Upgrading Cassandra cluster from 0.6.3 to 0.7.5

2011-06-16 Thread Ali Ahsan

Hi All,

We are upgrading cassandra from 0.6.3 to 0.7.5.We have two node in 
cluster.I am bit confused how to upgrade them can you have any guide.

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

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Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Question regarding Compaction

2011-05-17 Thread Ali Ahsan

Hi All,

I was  diagnosing  high  CPU usage on my Cassandra 0.6.3.Then i came 
across  Cassandra wiki link which suggested following.

To lower compaction priority (thus reducing its impact on the rest of 
the system, and making it take longer), add these options to 
cassandra.in.sh in 0.6.3 or later:

-XX:+UseThreadPriorities \
-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 \
-Dcassandra.compaction.priority=1 \


After adding above in my cassandra.in.sh my high CPU usage seems to 
dropped very very low in fact it seem nothing is running on machine's.

So here is my question do i need to run nodetool compact or not and what 
about noretool rapier.

S.Ali Ahsan

Re: Question regarding Compaction

2011-05-17 Thread Ali Ahsan

On 05/17/2011 11:57 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

You've had people on this list tell you you should upgrade off such an
old release at least twice already this month.

The reason we do this is, the odds are good that the answer is
someone else ran into that problem a year ago and it got fixed.
Personally, I don't think it's worth the time to troubleshoot before

Yes true we need to upgrade ,And we are planning for this.

S.Ali Ahsan

Re: Gossiper question

2011-05-17 Thread Ali Ahsan

On 05/18/2011 09:28 AM, Cassa L wrote:

  I have 9 node cluster with RF-3 and using Cassandra0.70/Hector26. 
Recently we are seeing lot of UnavailableException at the client 
side. Whenever this happens, I found following pattern in Cassandra 
node's log file at that given time,

* INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2011-05-13 02:59:55,365 Gossiper.java (line 
195) InetAddress /**.**.***.54 is now dead.*
* INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2011-05-13 02:59:57,369 Gossiper.java (line 
195) InetAddress /.**.***.**59 is now dead.*
 INFO [HintedHandoff:1] 2011-05-13 03:00:04,706 
HintedHandOffManager.java (line 192) Started hinted handoff for 
endpoint /***.**.***.*54
* INFO [GossipStage:1] 2011-05-13 03:00:04,706 Gossiper.java (line 
569) InetAddress /.**.*.54 is now UP*
 INFO [HintedHandoff:1] 2011-05-13 03:00:04,706 
HintedHandOffManager.java (line 248) Finished hinted handoff of 0 rows 
to endpoint /***.**..54
 INFO [HintedHandoff:1] 2011-05-13 03:00:20,601 
HintedHandOffManager.java (line 192) Started hinted handoff for 
endpoint /***.**..59
* INFO [GossipStage:1] 2011-05-13 03:00:20,601 Gossiper.java (line 
569) InetAddress /.**.*.59 is now UP*

The exception occurred at 2011-05-13 03:00:00,664. I am wondering 
what why this dead/up pattern is occurring at Gossip.

Thanks in advance,
Cassa L.

I am not sure do check system Load when you see this happening.If load 
is to High then it means CPU was not able to give time to Network I/O.

S.Ali Ahsan

Cassandra node is not blanced Rf=2 Random Partitioner

2011-05-13 Thread Ali Ahsan
My cluster is unbalanced.One have 99 GB Data and other have 87 GB can 
any one explain why this is happening.

[root@cassandra2 conf]# /root/cassandra/bin/nodetool -h ring
Address   Status Load  
Range  Ring
133487003891811234514792661331209113407  Up 99.63 GB  
89592293417191096473651402050455   |--|  Up 87.02 GB  

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: Cassandra node is not blanced Rf=2 Random Partitioner

2011-05-13 Thread Ali Ahsan

On 05/13/2011 11:46 AM, Ali Ahsan wrote:
My cluster is unbalanced.One have 99 GB Data and other have 87 GB can 
any one explain why this is happening.

