Re: Java Client Driver for Cassandra 2.0.14

2015-05-15 Thread Artur Kronenberg
I started using the datastax driver (coming from astynax driver) 
recently. It is awesome! Use it :D



On 15/05/15 10:32, Rohit Naik wrote:

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Nodetool removenode stuck

2015-01-19 Thread Artur Kronenberg


we have had an issue with one of our nodes today:

1. Due to a wrong setup the starting node failed to properly bootstrap. 
It was shown as UN in the cluster however did not contain any data and 
we shut it down to fix our configuration issue.

2. We figured we need to remove the node from the cluster before being 
able to restart it cleanly and have it bootstrap automatically. We used 
nodetool removenode UUID which caused mutliple nodes in our Datacenter 
to be marked as DOWN for some reason (taken from the log) and a bunch of 
operations against our cluster to fail. The nodes have come up again and 
other than a slight heart attack we are fine.

However, the removenode operation is now stuck and won't continue.

Can anyone recommend on how to proceed safely from here? The node is 
marked as DL in our cluster. I found however there is no 
hint on how to handle this properly.

Is it save to use the force option here? We don't want to risk the 
cluster going down for whatever reason again.

Thank you!


Re: How to prevent the removed DC comes back automactically?

2014-08-14 Thread Artur Kronenberg


not sure if that's what you're looking for but you can use 
auto_bootstrap=false in your yaml file to prevent nodes from 
bootstrapping themselves on startup. This option has been removed and 
the default is true. You can add it to your configuration though. 
There's a bit of documentation here:

-- artur

On 14/08/14 06:48, Lu, Boying wrote:

Hi, All,

We are using Cassandra 2.0.7 in a multi DCs environments.  If a 
connected DC is powered off, we use the ‘nodetool removenode’ command 
to remove it from the connected DCs.

But we found that once the disconnected DC is powered on, it will 
connect to other DCs automatically.

How can we prevent a disconnected DC from coming back automatically?

Thanks a lot


Re: Configuring all nodes as seeds

2014-06-18 Thread Artur Kronenberg


pretty sure we started out like that and had not seen any problems doing 
that. On a side node, that config may become inconsistent anyway after 
adding new nodes, because I think you'll need a restart of all your 
nodes if you add new seeds to the yaml file. (Though that's just assumption)

On 18/06/14 09:09, Peer, Oded wrote:

My intended Cassandra cluster will have 15 nodes per DC, with 2 DCs.

I am considering using all the nodes as seed nodes.

It looks like having all the nodes as seeds should actually reduce the 
Gossip overhead (See Gossiper implementation in

Is there any reason not do this?

Re: repair -pr does not return

2014-05-02 Thread Artur Kronenberg


to be honest 2 days for 200GB nodes doesn't sound too unreasonable to me 
(depending on your hardware of course). We were running a ~20 GB cluster 
with regualr hard drives (no SSD) and our first repair ran a day as well 
if I recall correctly. We since improved our hardware and got it down to 
a couple of hours (~5h for all nodes triggering a -pr repair).

As far as I know you can use nodetool compactionstats and nodetool 
netstats to check for activity on your repairs. There may be a chance 
that it is hanging but also that it just really takes a quite long time.


-- artur

On 02/05/14 09:12, Jan Kesten wrote:

Hi Duncan,

is it actually doing something or does it look like it got stuck?  
2.0.7 has a fix for a getting stuck problem.

it starts with sending merkle trees and streaming for some time (some 
hours in fact) and then seems just to hang. So I'll try to update and 
see it that's solves the issue. Thanks for that hint!


Backup procedure

2014-05-02 Thread Artur Kronenberg


we are running a 7 node cluster with an RF of 5. Each node holds about 
70% of the data and we are now wondering about the backup process.

1. Is there a best practice procedure or a tool that we can use to have 
one backup that holds 100 % of the data or is it necessary for us to 
take multiple backups.

