Converting BigDecial to ByteBuffer

2016-01-19 Thread David Newberger
Hello All,

I have an avro schema that includes the following as a field:

  "name" : "currency",
  "type" : ["null","bytes"],
  "logicalType": "decimal",
  "precision": 9,
  "scale": 4

When I run the avro-tools on it  to create a java file representing the schema 
it produces a property that looks like public java.nio.ByteBuffer currency;

However, in other parts of the program I'm using Scala with values in 
BigDecimal types.

How can I convert a BigDecimal value to the expected ByteBuffer?

Is there anything special I need to do to ensure it is compatible with avro and 
other tools like Impala?

Also is this the correct form to using currency values?


David Newberger

RE: add new attributes into avro schema

2015-12-17 Thread David Newberger

I’m fairly new to working with avro so I could be wrong however this:

“Primitive Types
All Avro primitive types are trivial to configure. A primitive type in Avro 
JSON can be declared two ways, one that supports custom properties and one that 
does not:
{"type":{"name":"int", "customProp":"val"}}
The analogous code form for the above three JSON lines are the below three 
  .intBuilder().prop("customProp", "val").endInt()
Every primitive type has a shortcut to create the trivial type, and a builder 
when custom properties are required. The first line above is a shortcut for the 
second, analogous to the JSON case.”

makes it look like you can.

David Newberger

From: John Smith []
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2015 5:13 AM
Subject: add new attributes into avro schema

is it possible to extend avro schema with custom attributes, for example


Thank you!