[root@cassandra2 conf]# /root/cassandra/bin/nodetool -h ring
Address   Status Load  
Range  Ring
133487003891811234514792661331209113407  Up 99.63 GB  
89592293417191096473651402050455   |--|  Up 87.02 GB  

We are using 0.6.3

S.Ali Ahsan

Cassandra causing very high load on CPU's 0.6.3

2011-05-12 Thread Ali Ahsan

Hi All

I am experience some problem with me two Cassandra node with RF=2,Both 
node CPU's usage is very high,load average: 9.47, 5.72, 5.11 and this 
causing my application to time out .I have xeon with 8 processor and 16 
GB of Ram.and LVM setup for Cassandra.How can i trace the main issue of 
load i have no swap and swappies also set to 0.I am running Centos 5.5 
64 Bit.


Pool NameActive   Pending  Completed
ROW-READ-STAGE0 0  16235
GMFD  0 0632
LB-TARGET 0 0  0

S.Ali Ahsan

Re: Cassandra causing very high load on CPU's 0.6.3

2011-05-12 Thread Ali Ahsan

On 05/12/2011 04:08 PM, Ali Ahsan wrote:

Hi All

I am experience some problem with me two Cassandra node with RF=2,Both 
node CPU's usage is very high,load average: 9.47, 5.72, 5.11 and this 
causing my application to time out .I have xeon with 8 processor and 
16 GB of Ram.and LVM setup for Cassandra.How can i trace the main 
issue of load i have no swap and swappies also set to 0.I am running 
Centos 5.5 64 Bit. 

Add to this i am using openjdk not sunjdk will this be an issue ?

Re: GC for ParNew (cassandra under performance ) 0.6.3

2011-05-07 Thread Ali Ahsan

Hi That sloved my issue of GC,Now i  am facing with new one

i have no swap but this process kswapd0 take up 100% cpu when there is 
load on cassandra any idea why this is happening

On 05/05/2011 09:06 PM, Ali Ahsan wrote:

Thanks replying,let me disable my swap memory.

On 05/05/2011 09:01 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

6s parnew is insane.  you're probably swapping.  Easiest fix is
disabling swap entirely.

P.S. 0.6.3 is ancient.

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: GC for ParNew (cassandra under performance ) 0.6.3

2011-05-07 Thread Ali Ahsan

This what free -m and vmstat show now my CPU is on 100%

[root@cassandra2 ~]# free -m
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 16043  15966 76  0  4900
-/+ buffers/cache:  15061982
Swap:0  0  0

root@cassandra2 ~]# vmstat
procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io --system-- 
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us sy 
id wa st
 1  8  0  79312   4776 92180011373211  1  0 
98  1  0

On 05/07/2011 05:47 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

kswapd0 100%

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: GC for ParNew (cassandra under performance ) 0.6.3

2011-05-07 Thread Ali Ahsan

Hi All

some on suggested about linux scheduler cat 
/sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler there are quite few of them noop 
[anticipatory] deadline cfq.I have changed from cfq default to 
anticipatory,Now problem is less for me kswapd0  take 10-50% of cpu in 
very short bust less then milliseconds.Also i have changed

/proc/sys/vm/pagecache from 100 to 10.

On 05/07/2011 10:36 PM, Ali Ahsan wrote:

This what free -m and vmstat show now my CPU is on 100%

[root@cassandra2 ~]# free -m
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 16043  15966 76  0  4900
-/+ buffers/cache:  15061982
Swap:0  0  0

root@cassandra2 ~]# vmstat
procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io --system-- 
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us 
sy id wa st
 1  8  0  79312   4776 92180011373211  1  
0 98  1  0

On 05/07/2011 05:47 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

kswapd0 100%

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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GC for ParNew (cassandra under performance ) 0.6.3

2011-05-05 Thread Ali Ahsan

Hi All

I have two cassandra node with RF=2,Cassandra start under performing  i 
mean red write are slow and i see following info in cassandra log.I have 
centos 5.5 64 bit with 14 GB memory assigned to cassandra.I am using LVM 
for cassandra.When i reboot my cassanrda every thing become normal.