2. If we have to use multiple backups, is there a way to combine them? 
We would like to be able to start up a 1 node cluster that holds 100% of 
data if necessary. Can we just chug all sstables into the data directory 
and cassandra will figure out the rest?

3. How do we handle the commitlog files from all of our nodes? Given 
we'd like to restore to a certain point in time and we have all the 
commitlogs, can we have commitlogs from multiple locations in the 
commitlog folder and cassandra will pick and execute the right thing?

4. If all of the above would work, could we in case of emergency setup a 
massive 1-node cluster that holds 100 % of the data and repair the rest 
of our cluster based of this? E.g. have the 1 node run with the correct 
data, and then hook it into our existing cluster and call repair on it 
to restore data on the rest of our nodes?

Thanks for your help!



Re: How to extract information from commit log?

2014-03-19 Thread Artur Kronenberg


we did something similar. We did utilize some cassandra code though and 
wrote a custom commitlog reader that outputs our data into a readable form.

You can look here:

This code is used to replay commitlogs when starting up cassandra. It 
has the ability to deserialize and transform the data into what you'll need.

-- artur

On 18/03/14 19:32, Han,Meng wrote:

Hi Jonathan,

Thank you for the timely reply. I am doing this experiment on a 
continuous basis. To be more specific, I will issue a large amount of 
read and write operations to a particular key in a short time 
interval. I'd like to know the order that write operations happens at 
each replica. TImestamps definitely help to determine order, but the 
WRITETIME and SStable2Json both looks me only return the timestamps 
when that key was updated the moment the WRITETIME/SStable2Json is 
issued. It looks like a one time thing to me. Or put in another way, 
if I want to get the write time for all write operations in that short 
invertal to determine a total order for write on that replia I have to 
constantly issue WRITETIME to this replica?  Correct me if I am wrong 

Light me up pleease!

On Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:05:07 -0400, Jonathan Lacefield wrote:

  Is this a one time investigative item or are you looking to set 
something up to do this continuously?  Don't recommend trying to read 
the commit log.
  You can always use the WRITETIME function in CQL or look within 
SSTables via the SStable2Json utility to see write times for 
particular versions of partitions.


Jonathan Lacefield
Solutions Architect, DataStax
(404) 822 3487

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 2:25 PM, Han,Meng wrote:

Hi Cassandra hackers!

I have a question regarding extracting useful information from
commit log.

Since its a binary log, how should I extract information such as
timestamp, values from it? Does anyone know any binary log reader
that I can use directly to read commit log?
If there is no such reader, could someone give me some advice hwo
I can wrote such a reader?

Particularly, I want to know the order that write operations
happens at each replica(cassandra server node) along with their
timestamps, Does anyone know other methods how I can get this
information without instrumenting Cassandra code?

Any help is appreciated!


Re: Question about node tool repair

2014-01-22 Thread Artur Kronenberg

About repairs,

we encountered a similar problem with our setup where repairs would take 
ages to complete. Based on your setup you can try loading data into page 
cache before running repairs. Depending on how much data you can hold in 
cache, this will speed up your repairs massively.

-- artur

On 21/01/14 20:33, Logendran, Dharsan (Dharsan) wrote:

Thanks Rob,


*From:*Robert Coli []
*Sent:* January-21-14 2:26 PM
*Subject:* Re: Question about node tool repair

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Logendran, Dharsan (Dharsan) wrote:

We have a two  node cluster with the replication factor of 2.   The db 
has more than 2500 column families(tables).   The nodetool -pr repair 
on an empty database(one or table has a litter data) takes about 30 
hours to complete.   We are using Cassandra Version 2.0.4.   Is there 
any way for us to speed up this?.

Cassandra 2.0.2 made aspects of repair serial and therefore logically 
much slower as a function of replication factor. Yours is not the 
first report I have heard of = 2.0.2 era repair being unreasonably slow.

You can use -par (not at all confusingly named with -pr!) to get the 
old parallel behavior.

