Re: Time series data and deletion

2013-03-11 Thread Flavio Baronti

Il 2013/03/11 14:42 PM, aaron morton ha scritto:

I'm trying to understand what will happen when we start deleting the old data.

Are you going to delete data or use the TTL?

We delete the data explicitly, since we might change idea on the data TTL after 
it has been written.

With size tiered compaction, suppose we have one 160Gb sstable and some smaller 
tables totalling 40Gb.

Not sure on that, it depends on the work load.

NVM, was just a hypothesis.

 My understanding is that, even if we start deleting, we will have to wait for 3 more 160Gb tables to appear, in 
order to have the first sstable compacted and the disk space freed. 

v1.2 will run compactions on single SSTables that have a high number of 

I did not know about these improvements in 1.2! We're still on 1.0.12, I'll 
push for an upgrade.

One more question. I read and reread your description of deletes [1],  but I still am confused on tombstones and 
GCGraceSeconds, specifically when you say If the deletion is before gcBefore it is totally ignored.
Suppose I delete something, but compaction between the tombstone and the deleted data does not happen within 
GCGraceSeconds. From what I understood, it looks like the tombstone will be ignored, and the data will resurrect... 
where am I wrong?



Time series data and deletion

2013-03-08 Thread Flavio Baronti


we are using Cassandra for storing time series data. We never update, only append; we plan to store 1 year worth of 
data, occupying something around 200Gb. I'm trying to understand what will happen when we start deleting the old data.

With size tiered compaction, suppose we have one 160Gb sstable and some smaller tables totalling 40Gb. My understanding 
is that, even if we start deleting, we will have to wait for 3 more 160Gb tables to appear, in order to have the first 
sstable compacted and the disk space freed. So although we need to store 200Gb worth of data, we'll need something like 
800Gb disk space in order to be on the safe side, right?

What would happen instead with leveled compaction? And why is the default sstable size so small (5Mb)? If we need to 
store 200Gb, this means we will have 40k sstables; since each one makes 5 files, we'll have 200k files in a single 
directory, which we'm afraid will undermine the stability of the file system.

Thank you for your suggestions!


Re: 1000's of column families

2012-09-28 Thread Flavio Baronti
We had some serious trouble with dynamically adding CFs, although last time we tried we were using version 0.7, so maybe 
that's not an issue any more.

Our problems were two:
- You are (were?) not supposed to add CFs concurrently. Since we had more servers talking to the same Cassandra cluster, 
we had to use distributed locks (Hazelcast) to avoid concurrency.
- You must be very careful to add new CFs to different Cassandra nodes. If you do that fast enough, and the clocks of 
the two servers are skewed, you will severely compromise your schema (Cassandra will not understand in which order the 
updates must be applied).

As I said, this applied to version 0.7, maybe current versions solved these 


Il 2012/09/27 16:11 PM, Hiller, Dean ha scritto:

We have 1000's of different building devices and we stream data from these devices.  The 
format and data from each one varies so one device has temperature at timeX with some 
other variables, another device has CO2 percentage and other variables.  Every device is 
unique and streams it's own data.  We dynamically discover devices and register them.  
Basically, one CF or table per thing really makes sense in this environment.  While we 
could try to find out which devices are similar, this would really be a pain 
and some devices add some new variable into the equation.  NOT only that but researchers 
can register new datasets and upload them as well and each dataset they have they do NOT 
want to share with other researches necessarily so we have security groups and each CF 
belongs to security groups.  We dynamically create CF's on the fly as people register new 

On top of that, when the data sets get too large, we probably want to partition a single 
CF into time partitions.  We could create one CF and put all the data and have a 
partition per device, but then a time partition will contain multiple devices 
of data meaning we need to shrink our time partition size where if we have CF per device, 
the time partition can be larger as it is only for that one device.

THEN, on top of that, we have a meta CF for these devices so some people want 
to query for streams that match criteria AND which returns a CF name and they 
query that CF name so we almost need a query with variables like select cfName 
from Meta where x = y and then select * from cfName where x. Which we can 
do today.


From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Date: Thursday, September 27, 2012 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: 1000's of column families

Out of curiosity, is it really necessary to have that amount of CFs?
I am probably still used to relational databases, where you would use a new 
table just in case you need to store different kinds of data. As Cassandra 
stores anything in each CF, it might probably make sense to have a lot of CFs 
to store your data...
But why wouldn't you use a single CF with partitions in these case? Wouldn't it 
be the same thing? I am asking because I might learn a new modeling technique 
with the answer.


2012/9/26 Hiller, Dean
We are streaming data with 1 stream per 1 CF and we have 1000's of CF.  When 
using the tools they are all geared to analyzing ONE column family at a time 
:(.  If I remember correctly, Cassandra supports as many CF's as you want, 
correct?  Even though I am going to have tons of funs with limitations on the 
tools, correct?

(I may end up wrapping the node tool with my own aggregate calls if needed to 
sum up multiple column families and such).


Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Tiered compation on two disks

2012-06-21 Thread Flavio Baronti


I have a Cassandra installation where we plan to store 1Tb of data, split 
between two 1Tb disks.
Tiered compation should be better suited for our workload (append-only, 
deletion of old data, few reads).
I know that tiered compaction needs 50% free disk space for worst case situation. How does this combine with the disk 
split? What happens if I have 500Gb of data in one disk and 500Gb in the other? Won't compaction try to build a single 
1Tb file, failing since there are only 500Gb free on each disk?


Re: Starting cassandra with -D option

2012-06-21 Thread Flavio Baronti

The option must actually include also the name of the yaml file:



Il 6/21/2012 13:16 PM, Roshni Rajagopal ha scritto:

Hi Folks,

   We wanted to have a single cassandra installation, and use it to start 
cassandra in other nodes by passing it the cassandra configuration directories 
as a parameter. Idea is to avoid having the copies of cassandra code in each 
node, and starting each node by getting into bin/cassandra of that node.

As per,
We have an option –D where we can supply some parameters to cassandra.
Has anyone tried this?
Im getting an error as below.

walmarts-MacBook-Pro-2:Node1-Cassandra1.1.0 walmart$  bin/cassandra  
walmarts-MacBook-Pro-2:Node1-Cassandra1.1.0 walmart$  INFO 15:38:01,763 Logging 
  INFO 15:38:01,766 JVM vendor/version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server 
  INFO 15:38:01,766 Heap size: 1052770304/1052770304
  INFO 15:38:01,766 Classpath: 
  INFO 15:38:01,768 JNA not found. Native methods will be disabled.
  INFO 15:38:01,826 Loading settings from 
ERROR 15:38:01,873 Fatal configuration error error
Can't construct a java object for,2002:org.apache.cassandra.config.Config; exception=No single 
argument constructor found for class org.apache.cassandra.config.Config
  in reader, line 1, column 1:

The other option would be to modify
Has anyone tried this??


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solely for the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have 
received this email in error destroy it immediately. *** Walmart Confidential 

Re: JMX APIs thru MX4J

2012-04-04 Thread Flavio Baronti


I can't help you with your other questions, but the type [Ljava.lang.String; 
is an array of String objects.
More info here


Il 4/4/2012 10:04 AM, Andrea Tuccia ha scritto:

I'm working on a fork of Sébastien Giroux Cassandra Cluster Admin and I
wish to pull my contributions to the parent code.

Here is my repository:

...and Sébastien Giroux one:

I wanna add the same functionalities of OpsCenter (or the common
functions available thru the command line nodetool) as cleanup, compact,
repair, drain, decommission and so on...

I'm stuck, gone in trouble with MX4J.[Ljava.lang.String%3B

MBean operation: invoke method on MBean
Error during MBean operation invocationMessage: count of parameter types
doesn't match count of parameter values[Ljava.lang.String%3Bvalue1=

MBean operation: invoke method on MBean
Error during MBean operation invocationMessage: Parameter 1: cannot be
converted to type [Ljava.lang.String;

MBean operation: invoke method on MBean
Error during MBean operation invocationMessage: Operation singature has
no match in the MBean, how can I call the APIs (apparently) with optional parameters?
What is that strange definition of the type [Ljava.lang.String; for
some params?

Thanks in advance!

Andrea Tuccia

List all keys with RandomPartitioner

2012-02-22 Thread Flavio Baronti

I need to iterate over all the rows in a column family stored with 
When I reach the end of a key slice, I need to find the token of the last key 
in order to ask for the next slice.
I saw in an old email that the token for a specific key can be recoveder through FBUtilities.hash(). That class however 
is inside the full Cassandra jar, not inside the client-specific part.

Is there a way to iterate over all the keys which does not require the 
server-side Cassandra jar?


Re: List all keys with RandomPartitioner

2012-02-22 Thread Flavio Baronti

Il 2/22/2012 12:24 PM, Franc Carter ha scritto:

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 8:47 PM, Flavio Baronti wrote:

I need to iterate over all the rows in a column family stored with 
When I reach the end of a key slice, I need to find the token of the last 
key in order to ask for the next slice.
I saw in an old email that the token for a specific key can be recoveder 
through FBUtilities.hash(). That class
however is inside the full Cassandra jar, not inside the client-specific 
Is there a way to iterate over all the keys which does not require the 
server-side Cassandra jar?

Does this help ?


Looks good... I thought you were not supposed to iterate directly over row keys 
with a RandomPartitioner!

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Flavio Baronti

We are using Cassandra for time series storage.
Strong points: write performance.
Pain points: dinamically adding column families as new time series come in. Caused a lot of headaches, mismatchers 
between nodes, etc. In the end we just put everything together in a single (huge) column family.
Wish list: A decent GUI to explore data kept in Cassandra would be much valuable. It should also be extendable to 
provide viewers for custom data.