Below is some nodetoll info

# /root/cassandra/bin/nodetool -h info
Load : 43.51 GB
Generation No: 1304495724
Uptime (seconds) : 114699
Heap Memory (MB) : 9944.43 / 14319.38


[root@cassandra2 cassandra]# /root/cassandra/bin/nodetool -h 

Pool NameActive   Pending  Completed
RESPONSE-STAGE0 0   35901940
ROW-READ-STAGE8 9   14580549
GMFD  0 0 308503
LB-TARGET 0 0  0
ROW-MUTATION-STAGE2 2   43329077

When i see below info cassandra start under performing and happening on 
both machines.

INFO [GC inspection] 2011-05-05 20:39:08,617 GCInspector.java (line 110) 
GC for ParNew: 698 ms, 138706360 reclaimed leaving 10135848048 used; max 
is 15241445376
 INFO [GC inspection] 2011-05-05 20:39:09,620 GCInspector.java (line 
110) GC for ParNew: 496 ms, 138960224 reclaimed leaving 10135360416 
used; max is 15241445376
 INFO [GC inspection] 2011-05-05 20:39:10,988 GCInspector.java (line 
110) GC for ParNew: 1051 ms, 137654632 reclaimed leaving 10137177208 
used; max is 15241445376
 INFO [GC inspection] 2011-05-05 20:39:13,370 GCInspector.java (line 
110) GC for ParNew: 907 ms, 137254552 reclaimed leaving 10137977152 
used; max is 15241445376
 INFO [GC inspection] 2011-05-05 20:39:14,631 GCInspector.java (line 
110) GC for ParNew: 635 ms, 135828080 reclaimed leaving 10140229096 
used; max is 15241445376
 INFO [GC inspection] 2011-05-05 20:39:16,872 GCInspector.java (line 
110) GC for ParNew: 1910 ms, 137722664 reclaimed leaving 10141548552 
used; max is 15241445376
 INFO [GC inspection] 2011-05-05 20:39:23,463 GCInspector.java (line 
110) GC for ParNew: 6341 ms, 139920392 reclaimed leaving 10141215712 
used; max is 15241445376
 INFO [GC inspection] 2011-05-05 20:39:25,482 GCInspector.java (line 
110) GC for ParNew: 1712 ms, 139482032 reclaimed leaving 10141321232 
used; max is 15241445376

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: GC for ParNew (cassandra under performance ) 0.6.3

2011-05-05 Thread Ali Ahsan

Thanks replying,let me disable my swap memory.

On 05/05/2011 09:01 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

6s parnew is insane.  you're probably swapping.  Easiest fix is
disabling swap entirely.

P.S. 0.6.3 is ancient.

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: cassandra 0.6.3 error Connection refused to host:;

2011-04-26 Thread Ali Ahsan
I have added in cassandra.in.sh -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=myipaddress 
but still getting same error any ideas ?

On 04/17/2011 02:24 AM, Tyler Hobbs wrote:


On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Ali Ahsan 
ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com mailto:ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com wrote:

Any one have solution for this problem ?

On 04/13/2011 05:20 PM, Ali Ahsan wrote:

I am not running any firewall this physical machine not EC2,I
can telnet to port 8080

 telnet 8080
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 tel:%2B92%20%280%2942%203758%207140
Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769 tel:%2B92%20%280%29345%20831%208769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027 tel:%2B92%20%280%2942%203758%200027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com

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Tyler Hobbs
Software Engineer, DataStax http://datastax.com/
Maintainer of the pycassa http://github.com/pycassa/pycassa 
Cassandra Python client library

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: cassandra 0.6.3 error Connection refused to host:;

2011-04-26 Thread Ali Ahsan

Thanks for quick reply but i am not using ec2,Its a physical machine.
On 04/26/2011 12:59 PM, Sasha Dolgy wrote:

on ec2, we had to change the default jmx port ... but that's with
0.7.x.  instead of 8080 we opted for 9090 and that solved our

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Ali Ahsanali.ah...@panasiangroup.com  wrote:

I have added in cassandra.in.sh -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=myipaddress but
still getting same error any ideas ?

On 04/17/2011 02:24 AM, Tyler Hobbs wrote:


On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Ali Ahsanali.ah...@panasiangroup.com

Any one have solution for this problem ?