Cassandra 2.1 has this ticket to improve repair with vnodes.

But really you should strongly consider how much you need to run 
repair, and at very least probably increase gc_grace_seconds from the 
unreasonably low default of 10 days to 32 days, and then run your 
repair on the first of each month.

IMO it is just a complete and total error if repair of an actually 
empty database is anything but a NO-OP. I would file a JIRA ticket, 
were I you.


Re: Try to configure

2013-12-13 Thread Artur Kronenberg
It's been a while since I tried that but here are some things I can 
think of:

* the .log.out seems wrong. Unless your cassandra commitlogs don't end 
in .log.out. I tried this locally with your script and my commitlogs get 
extracted to .log files for me.
* I never tried the restore procedure on a cluster with multiple nodes. 
I imagine if you have a quorum defined the replayed commitlog may be 
ignored because the commitlog write operation is older then the deletion 
in which case the latter will be returned (nothing in your case)

On 13/12/13 13:27, Bonnet Jonathan. wrote:


   As i told you i began to explore restore operations, see my config for
archive commit logs:

archive_command=/bin/bash /produits/cassandra/scripts/
%path %name

restore_command=/bin/bash /produits/cassandra/scripts/
%from %to


restore_point_in_time=2013:12:11 17:00:00

My 2 scripts

bzip2 --best -k $1
mv $1.bz2 /produits/cassandra/cassandra_data/archived_commit/$2.bz2
cp -f $1 $2
bzip2 -d $2

For an example, at 2013:12:11 17:30:00 i had truncate a table which belong

to a keyspace with no replication on one node, after that i made a nodetool
flush. So when i restore to 2013:12:11 17:00:00 i expect to have my table
bein fill up again.

The node restart with this config correctly, i see my archive commit log
come back to my commitlogdirectory, seems bizarre to me that these ones
finish by *.out like CommitLog-3-1386927339271.log.out and not just .log.
Everything is normal ?

When i query my table now, this one is still empty. Finaly my restore
doesn't work and i wonder why ?

Do i have to make a restore on all nodes ? my keyspace have no replication
but perhaps restore need same operation on all node.

I miss something, i don't know.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Try to configure

2013-12-11 Thread Artur Kronenberg

hi Bonnet,

that doesn't seem to be a problem with your archiving, rather with the 
restoring. What is your restore command?

-- artur

On 11/12/13 13:47, Bonnet Jonathan. wrote:

Bonnet Jonathan jonathan.bonnet at writes:

Thanks a lot,

It Works, i see commit log bein archived. I'll try tomorrow the restore
command. Thanks again.

Bonnet Jonathan.


   I have restart a node today, and i have an error which seems to be in
relation with commitlog archiving:

ERROR 14:39:00,435 Exception encountered during startup
Cannot run program :
error=2, No such file or directory
Caused by: Cannot run program : error=2, No such file
or directory
 at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source)
 ... 4 more
Caused by: error=2, No such file or directory
 at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
 at java.lang.UNIXProcess.init(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(Unknown Source)
 ... 8 more
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot run program :
error=2, No such file or directory
Caused by: Cannot run program : error=2,
No such file or directory
 at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source)
 at org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities.exec
 ... 4 more
Caused by: error=2, No such file or directory
 at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
 at java.lang.UNIXProcess.init(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(Unknown Source)
 ... 8 more

No help again on the net, nothing change since the last changes in  The first time yesterday that i restart
there was no problem,and my commitlog bein archived well.

Someone can help me, please ?


Bonnet Jonathan.

