Re: large number of pending compactions, sstables steadily increasing

2016-11-10 Thread Eiti Kimura
Ben, Benjamin thanks for reply,

What your doing here is to change from LeveledCompactions to
SizeTieredCompaction. This task is in progress and we are going to measure
the results just for some column families.
Ben, thanks for the  procedure, will try it later again. When the problem
happened here, we started to 'destroy' the node, witch means, decommission,
remove all of data directories and bootstrap it again, the problem is that
bootstrap was taking much time to complete more than 5 hours...

Benjamin, I hope they start to take care of this ticket you are pointing,
looks like a bug for me and a generalized problem since there is a lot of
people using Cassandra 2.1.x.
Do you know guys if Cassandra 3.1 and 3.0 are affected by this problem as


J.P. Eiti Kimura

+55 19 3518  <>5500
+ <>55 19 98232 2792
skype: eitikimura
<>  <>

2016-11-07 18:49 GMT-02:00 Benjamin Roth <>:

> Hm, this MAY somehow relate to the issue I encountered recently:
> I also made a proposal to mitigate excessive (unnecessary) flushes during
> repair streams but unfortunately nobody commented on it yet.
> Maybe there are some opinions on it around here?
> 2016-11-07 20:15 GMT+00:00 Ben Slater <>:
>> What I’ve seen happen a number of times is you get in a negative feedback
>> loop:
>> not enough capacity to keep up with compactions (often triggered by
>> repair or compaction hitting a large partition) -> more sstables -> more
>> expensive reads -> even less capacity to keep up with compactions -> repeat
>> The way we deal with this at Instaclustr is typically to take the node
>> offline to let it catch up with compactions. We take it offline by running
>> nodetool disablegossip + disablethrift + disablebinary, unthrottle
>> compactions (nodetool setcompactionthroughput 0) and then leave it to chug
>> through compactions until it gets close to zero then reverse the settings
>> or restart C* to set things back to normal. This typically resolves the
>> issues. If you see it happening regularly your cluster probably needs more
>> processing capacity (or other tuning).
>> Cheers
>> Ben
>> On Tue, 8 Nov 2016 at 02:38 Eiti Kimura <> wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> Do we have any conclusions about this case? Ezra, did you solve your
>>> problem?
>>> We are facing a very similar problem here. LeveledCompaction with VNodes
>>> and looks like a node went to a weird state and start to consume lot of
>>> CPU, the compaction process seems to be stucked and the number of SSTables
>>> increased significantly.
>>> Do you have any clue about it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Eiti
>>> J.P. Eiti Kimura
>>> Plataformas
>>> +55 19 3518  <>5500
>>> + <>55 19 98232 2792
>>> skype: eitikimura
>>> <>
>>> <>  <>
>>> <>
>>> 2016-09-11 18:20 GMT-03:00 Jens Rantil <>:
>>> I just want to chime in and say that we also had issues keeping up with
>>> compaction once (with vnodes/ssd disks) and I also want to recommend
>>> keeping track of your open file limit which might bite you.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jens
>>> On Friday, August 19, 2016, Mark Rose <> wrote:
>>> Hi Ezra,
>>> Are you making frequent changes to your rows (including TTL'ed
>>> values), or mostly inserting new ones? If you're only inserting new
>>> data, it's probable using size-tiered compaction would work better for
>>> you. If you are TTL'ing whole rows, consider date-tiered.
>>> If leveled compaction is still the best strategy, one way to catch up
>>> with compactions is to have less data per partition -- in other words,
>>> use more machines. Leveled compaction is CPU expensive. You are CPU
>>> bottlenecked currently, or from the other perspect

Re: large number of pending compactions, sstables steadily increasing

2016-11-07 Thread Eiti Kimura
Hey guys,

Do we have any conclusions about this case? Ezra, did you solve your
We are facing a very similar problem here. LeveledCompaction with VNodes
and looks like a node went to a weird state and start to consume lot of
CPU, the compaction process seems to be stucked and the number of SSTables
increased significantly.

Do you have any clue about it?