On 04/13/2011 05:20 PM, Ali Ahsan wrote:

I am not running any firewall this physical machine not EC2,I can telnet
to port 8080

  telnet 8080
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely, secure, error
or virus-free. We do not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

Tyler Hobbs
Software Engineer, DataStax
Maintainer of the pycassa Cassandra Python client library

S.Ali Ahsan
Senior System Engineer
e-Business (Pvt) Ltd
49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan
Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128
Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769
Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027
Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com

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S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: cassandra 0.6.3 error Connection refused to host:;

2011-04-16 Thread Ali Ahsan

Any one have solution for this problem ?

On 04/13/2011 05:20 PM, Ali Ahsan wrote:
I am not running any firewall this physical machine not EC2,I can 
telnet to port 8080

 telnet 8080
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: cassandra 0.6.3 error Connection refused to host:;

2011-04-13 Thread Ali Ahsan
I am not running any firewall this physical machine not EC2,I can telnet 
to port 8080

 telnet 8080
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.

On 04/13/2011 06:59 AM, aaron morton wrote:

Can you connect from the local machine using ?
Are you running any sort of fire wall?
Check you can connect from the node to the JMX port (8080 by default) using 


On 13 Apr 2011, at 04:25, Ali Ahsan wrote:

Any one can guide me on this issue ?

On 04/12/2011 04:07 PM, Ali Ahsan wrote:

Hi All

I have migrated my server to centos 5.5.Every thing is up but facing a little 
issue i have two cassandra nodes.  cassandra2 cassandra1

I am using open jdk with cassandra,We are faing following error when using 
nodetool.Only on one server that is cassandra2.Hosts file is also pasted 
below.I please let me know how can i fix this issue.

sh  nodetool -h  ring
Error connecting to remote JMX agent!
java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested 
exception is:

sh  nodetool -h  ring
Address   Status Load  Range
   129069858893052904163677015069685590304  Up 10.02 GB  104465788091875410298027059042850717029
|--|  Up 9.98 GB   129069858893052904163677015069685590304

Hosts file

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost

#::1localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: Cassandra node's replication factor two with random partition non Bootstrap node problem

2011-04-13 Thread Ali Ahsan
This solved we are doing some thing wrong in our application thanks for 
your help.

On 04/13/2011 01:43 AM, Peter Schuller wrote:

I have two cassandra node's,If Boot strapped  nodes goes down my service
remains alive,But if my non Bootstrap (master) node goes down my live site
goes down as well,I am using cassandra 0.6.3 can any elaborate on this

Assuming your RF is 2 (not 1), and that you are reading at consistency
level ONE (not QUORUM, which would be 2 in the case of RF=2),
single-node failures should be tolerated.

In order for people to help you'd have to specify some more
informaton. For example, your site goes down - but what is the
actual error condition w.r.t. Cassandra? What is the error reported by
the Cassandra client (and which client is it)?

I'm not sure what you mean w.r.t. boostrap/master etc. All nodes
should be entirely equal, with the exception of nodes that are marked
as seed nodes. But seed nodes going down should not cause reads and
writes to fail.

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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cassandra 0.6.3 error Connection refused to host:;

2011-04-12 Thread Ali Ahsan

Hi All

I have migrated my server to centos 5.5.Every thing is up but facing a 
little issue i have two cassandra nodes.  cassandra2 cassandra1

I am using open jdk with cassandra,We are faing following error when 
using nodetool.Only on one server that is cassandra2.Hosts file is also 
pasted below.I please let me know how can i fix this issue.

sh  nodetool -h  ring
Error connecting to remote JMX agent!
java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested 
exception is:


sh  nodetool -h  ring
Address   Status Load  
Range  Ring
129069858893052904163677015069685590304  Up 10.02 GB  
104465788091875410298027059042850717029|--|  Up 9.98 GB   

Hosts file

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost

#::1localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: cassandra 0.6.3 error Connection refused to host:;

2011-04-12 Thread Ali Ahsan

Please any one can

On 04/12/2011 04:07 PM, Ali Ahsan wrote:

Hi All

I have migrated my server to centos 5.5.Every thing is up but facing a 
little issue i have two cassandra nodes.  cassandra2 cassandra1

I am using open jdk with cassandra,We are faing following error when 
using nodetool.Only on one server that is cassandra2.Hosts file is 
also pasted below.I please let me know how can i fix this issue.