Il 11/1/2011 23:59 PM, Jonathan Ellis ha scritto:

Hi all,

Two years ago I asked for Cassandra use cases and feature requests.
[1]  The results [2] have been extremely useful in setting and
prioritizing goals for Cassandra development.  But with the release of
1.0 we've accomplished basically everything from our original wish
list. [3]

I'd love to hear from modern Cassandra users again, especially if
you're usually a quiet lurker.  What does Cassandra do well?  What are
your pain points?  What's your feature wish list?

As before, if you're in stealth mode or don't want to say anything in
public, feel free to reply to me privately and I will keep it off the


ConsistencyLevel and write availability

2011-05-31 Thread Flavio Baronti

Suppose i have a cluster with 10 nodes and RF=5.
Will every write succeed if one or two of my nodes are down, and I use ConsistencyLevel=ALL? Or will some of the writes 

OOM recovering failed node with many CFs

2011-05-26 Thread Flavio Baronti
I can't seem to be able to recover a failed node on a database where i 
did many updates to the schema.

I have a small cluster with 2 nodes, around 1000 CF (I know it's a lot, 
but it can't be changed right now), and ReplicationFactor=2.
I shut down a node and cleaned its data entirely, then tried to bring it 
back up. The node starts fetching schema updates from the live node, but 
the operation fails halfway with an OOME.

After some investigation, what I found is that:

- I have a lot of schema updates (there are 2067 rows in the 
system.Schema CF).
- The live node loads migrations 1-1000, and sends them to the 
recovering node (Migration.getLocalMigrations())
- Soon afterwards, the live node checks the schema version on the 
recovering node and finds it has moved by a little - say it has applied 
the first 3 migrations. It then loads migrations 3-1003, and sends them 
to the node.
- This process is repeated very quickly (sends migrations 6-1006, 
9-1009, etc).

Analyzing the memory dump and the logs, it looks like each of these 1000 
migration blocks are composed in a single message and sent to the 
OutboundTcpConnection queue. However, since the schema is big, the 
messages occupy a lot of space, and are built faster than the connection 
can send them. Therefore, they accumulate in 
OutboundTcpConnection.queue, until memory is completely filled.

Any suggestions? Can I change something to make this work, apart from 
reducing the number of CFs?


Re: OOM recovering failed node with many CFs

2011-05-26 Thread Flavio Baronti

I tried the manual copy you suggest, but the SystemTable.checkHealth() function
complains it can't load the system files. Log follows, I will gather some more
info and create a ticket as soon as possible.

 INFO [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,147 Logging 
 INFO [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,172 Heap size: 
 INFO [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,174 JNA not found. Native 
methods will be disabled.
 INFO [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,190 Loading settings from 
 INFO [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,344 DiskAccessMode 'auto' determined to be mmap, 
indexAccessMode is mmap

 INFO [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,532 Opening 
 INFO [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,577 Opening 
 INFO [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,590 Opening 
 INFO [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,599 Opening 
 INFO [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,600 Opening 
 INFO [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,602 Opening 
 INFO [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,603 Opening 
ERROR [main] 2011-05-26 18:25:36,634 Fatal 
exception during initialization
org.apache.cassandra.config.ConfigurationException: Found system table files, but they couldn't be loaded. Did you 
change the partitioner?

at org.apache.cassandra.db.SystemTable.checkHealth(

Il 5/26/2011 6:04 PM, Jonathan Ellis ha scritto:

Sounds like a legitimate bug, although looking through the code I'm
not sure what would cause a tight retry loop on migration
announce/rectify. Can you create a ticket at ?

As a workaround, I would try manually copying the Migrations and
Schema sstable files from the system keyspace of the live node, then
restart the recovering one.

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Flavio Baronti  wrote:

I can't seem to be able to recover a failed node on a database where i did
many updates to the schema.

I have a small cluster with 2 nodes, around 1000 CF (I know it's a lot, but
it can't be changed right now), and ReplicationFactor=2.
I shut down a node and cleaned its data entirely, then tried to bring it
back up. The node starts fetching schema updates from the live node, but the
operation fails halfway with an OOME.
After some investigation, what I found is that:

- I have a lot of schema updates (there are 2067 rows in the system.Schema
- The live node loads migrations 1-1000, and sends them to the recovering
node (Migration.getLocalMigrations())
- Soon afterwards, the live node checks the schema version on the recovering
node and finds it has moved by a little - say it has applied the first 3
migrations. It then loads migrations 3-1003, and sends them to the node.
- This process is repeated very quickly (sends migrations 6-1006, 9-1009,

Analyzing the memory dump and the logs, it looks like each of these 1000
migration blocks are composed in a single message and sent to the
OutboundTcpConnection queue. However, since the schema is big, the messages
occupy a lot of space, and are built faster than the connection can send
them. Therefore, they accumulate in OutboundTcpConnection.queue, until
memory is completely filled.

Any suggestions? Can I change something to make this work, apart from
reducing the number of CFs?