Re: Try to configure

2013-12-11 Thread Artur Kronenberg

So, looking at the code:

public void maybeRestoreArchive()
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(restoreDirectories))

for (String dir : restoreDirectories.split(,))
File[] files = new File(dir).listFiles();
if (files == null)
throw new RuntimeException(Unable to list director  + 

for (File fromFile : files)
File toFile = new 
File(DatabaseDescriptor.getCommitLogLocation(), new 
String command = restoreCommand.replace(%from, 

command = command.replace(%to, toFile.getPath());
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);

I would like someone to confirm that, but it might potentially be a bug. 
It does the right thing for an empty restore directory. However it 
ignores the fact that the restore command could be empty.
So for you, jonathan, I reckon you have the restore directory set? You 
don't need that to be set in order to archive (only if you want to 
restore it). So set your restore_directory property to empty and you 
should get rid of those errors. The directory needs to be set when you 
enable the restore command.

On a second look, I am almost certain this is a bug, as the maybeArchive 
command does correctly check for the command to not be empty or null. 
The maybeRestore command needs to do the same thing for the 
restoreCommand. If someone confirms, I am happy to raise a bug.



On 11/12/13 14:09, Bonnet Jonathan. wrote:

Artur Kronenberg artur.kronenberg at writes:

 hi Bonnet,
   that doesn't seem to be a problem with your archiving, rather with
   the restoring. What is your restore command?
   -- artur
   On 11/12/13 13:47, Bonnet Jonathan. wrote:


Thanks to answear so fast,

I put nothing for restore ? should I ? cause i don't want to restore for the


Re: Try to configure

2013-12-10 Thread Artur Kronenberg


There is some docs on the internet for this operations. It is basically 
as presented in the archive-commitlog file. 

The way the operations work: The operation is called automatically with 
parameters that give you control over what you want to do with it. It 
looks to me like your copy command for the archiving wants to copy every 
file. This is unnecessary. Cassandra will give you the arguments. E.g. 
Documentation for the archive command reads:

# Command to execute to archive a commitlog segment
# Parameters: %path = Fully qualified path of the segment to archive
# %name = Name of the commit log.
# Example: archive_command=/bin/ln %path /backup/%name
# Limitation: *_command= expects one command with arguments. STDOUT
# and STDIN or multiple commands cannot be executed.  You might want
# to script multiple commands and add a pointer here.

Argument 1 will give you the path to the files you'd want to copy, while 
argument 2 will give uou the name if it. You can then create a command:

archive_command=/bin/bash /home/cassandra/scripts/ 
%path %name

The above would be an example for me. As the commands by default only 
execute 1 command, I have them point to a custom script that does what I 

My script then looks something like this:

#! /bin/bash
# use bzip to compress the file
bzip2 --best -k $1
# move to commit log archive
mv $1.bz2 $HOME/commitlog_restore/$2.bz2

I compress my commitlog and then move it somewhere else. Cassandra will 
call this operation first, and then delete the commitlog.

 You can apply similar behaviours to all of those commands.

I would recommend to set up a cleanup scripts, otherwise your saved 
commit-log files will floud your harddrive. I would also test this 
locally first to make sure it works. For testing locally, bare in mind 
that you may wanna set your max file sizes to very low values as the 
command is only called when the commitlog is deleted. So having 
commitlogs that are 250 MB  or bigger will need a lot of writing to make 
the event trigger.

I hope I got that right and it helps.


FYI there was a bug with this, so you may wanna be on the right version:

On 06/12/13 15:33, Vicky Kak wrote:
Why, can you give me a good example and the good way to configure 

commit logs ?

Take a look at the cassandra code ;)

On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Bonnet Jonathan wrote:


  I try to configure to take
advantage of
backup and restore at a point of time, but there is no ressources on
internet for that. So i need some help.

  If I understand I have 4 parameters:





  Forget for the moment the restore_point_in_time, should i put
one command
only for the archive_command; my wish is to copy all the commitlogs on
another directory:


archive_command=/bin/cp -
f /produits/cassandra/cassandra_commit/*.log

restore_command=/bin/cp -
f /produits/cassandra/cassandra_data/archived_logs/*.log

But it doesn't work when i restart the node which interest me, it
copy anything.

Why, can you give me a good example and the good way to configure
commit logs ? there's nothing on the net except Datastax Website.

Thanks for your answear.