sh  nodetool -h  ring
Error connecting to remote JMX agent!
java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; 
nested exception is:

sh  nodetool -h  ring
Address   Status Load  
Range  Ring
129069858893052904163677015069685590304  Up 10.02 GB  
104465788091875410298027059042850717029|--|  Up 9.98 GB   

Hosts file

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost

#::1localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: Cassandra monitoring tool

2011-04-12 Thread Ali Ahsan
Thanks for sharing this info,I am getting following error,Can please be 
more specific how can i run this

java -cp 
/home/ali/apache-cassandra-0.6.3/lib/simple-cassandra-monitoring-1.0.jar ks1:cf1,ks1:cf2

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 127/0/0/1
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:321)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:266)
Could not find the main class: Program will exit.


java -jar 
/home/ali/apache-cassandra-0.6.3/lib/simple-cassandra-monitoring-1.0.jar  localhost 

Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from

On 04/12/2011 07:26 PM, Héctor Izquierdo Seliva wrote:

Hi everyone.

Looking for ways to monitor cassandra with zabbix I could not found
anything that was really usable, till I found mention of a nice class by
smeet. I have based my modification upon his work and now I give it back
to the community.

Here's the project url:


It allows to get statistics for any Keyspace/ColumnFamily you want. To
start it just build the jar, and launch it using as classpath your
cassandra installation lib folder.

The first parameter is the node host name. The second parameter is a
comma separated list of KS:CF values. For example:

java -cp blablabla localhost ks1:cf1,ks1:cf2.

Then point curl to http://localhost:9090/ks1/cf1 and some basic stats
will be displayed.

You can also point to http://localhost:9090/nodeinfo to get some info
about the server.

If you have any suggestion or improvement you would like to see, please
contact me and I will be glad to work on it. Right now it's a bit rough,
but it gets the job done.

Thanks for your time!

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

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Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: Cassandra monitoring tool

2011-04-12 Thread Ali Ahsan

On 04/12/2011 10:42 PM, Héctor Izquierdo Seliva wrote:

I forgot to mention it has been coded against 0.7.x, and I'm not sure it
will work on 0.6.x. I'll try to add support for both 0.6.x and the new
0.8.x version as soon as possible.

I think these error  is because of 0.6.3 ?

xception in thread main java.io.IOException: Failed to retrieve 
RMIServer stub: javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is 
java.rmi.ConnectIOException: error during JRMP connection establishment; 
nested exception is:

Caused by: javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is 
java.rmi.ConnectIOException: error during JRMP connection establishment; 
nested exception is:


at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:409)

... 3 more
Caused by: java.rmi.ConnectIOException: error during JRMP connection 
establishment; nested exception is:


at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.newConnection(TCPChannel.java:202)
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.newCall(UnicastRef.java:340)
at sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl_Stub.lookup(Unknown Source)

... 8 more
Caused by: java.io.EOFException
at java.io.DataInputStream.readByte(DataInputStream.java:267)

... 12 more

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Cassandra node's replication factor two with random partition non Bootstrap node problem

2011-04-12 Thread Ali Ahsan

Hi All

I have two cassandra node's,If Boot strapped  nodes goes down my service 
remains alive,But if my non Bootstrap (master) node goes down my live 
site goes down as well,I am using cassandra 0.6.3 can any elaborate on 
this problem.

Re: Cassandra monitoring tool

2011-04-12 Thread Ali Ahsan
Yes same host,I will test this with my developer team  and let you know 
more on it.

On 04/12/2011 11:14 PM, Héctor Izquierdo Seliva wrote:

I'm not sure. Are you runing it in the same host as the cassandra node?

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

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Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Cassandra 0.6.3 ring not balance in terms of data size

2011-03-17 Thread Ali Ahsan

Hi All

We are running Cassandra 0.6.3,We have two node's with replication 
factor one and ordered partitioning.Problem we are facing at the moment 
all data is being send to one Cassandra node  and its filling up quite 
rapidly and we are short of disk space.Unfortunately we have hardware 
constrain and we cannot add more hard disks.my current ring situation is 
that one node contain 89 GB and other have only 500 MB we are not able 
to sort this out why this is happening.Please give suggestion how can we 
solve this issue asap.

