, I can't test extensively on Windows
> because I don't have ready access to a Windows box.

SnapzPro may be set to use a compression codec (ie Cinepak, Sorenson, etc)
that is not present on the target machine.  It would be best to find out
what is actually available on your target machine.

Also, you may need to "flatten" the movie, which means move any Mac-specific
info into the MOV's data fork.  There used to be a specific option in QT Pro
to do this but I'm not sure what Apple calls it now (might be Optimize Hints
for Server but not sure).


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Graphics stored externally?

2005-02-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Stephen Van Esch wrote:

> I'm using a png as a background image for a project.
> Is it necessary to have this image linked in a
> separate folder when I ship the project? It seems odd
> that the image needs to be stored externally.

If you choose Import as Control/Image File... from the File menu, the image
will be imported and embedded in your stack, without the need to include the
image as a separate external file.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: What Is Triggering The Menu?

2005-02-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, J. Landman Gay wrote:

>> On OSX, I set up a menu with 1, 2 and 3 as command keys for one of the menu
>> buttons.  When pressing the keys on the keyboard, the menu flashes as if
>> triggered, but no menuPick message is generated and the menu does nothing.
>> If I change the command keys to letters, for example, the menuPick message
>> is sent and the menu operates as expected.  How can I use numbers as command
>> key equivalents for menu options?
> The IDE traps for these and uses them to navigate around the stack.
> Could it be that the IDE is intercepting your menu commands? If your
> stack is frontmost and its menubar is showing, then that shouldn't
> happen of course.

Thanks for the reminder.  Turned out this was the case, but in the MC IDE.
Even though my menubar was active, MC still trapped the commands for itself.
I commented the commandkey lines out in the tools stack and things seem to
be working as needed.  Thanks again.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Abnormal behavior?

2005-02-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, MisterX wrote:

> I have a field script with a keydown event
> which responds to keys typed in a field and
> which checks for pretyping using a handler.
> I also have a frontscript (XOS) with a generic
> pretype handler of the same name.
> What is abnormal is that when the keydown event
> calls the pretyping handler, the frontscript is
> the one that takes priority and not the handler
> in the same script!
> This busts completely the local overide principle
> in scripts... And the hierarchy of events...
> Other than renaming the handler name or "sendind"
> the handler to itself (the field) how can I "count"
> on having the right handler being called in all times?

If I understand you correctly, I would think the behavior is correct.  If a
frontscript wasn't triggered first, why would you bother having frontscripts
at all?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Abnormal behavior?

2005-02-08 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>> I have a field script with a keydown event
>>> which responds to keys typed in a field and
>>> which checks for pretyping using a handler.
>>> I also have a frontscript (XOS) with a generic
>>> pretype handler of the same name.
>>> What is abnormal is that when the keydown event
>>> calls the pretyping handler, the frontscript is
>>> the one that takes priority and not the handler
>>> in the same script!
>>> This busts completely the local overide principle
>>> in scripts... And the hierarchy of events...

>> If I understand you correctly, I would think the behavior is correct.  If
>> a frontscript wasn't triggered first, why would you bother having
>> frontscripts at all?
> The question is rather how do you overide a frontscript?...
> In general and in most situations a local item overides a global
> counterpart.
> If i have a card script and an equal stack (or bg) script, the card script
> is the
> first to run... 
> Maybe I got the frontscript wrong... And that script shouldn't be there
> but still im surprised of the behavior...

Without knowing exactly what you're doing, I wonder if perhaps you need to
look at the message hierarchy differently.  Frontscripts were designed to
intercept messages before they are passed to any object.  I don't believe
there is any way to override a frontscript, but you can remove the script
from the message hierarchy which should effectively accomplish the same
thing, and then re-insert the script as needed.

Alternatively, you could have the bulk of your scripts stored in a
backscript or library, and then have scripts in specific controls which will
override the backscripts by default.  This might be closer to what you

You might want to take a look at this diagram to better understand the
message path:


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Have you developed Windows stacks on Mac w Virtual PC?

2005-02-08 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Burrton Woodruff wrote:

> Has anyone built Windows applications on a Mac using Virtual PC?
> Would you be willing to provide any advice about the good and the bad?

I haven't used the most recent version, but in my experience there's not
really any big downside for what it is.  The good: you have a "real" Windows
system on your Mac.  The bad: it's pretty slow, takes a long time to start
up.  Display/gamma is the Mac's, so have to remember display will be a bit
different on actual PCs.

It's always best to have a dedicated Windows system, but if you need a low
cost option, VPC isn't a bad way to go.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Samples of completed projects

2005-02-08 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Benjamin Pastrana  wrote:

> I would like to see real finished examples of REVOLUTION stacks
> That DON'T look like the REVOLUTION windows.
> I havent seen any stack with full photograph or graphics
> Backgrounds. 
> Any one to share??

