Hi,  Thank you Daniel   I tried to build a container and stored it in GCR. My 
container had a binary file built from package main where I have code of my 
job. I changed entrypoint in dockerfile to boot file. I create boot.go in a way 
that is almost the same as  github.com 
https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/sdks/go/container/boot.go  with the 
only difference that I override the binary file of worker    const prog = 
"/bin/worker"   Then my boot should start worker which is also added to 
container.  But I also have one more problem. Dataflow requires me to provide 
template json created by me and model (processing graph) file stored in GCS. I 
have to point pipelineUrl in template configuration to location of model. And 
it's a bit problematic to me to generate these 2 files and send to GCS 
manually. So far I tried to start my job from local terminal with dry_run 
parameter to get template and model to export. Maybe I'm doing something 
wrong.   I'd appreciate if there is a better approach because the one I use 
is very inconvenient and error prone (and something is still not working with 
this approach).  --  Paweł   Dnia 13 kwietnia 2022 02:04 Daniel Oliveira 
<danolive...@google.com> napisał(a):  I've used a custom docker image 
for the SDK/Worker Harness before by uploading a docker image to somewhere 
accessible by Dataflow (in my case I used GCR  cloud.google.com 
https://cloud.google.com/container-registry ), and then using that as the URL 
for my container. I used the environment_config flag from Go instead of 
worker_harness_container_image, but I believe they are functionally equivalent, 
you just choose one or the other. So it would look something like this:   
--worker_harness_container_image= us.gcr.io 
us.gcr.io/project/filepath/beam_go_sdk:tag   Hope that helps!   On Wed, Apr 6, 
2022 at 2:01 AM Pawel <   pawel...@o2.pl > wrote:  Hi,  I'm wondering 
if it is possible to create custom docker image with compiled go binary that 
can be deployed to Dataflow? Currently I'm using it as below   myjob    
--runner dataflow    --output gs://prog-test-bucket/out    --project ***    
--region europe-west1    --temp_location gs://prog-test-bucket/tmp/    
--staging_location gs://prog-tet-buckt/binaries/    
--worker_harness_container_image=apache/beam_go_sdk:latest   But this is not a 
"clean" way of starting jobs. I'd prefer to have it in a more 
organized way with deploying worker as built container image. Can I make a use 
of  hub.docker.com https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/beam_go_sdk  and build 
custom image with my binary and then deploy it in GCP?  I will appreciate all 
the suggestion/help. Thanks   --  Paweł

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