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: Cassandra 0.6.3 ring not balance in terms of data size

2011-03-17 Thread Ali Ahsan

Below is the ouput of nodetool ring

Address   Status Load  
Range  Ring

   TuL8jLqs7uxLipP6 Up 89.91 GB  
JDtVOU0YVQ6MtBYA   |--| Up 487.41 MB 
TuL8jLqs7uxLipP6   |--|

Reasons for using ordered partitioner because we wanted range slices and 
while keeping the order of the keys.

On 03/17/2011 03:40 PM, aaron morton wrote:
With the Order Preserving Partitioner you are responsible for 
balancing the rows around the cluster, 

Was there a reason for using the ordered partitioner rather than the 
random one?

What does the output from nodetool ring look like ?

You can change the token for the small node so that it takes ownership 
of more of the data see 
http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations?highlight=%28partitioner%29#Moving_nodes You 
will need to understand the row keys you are using and pick the token 

Hope that helps.

On 17 Mar 2011, at 22:50, Ali Ahsan wrote:

Hi All

We are running Cassandra 0.6.3,We have two node's with replication 
factor one and ordered partitioning.Problem we are facing at the 
moment all data is being send to one Cassandra node  and its filling 
up quite rapidly and we are short of disk space.Unfortunately we have 
hardware constrain and we cannot add more hard disks.my current ring 
situation is that one node contain 89 GB and other have only 500 MB 
we are not able to sort this out why this is happening.Please give 
suggestion how can we solve this issue asap.

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com mailto:ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com

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S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

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Re: Cassandra 0.6.3 ring not balance in terms of data size

2011-03-17 Thread Ali Ahsan

Dear Aaron,

We are little confused about OPP token.How to calculate OPP Token? Few 
of our column families have UUID as key and other's  have  integer as key.

On 03/17/2011 04:22 PM, Ali Ahsan wrote:

Below is the ouput of nodetool ring

Address   Status Load  
Range  Ring

   TuL8jLqs7uxLipP6 Up 89.91 GB  
JDtVOU0YVQ6MtBYA   |--| Up 487.41 MB 
TuL8jLqs7uxLipP6   |--|

Reasons for using ordered partitioner because we wanted range slices 
and while keeping the order of the keys.

On 03/17/2011 03:40 PM, aaron morton wrote:
With the Order Preserving Partitioner you are responsible for 
balancing the rows around the cluster, 

Was there a reason for using the ordered partitioner rather than the 
random one?

What does the output from nodetool ring look like ?

You can change the token for the small node so that it takes 
ownership of more of the data see 
http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations?highlight=%28partitioner%29#Moving_nodes You 
will need to understand the row keys you are using and pick the token 

Hope that helps.

On 17 Mar 2011, at 22:50, Ali Ahsan wrote:

Hi All

We are running Cassandra 0.6.3,We have two node's with replication 
factor one and ordered partitioning.Problem we are facing at the 
moment all data is being send to one Cassandra node  and its filling 
up quite rapidly and we are short of disk space.Unfortunately we 
have hardware constrain and we cannot add more hard disks.my current 
ring situation is that one node contain 89 GB and other have only 
500 MB we are not able to sort this out why this is happening.Please 
give suggestion how can we solve this issue asap.

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com mailto:ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com

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S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

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S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

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Re: Cassandra 0.6.3 ring not balance in terms of data size

2011-03-17 Thread Ali Ahsan

Please can any one give their comment on this

On 03/17/2011 07:02 PM, Ali Ahsan wrote:

Dear Aaron,

We are little confused about OPP token.How to calculate OPP Token? Few 
of our column families have UUID as key and other's  have  integer as key.

Re: How to delete bulk data from cassandra 0.6.3

2011-02-05 Thread Ali Ahsan

Any update on this?

On 02/05/2011 12:53 AM, Ali Ahsan wrote:
So do we need to write a script ? or its some thing i can do as a 
system admin without involving and developer.If yes please guide me in 
this case.

On 02/04/2011 10:36 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
In that case, you should shut down the server before removing data 

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 9:01 AM,roshandawr...@gmail.com  wrote:

I thought truncate() was not available before 0.7 (in 0.6.3)was it?