Bonnet Jonathan.

Re: reads and compression

2013-11-29 Thread Artur Kronenberg

Hi John,

I am trying again :)

The way I understand it is that compression gives you the advantage of 
having to use way less IO and rather use CPU. The bottleneck of reads is 
usually the IO time you need to read the data from disk. As a figure, we 
had about 25 reads/s reading from disk, while we get up to 3000 reads/s 
when we have all of it in cache. So having good compression reduces the 
amount you have to read from disk. Rather you may spend a little bit 
more time decompressing data, but this data will be in cache anyways so 
it won't matter.


On 29/11/13 01:09, John Sanda wrote:
This article[1] cites gains in read performance can be achieved when 
compression is enabled. The more I thought about it, even after 
reading the DataStax docs about reads[2], I realized I do not 
understand how compression improves read performance. Can someone 
provide some details on this?

Is the compression offsets map still used if compression is disabled 
for a table? If so what is its rate of growth like as compared to the 
growth of the map when compression is enabled?

[1] whats-new-in-cassandra-1-0-compression
[2] about reads


- John

Re: Nodetool cleanup

2013-11-25 Thread Artur Kronenberg

Hi Julien,

I hope I get this right :)

a repair will trigger a mayor compaction on your node which will take up 
a lot of CPU and IO performance. It needs to do this to build up the 
data structure that is used for the repair. After the compaction this is 
streamed to the different nodes in order to repair them.

If you trigger this on every node simultaneously you basically take the 
performance away from your cluster. I would expect cassandra still to 
function, just way slower then before. Triggering it node after node 
will leave your cluster with more resources to handle incoming requests.


On 25/11/13 15:12, Julien Campan wrote:


I'm working with Cassandra 1.2.2 and I have a question about nodetool 
In the documentation , it's writted Wait for cleanup to complete on 
one node before doing the next

I would like to know, why we can't perform a lot of cleanup in a same 
time ?


Re: Sorting keys for batch reads to minimize seeks

2013-10-22 Thread Artur Kronenberg


we did some testing and found that doing range queries is much quicker 
then querying data regularly. I am guessing that a range query request 
is going to seek much more efficiently on disk.

This is where the idea of sorting our tokens comes in. We have a batch 
request of say 1000 items and instead of doing a multiget from cassandra 
which involves a lot of random I/O seeks, we would like to have a way to 
seek for the range. It doesn't actually matter if the range is slightly 
biggern then the amount of items we would like to retrieve as the time 
we loose filtering unneeded items in code is quicker then doing a 
multiget for 1000 items in the first place.

Is there a way for basing token ranges somewhat on a certain value in 
our schema? Say every row has a value A and B. While A is just a random 
identifier and we can't really rely on what this will be, all our 
queries operate on a way that B is going to be the same value for all 
items in the query. If we had the token range being random however with 
regards that the random values are generated based on the B value and 
therefore all items with B are close together in range and therefore 
optimized for range queries rather then gets, that could possibly speed 
up read performance significantly.



On 21/10/13 16:58, Edward Capriolo wrote:
I am not sure what you are working on will have an effect. You can not 
actually control the way the operating system seeks data on disk. The 
io scheduling is done outside cassandra. You can try to write the code 
in an optimistic way taking phyical hardware into account, but then 
you have to consider there are n concurrent requests on the io system.

On Friday, October 18, 2013, Viktor Jevdokimov 

 Read latency depends on many factors, don't forget physics.
 If it meets your requirements, it is good.

 -Original Message-
 From: Artur Kronenberg []

 Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 1:03 PM
 Subject: Re: Sorting keys for batch reads to minimize seeks


 Thanks for your reply. Our latency currently is 23.618ms. However I 
simply read that off one node just now while it wasn't under a load 
test. I am going to be able to get a better number after the next test 

 What is a good value for read latency?

 On 18/10/13 08:31, Viktor Jevdokimov wrote:
 The only thing you may win - avoid unnecessary network hops if:
 - request sorted keys (by token) from appropriate replica with 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE and dynamic_snitch: false.