You can see here:


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: embedded video/audio player?

2005-02-09 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Lynch, Jonathan wrote:

> Is there a way, or an external, for playing mpeg movies without using QT
> or WMP?

What would you use then to play the media?  Even with a simple text file you
need some means to view it.

> I would think it would be fairly straight forward to be able to
> constantly update an image to include the information for the next frame
> in a series of frames. I am not sure what sort of frame rate you would
> be able to achieve if this were done solely in transcript.

This is extremely unlikely given you'd have to write something to decompress
all the proprietary and non-proprietary codecs used to compress all video
formats out there.

> My reason for asking, is that I think it would be nice for multimedia
> presentations to be able to just pop in the CD, press a button, and it
> all plays. Having to worry about whether QT or WMP is installed seems
> very problematical.

Virtually every multimedia title out there includes system requirements on
its packaging.  Even media sites like iFilm and similar require that you
have Real, WMP or QT to view the content.  Requiring that users have some
multimedia framework installed is actually pretty standard.

> In the past, I have found QT to be somewhat distasteful, because every
> time I played something with it, QT would set itself to be the default
> media player. That is obnoxious. Default settings should be under the
> user's control.
> Besides, not everyone will have either QT or WMP installed.

This is the reason for stating System Requirements. :-)

> I guess, if this were in a situation in which file size was not such an
> issue, then one could convert the movie to a gif animation, and have
> synched-up audio play at the same time - sounds kind of awkward though.

Again, you'd need to write something that could decompress any multitude of
audio and video formats out there -- not a trivial task.

> So - has anyone tried any sort of scheme for playing video/audio without
> depending on other programs being installed on the users computer?

I would expect the most people to answer doing something like this is too
much work.  The labor required to pull this off is significant or perhaps
redundant considering that most of the players have been in development for
for years by teams of programmers.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Custom Answer File Dialog?

2005-08-23 Thread Scott Rossi
Has anyone assembled a custom answer file dialog that they would be willing
to share?  I have to manage some non-standard file navigation and it would
be helpful to be able to skip reinventing the wheel if possible.

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Custom Answer File Dialog?

2005-08-24 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

>> Has anyone assembled a custom answer file dialog that they would be
>> willing to share?  I have to manage some non-standard file navigation and it
>> would be helpful to be able to skip reinventing the wheel if possible.

> Check out the MetaCard built-in file-answer dialog...
> It should be  step in the right direction.
> I've evolved it into my FileBrowser in TAOO (see the previously posted
> screenshots)
> and i have yet to add the "ask" and "answer"  capabilities to it...
> You can take it pretty far...

Thanks Xavier.  This might work out pretty well.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: magic settings for rollovers?

2005-08-24 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin  wrote:

> What are the property settings I should be using for reliable rollovers?

Perhaps you forgot to set the acceptIncantations of your stack to true.

I don't have a great workaround to offer, other than to look at the space
nearest your buttons and see if that can be scripted with generalized
"reset" script that is triggered on a mouseEnter (and mouseMove, mouseLeave
for that matter).  You might consider placing a general mouseMove|reset
handler in your stack script that uses a trigger variable to run once and
then disables itself until any icon-based button's icon is changed.

Obviously you shouldn't have to work this hard -- just trying to look at
options that could help move you forward.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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[OT] Quote for the Day

2005-08-24 Thread Scott Rossi
Apologies for the off-topic post, but the conundrum of this IT quote seemed
somehow appropriate:

"If the network is down, then you're obviously incompetent
so why are we paying you? Of course, if the network is up,
then we obviously don't need you, so why are we paying you?"


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: set rect of fld f1 of cd c1 of wd w1 to rect of fld f2 of cd c2 of wd w2

2005-08-26 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Lynch, Jonathan  wrote:

> I want more ways of addressing an object. I could really use an altname
> property.
> Put 8 into field altname "myField"
> This way I can address a field by either its name or its altname. I have
> a definite use for that.

Currently you can address a field by its name, id and number.  What need do
you have that would require another form of address?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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What Just got Clicked 2 - Who Sent The Message

2005-08-26 Thread Scott Rossi
I'm stealing the title of another email, regarding how to determine what
object sent a message.

I have a button that sends a message to the card and executes a script in
the card script.  When the script is done, I'd like to send a "done" message
back to the button, or to any other object that calls the card script.  Is
the executionContexts function the right way to go about this, or is there
another method to determine which control sends a message to another?

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: What Just got Clicked 2 - Who Sent The Message

2005-08-26 Thread Scott Rossi
>> I have a button that sends a message to the card and executes a script in
>> the card script.  When the script is done, I'd like to send a "done" message
>> back to the button, or to any other object that calls the card script.  Is
>> the executionContexts function the right way to go about this, or is there
>> another method to determine which control sends a message to another?