Sent from BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan Ellisjbel...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 08:58:35
To: useruser@cassandra.apache.org
Reply-To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: How to delete bulk data from cassandra 0.6.3

You should use truncate instead. (Then remove the snapshot truncate 

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:05 AM, Ali 
Ahsanali.ah...@panasiangroup.com  wrote:

Hi All

Is there any way i can delete column families data (not removing 
families ) from Cassandra without effecting ring integrity.What if  
i delete

some column families data in linux with rm command  ?

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

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Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

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Re: How to delete bulk data from cassandra 0.6.3

2011-02-05 Thread Ali Ahsan
Thanks for replying Edward Capriolo.Will this effect cassandra ring  
integrity? Another question is that will cassandra work properly after 
this operation.And will it be possible to restore deleted  data from 

in 0.6.X
pkill `pid of cassandra`
rm -rf * /var/lib/cassandra/data/keyspace/CF you want to delete*
(start cassandra)

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

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Re: How to delete bulk data from cassandra 0.6.3

2011-02-05 Thread Ali Ahsan

Thanks for detailed replay

On 02/05/2011 10:01 PM, Edward Capriolo wrote:

On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Ali Ahsanali.ah...@panasiangroup.com  wrote:

Thanks for replying Edward Capriolo.Will this effect cassandra ring
  integrity? Another question is that will cassandra work properly after this
operation.And will it be possible to restore deleted  data from backup?.

in 0.6.X
pkill `pid of cassandra`
rm -rf * /var/lib/cassandra/data/keyspace/CF you want to delete*
(start cassandra)

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

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Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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I am not sure what you mean by data integrity.

In short, when Cassandra starts up it searches it's data directories
and loads up the data, index, bloom filters, and saved caches it

Unless the files are corrupt it will happily load up what it finds.

Restores are done by the process your described , stop server, restore
files, start server.

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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How to upgrade cassandra from 0.6.3 to 0.7

2011-02-05 Thread Ali Ahsan

Hi All
We are planning to upgrade cassanra from 0.6.3 to 0.7 any one can guide 
me to web link where i can find upgrade procedure.

Re: How to upgrade cassandra from 0.6.3 to 0.7

2011-02-05 Thread Ali Ahsan

Ok let me read it out.

On 02/06/2011 12:20 AM, Tyler Hobbs wrote:

We are planning to upgrade cassanra from 0.6.3 to 0.7 any one can
guide me to web link where i can find upgrade procedure.

NEWS.txt in an 0.7.0 package covers all the details of upgrading quite 

Tyler Hobbs
Software Engineer, DataStax http://datastax.com/
Maintainer of the pycassa http://github.com/pycassa/pycassa 
Cassandra Python client library

How to delete bulk data from cassandra 0.6.3

2011-02-04 Thread Ali Ahsan

Hi All

Is there any way i can delete column families data (not removing column 
families ) from Cassandra without effecting ring integrity.What if  i 
delete some column families data in linux with rm command  ?

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

Fax: +92 (0)42 3758 0027

Email: ali.ah...@panasiangroup.com



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Re: How to delete bulk data from cassandra 0.6.3

2011-02-04 Thread Ali Ahsan
So do we need to write a script ? or its some thing i can do as a system 
admin without involving and developer.If yes please guide me in this case.

On 02/04/2011 10:36 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

In that case, you should shut down the server before removing data files.

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 9:01 AM,roshandawr...@gmail.com  wrote:

I thought truncate() was not available before 0.7 (in 0.6.3)was it?

Sent from BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan Ellisjbel...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 08:58:35
To: useruser@cassandra.apache.org
Reply-To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: How to delete bulk data from cassandra 0.6.3

You should use truncate instead. (Then remove the snapshot truncate creates.)

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:05 AM, Ali Ahsanali.ah...@panasiangroup.com  wrote:

Hi All

Is there any way i can delete column families data (not removing column
families ) from Cassandra without effecting ring integrity.What if  i delete
some column families data in linux with rm command  ?

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

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Jonathan Ellis
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S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
Lahore 54000, Pakistan

Tel: +92 (0)42 3758 7140 Ext. 128

Mobile: +92 (0)345 831 8769

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