I'd like to use BeamSqlUdf-s with complex (potential nested) types. It is
not clear how to specify the type to achieve this.

Eg.: I've a rectangle with x,y,width,height and want to operate on this.
I'm getting this error:

No match found for function signature iou(<RecordType(INTEGER x, INTEGER y,
INTEGER width, INTEGER height)>) -> [Help 1]

So I'd like to have this type: RecordType(INTEGER x, INTEGER y, INTEGER
width, INTEGER height)>, how to specify this type in my UDF?

Thank you,


György Balogh
E gyorgy.bal...@ultinous.com <zsolt.sala...@ultinous.com>
M +36 30 270 8342 <+36%2030%20270%208342>
A HU, 1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 209.
W www.ultinous.com

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