> how about appending the target to the handler/function call, that way it
> knows where to 'send done' back to.

Thanks Chipp.  I thought about that method, but was wondering if the
executionContexts gives you that for free (of course there is a bit of
parsing to do).  Or is it better not to rely on this (last I heard it was
undocumented) function.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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mouseStillDown Not Allowed in Front Script?

2005-08-27 Thread Scott Rossi
>From a new, empty stack, I loaded the following into a frontscript:

 on mouseStillDown
   put the millisecs
 end mouseStillDown

But nothing appears in the message box when I click in the stack.  Is
mouseStillDown not trappable in a front script?  Does this handler need to
co-exist with mouseDown or something else I'm missing?

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Dragging from a list field

2005-08-28 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, J. Landman Gay  wrote:

> I have a list field that operates like an index; clicking on a line
> causes the stack to display content based on the text of the line.
> I also need the field to support drag and drop, so that users can create
> their own lists by dragging lines from the index into a different field
> in a substack.
> I tried setting the dragData on a mousedown in the index field, but even
> if I pass mouseDown, the index behaviors no longer function. The field
> does not recognize "mouseup" or "selectionchanged" and nothing happens.
> Actually, when I try dragging a line, the selection changes to whatever
> line the pointer is over. Does anyone have a trick for making a list
> field behave in two different ways -- that is, normal line selection as
> well as supporting dragging lines to another field?


I may be misunderstanding what you're trying to do but isn't mouseMove what
defines a drag action in a list?  When one clicks on the list, a selection
is created; when that same is selection is moved, that is what triggers the
drag.  Is your situation not like this?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: problem waiting - spellchecker

2005-08-29 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

> would wait... with messages "" block the gui too though?

Nope - you use "with messages" specifically to avoid any "blocking".

Try it in a test stack.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: problem waiting - spellchecker

2005-08-30 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

> Is there supposed to be a handler checkContinue or can i just call
> checkContinue
> from my other button to "trigger" the "wait with" to continue?

Just check the value of a variable that is set by whatever controls/handlers
cause your checking to be completed:

 wait until gCheckContinue with messages

And in a button (simplified):

 on mouseUp
   global gCheckContinue
   -- do my spellcheck stuff
   put true into gCheckContinue
 end mouseUp

Make sense?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Choppy video?

2005-09-01 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Alan Simon  wrote:

> I am in the process of writing an application that displays AVI video
> loops, each a second or two in duration.  When the video plays back,
> it appears that some of the frames are being skipped, and I get a
> choppy appearance.
> The playback machine is a 3 GHz Pentium with 1GB of memory, so I
> don't think the PC is the problem.  Could the problem be in the way
> the loops are encoded?

Do you have QuickTime enabled or are you using the system's built-in media


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: import snapshot PC vs OSX

2005-09-03 Thread Scott Rossi
>> How can I  (or can I) use "import snapshot" on a PC displaying video
>> and have the video image show up (not appear all black)??

> The digital video device of MCI bypasses the standard screen buffer on
> most systems (video card dependant) and as such Revolution will not be
> able to snapshot the part of the screen the video is displayed on.
> There might be some options when configuring the MCI device to disable
> this behaviour - in which case you should get the desired result.
> Alternatively, I believe MCI has a 'capture' command to grab a still
> from an MCI device.

In the *very old* MCI reference I have, the document seems to imply that a
"capture" can be made but it only references audio as an example and the way
"record" is used here seems refer to the device itself, not the system.  But
it might be worth trying with video.

 open new type waveaudio alias capture
 record capture
 stop capture
 save capture orca.wav
 close capture


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Choppy video?

2005-09-05 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Alan Simon  wrote:

>>> I am in the process of writing an application that displays AVI video
>>> loops, each a second or two in duration.  When the video plays back,
>>> it appears that some of the frames are being skipped, and I get a
>>> choppy appearance.
>>> The playback machine is a 3 GHz Pentium with 1GB of memory, so I
>>> don't think the PC is the problem.  Could the problem be in the way
>>> the loops are encoded?

>> Do you have QuickTime enabled or are you using the system's built-
>> in media playback?

> I have Quicktime installed.  I am using Rev's built-in video clip
> player.  Even the standalone Quicktime player
> plays them choppy, so I would assume the problem is in the video
> file, not the standalone.  WMP seems to run them fine, though...

Then you should try disabling QuickTime by setting the dontUseQT to true
when starting up your stack and see if that makes a difference.  It is not
guaranteed that this will solve the problem, but then you cannot guarantee
that everyone you distribute to will have QT for Windows installed either.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list
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