J.P. Eiti Kimura

+55 19 3518  <>5500
+ <>55 19 98232 2792
skype: eitikimura
<>  <>

2016-09-11 18:20 GMT-03:00 Jens Rantil <>:

> I just want to chime in and say that we also had issues keeping up with
> compaction once (with vnodes/ssd disks) and I also want to recommend
> keeping track of your open file limit which might bite you.
> Cheers,
> Jens
> On Friday, August 19, 2016, Mark Rose <> wrote:
>> Hi Ezra,
>> Are you making frequent changes to your rows (including TTL'ed
>> values), or mostly inserting new ones? If you're only inserting new
>> data, it's probable using size-tiered compaction would work better for
>> you. If you are TTL'ing whole rows, consider date-tiered.
>> If leveled compaction is still the best strategy, one way to catch up
>> with compactions is to have less data per partition -- in other words,
>> use more machines. Leveled compaction is CPU expensive. You are CPU
>> bottlenecked currently, or from the other perspective, you have too
>> much data per node for leveled compaction.
>> At this point, compaction is so far behind that you'll likely be
>> getting high latency if you're reading old rows (since dozens to
>> hundreds of uncompacted sstables will likely need to be checked for
>> matching rows). You may be better off with size tiered compaction,
>> even if it will mean always reading several sstables per read (higher
>> latency than when leveled can keep up).
>> How much data do you have per node? Do you update/insert to/delete
>> rows? Do you TTL?
>> Cheers,
>> Mark
>> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 2:39 PM, Ezra Stuetzel <>
>> wrote:
>> > I have one node in my cluster 2.2.7 (just upgraded from 2.2.6 hoping to
>> fix
>> > issue) which seems to be stuck in a weird state -- with a large number
>> of
>> > pending compactions and sstables. The node is compacting about
>> 500gb/day,
>> > number of pending compactions is going up at about 50/day. It is at
>> about
>> > 2300 pending compactions now. I have tried increasing number of
>> compaction
>> > threads and the compaction throughput, which doesn't seem to help
>> eliminate
>> > the many pending compactions.
>> >
>> > I have tried running 'nodetool cleanup' and 'nodetool compact'. The
>> latter
>> > has fixed the issue in the past, but most recently I was getting OOM
>> errors,
>> > probably due to the large number of sstables. I upgraded to 2.2.7 and
>> am no
>> > longer getting OOM errors, but also it does not resolve the issue. I do
>> see
>> > this message in the logs:
>> >
>> >> INFO  [RMI TCP Connection(611)-] 2016-08-17 01:50:01,985
>> >> - Cannot perform a full major compaction as
>> >> repaired and unrepaired sstables cannot be compacted together. These
>> two set
>> >> of sstables will be compacted separately.
>> >
>> > Below are the 'nodetool tablestats' comparing a normal and the
>> problematic
>> > node. You can see problematic node has many many more sstables, and
>> they are
>> > all in level 1. What is the best way to fix this? Can I just delete
>> those
>> > sstables somehow then run a repair?
>> >>
>> >> Normal node
>> >>>
>> >>> keyspace: mykeyspace
>> >>>
>> >>> Read Count: 0
>> >>>
>> >>> Read Latency: NaN ms.
>> >>>
>> >>> Write Count: 31905656
>> >>>
>> >>> Write Latency: 0.051713177939359714 ms.
>> >>>
>> >>> Pending Flushes: 0
>> >>>
>> >>> Table: mytable
>> >>>
>> >>> SSTable count: 1908
>> >>>
>> >>>

SSTableWriter error: incorrect row data size

2015-10-09 Thread Eiti Kimura
Hello Guys,

Have a cluster with 6 nodes using Cassandra 1.2.
I have my Keyspace and tables created using thrift cassandra-cli.

Now I just created a new table using cqlsh as follows:

CREATE TABLE idx_conf (
  conf_id int,
  ref_id text,
  subs_key text,
  data text,
  enabled boolean,
  expiration timestamp,
  last_charge timestamp,
  last_charge_att timestamp,
  last_queued timestamp,
  master boolean,
  msg_balance int,
  origin_id int,
  seq_index int,
  status_id int,
  PRIMARY KEY (conf_id, subs_key)
  bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.01 AND
  caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND
  comment='' AND
  dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.00 AND
  gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND
  read_repair_chance=0.10 AND
  replicate_on_write='true' AND
  populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND
  compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND
  compression={'sstable_compression': 'SnappyCompressor'};

And I wrote a program to add data to this table using Datastax java-driver
version 2.1.5.

So I created my cluster with right protocol version for Cassandra 1.2
 cluster = Cluster.builder()

ExponentialReconnectionPolicy(1000L, 3L))

The inserts, updates and queries are working fine, but I saw some weird
exceptions in Cassandra server's log (system.log):

ERROR [CompactionExecutor:6523] 2015-10-09 12:33:23,551 (line 191) Exception in thread
java.lang.AssertionError: incorrect row data size 568009715 written to
correct is 568010203
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$

Looks like that SSTableWriter was not able to flush data to disk when
writing the new table: SBSPlatform-idx_config-tmp-ic-715-Data.db

Can you help me with that?
What are the consequences of this errors?

J.P. Eiti Kimura

+55 19 3518  <>5500
+ <>55 19 98232 2792
skype: eitikimura
<>  <>