 - nodes has the same load
 - replica not doing GC, and GC pauses are much higher than 
internode communication.

 For multiple keys request C* will do multiple single key reads, 
except for range scan requests, where only starting key and batch size 
is used in request.

 Consider multiple key request as a slow request by design, try to 
model your data for low latency single key requests.

 So, what latencies do you want to achieve?

 Best regards / Pagarbiai

 Viktor Jevdokimov
 Senior Developer


 Phone: +370 5 212 3063
 Fax: +370 5 261 0453

 J. Jasinskio 16C,
 LT-03163 Vilnius,

 Disclaimer: The information contained in this message and attachments
 is intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee
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 You must not use, disclose, distribute, copy, print or rely on this
 e-mail. If you have received this message in error, please contact the
 sender immediately and irrevocably delete this message and any
 copies.-Original Message-
 From: Artur Kronenberg []

 Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 7:40 PM
 Subject: Sorting keys for batch reads to minimize seeks


 I am looking to somehow increase read performance on cassandra. We 
are still playing with configurations but I was thinking if there 
would be solutions in software that might help us speed up our read 

 E.g. one idea, not sure how sane that is, was to sort read-batches 
by row-keys before submitting them to cassandra. The idea is that 
row-keys should be closer together on the physical disk and therefor 
this may minimize the amount of random seeks we have to do when 
querying say 1000 entries from cassandra. Does that make any sense?

 Is there anything else that we can do in software to improve 
performance? Like specific batch sizes for reads? We are using the 
astyanax library to access cassandra.



Re: Sorting keys for batch reads to minimize seeks

2013-10-18 Thread Artur Kronenberg


Thanks for your reply. Our latency currently is 23.618ms. However I 
simply read that off one node just now while it wasn't under a load 
test. I am going to be able to get a better number after the next test run.

What is a good value for read latency?

On 18/10/13 08:31, Viktor Jevdokimov wrote:

The only thing you may win - avoid unnecessary network hops if:
- request sorted keys (by token) from appropriate replica with ConsistencyLevel.ONE and 
dynamic_snitch: false.
- nodes has the same load
- replica not doing GC, and GC pauses are much higher than internode 

For multiple keys request C* will do multiple single key reads, except for 
range scan requests, where only starting key and batch size is used in request.

Consider multiple key request as a slow request by design, try to model your 
data for low latency single key requests.

So, what latencies do you want to achieve?

Best regards / Pagarbiai

Viktor Jevdokimov
Senior Developer

Phone: +370 5 212 3063
Fax: +370 5 261 0453

J. Jasinskio 16C,
LT-03163 Vilnius,

Disclaimer: The information contained in this message and attachments is 
intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee and may be 
confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you are reminded that the 
information remains the property of the sender. You must not use, disclose, 
distribute, copy, print or rely on this e-mail. If you have received this 
message in error, please contact the sender immediately and irrevocably delete 
this message and any copies.-Original Message-
From: Artur Kronenberg []
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 7:40 PM
Subject: Sorting keys for batch reads to minimize seeks


I am looking to somehow increase read performance on cassandra. We are still 
playing with configurations but I was thinking if there would be solutions in 
software that might help us speed up our read performance.

E.g. one idea, not sure how sane that is, was to sort read-batches by row-keys 
before submitting them to cassandra. The idea is that row-keys should be closer 
together on the physical disk and therefor this may minimize the amount of 
random seeks we have to do when querying say 1000 entries from cassandra. Does 
that make any sense?

Is there anything else that we can do in software to improve performance? Like 
specific batch sizes for reads? We are using the astyanax library to access 


Sorting keys for batch reads to minimize seeks

2013-10-17 Thread Artur Kronenberg


I am looking to somehow increase read performance on cassandra. We are 
still playing with configurations but I was thinking if there would be 
solutions in software that might help us speed up our read performance.

E.g. one idea, not sure how sane that is, was to sort read-batches by 
row-keys before submitting them to cassandra. The idea is that row-keys 
should be closer together on the physical disk and therefor this may 
minimize the amount of random seeks we have to do when querying say 1000 
entries from cassandra. Does that make any sense?

Is there anything else that we can do in software to improve 
performance? Like specific batch sizes for reads? We are using the 
astyanax library to access cassandra.


Heap requirement for Off-heap space

2013-10-11 Thread Artur Kronenberg


I was playing around with cassandra off-heap options. I configured 3 GB 
off-heap for my row cache and 2 GB Heap space for cassandra. After 
running a bunch of load tests against it I saw the cache warm up. Doing 
a jmap histogram I noticed a lot of offHeapkey objects. At that point my 
row cache was only 500 MB big. So I got worried on how this will affect 
Heap space when I manage to fill the entire off-heap.

Is there a formular that maps heap space to off-heap? Or more 
spicifically how much heap space does it require to manage 3 GB off-heap 



Rowcache and quorum reads cassandra

2013-10-10 Thread Artur Kronenberg
I was reading through configuration tips for cassandra and decided to 
use row-cache in order to optimize the read performance on my cluster.

I have a cluster of 10 nodes, each of them opeartion with 3 GB off-heap 
using cassandra 2.4.1. I am doing local quorum reads, which means that I 
will hit 3 nodes out of 5 because I split my 10 nodes into two data-centres.

I was under the impression that since each node gets a certain range of 
reads my total amount of off-heap would be 10 * 3 GB = 30 GB. However is 
this still correct with quorum reads? How does cassandra handle 
row-cache hits in combination with quorum reads?

-- artur

Re: Rowcache and quorum reads cassandra

2013-10-10 Thread Artur Kronenberg


That is basically our set up. We'll be holding all data on all nodes.

My problem was more on how the cache would behave. I thought it might go 
this way:

1. No cache hit

Read from 3 nodes to verify results are correct and then return. Write 
result into RowCache.

2. Cache hit

Read from Cache directly and return.

If now the value gets updated it would be found in the RowCache and 
either invalidated (hence case 1 on next read) or updated (hence case 2 
on next read). However I couldn't find any information on this.

If this was the case it would mean that each node would only have to 
hold 1/5 of my data in Cache (you're right about the DC clone so 1/5 of 
data instead of 1/10). If however 3 nodes have to be read each time and 
all 3 fill up the row cache with the same data that would make my cache 
requirements bigger.



On 10/10/13 14:06, Ken Hancock wrote:
If you're hitting 3/5 nodes, it sounds like you've set your 
replication factor to 5. Is that what you're doing so you can have a 
2-node outtage?

For a 5-node cluster, RF=5, each node will have 100% of your data (a 
second DC is just a clone), so with a 3GB off-heap it means that 3GB / 
total data size in GB total would be cacheable in the row cache.

On the other hand, if you're doing RF=3, each node will have 60% of 
your data instead of 100% so the effective percentage of rows that are 
cache goes up by 66%.

Great quick  dirty caclulator:

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 6:40 AM, Artur Kronenberg wrote:

I was reading through configuration tips for cassandra and decided
to use row-cache in order to optimize the read performance on my

I have a cluster of 10 nodes, each of them opeartion with 3 GB
off-heap using cassandra 2.4.1. I am doing local quorum reads,
which means that I will hit 3 nodes out of 5 because I split my 10
nodes into two data-centres.

I was under the impression that since each node gets a certain
range of reads my total amount of off-heap would be 10 * 3 GB = 30
GB. However is this still correct with quorum reads? How does
cassandra handle row-cache hits in combination with quorum reads?

-- artur

**Ken Hancock **| System Architect, Advanced Advertising
SeaChange International
50 Nagog Park
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Office: +1 (978) 889-3329 | Google Talk: | Skype:hancockks | Yahoo 
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