Re: [scxml] State hierarchy with scxml

2010-05-17 Thread Charbel Abou-Khalil

Thanks Rahul.

You are spot on, this was exactly what I was looking for.

Many thanks.


From: "Rahul Akolkar" 
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 8:34 PM
To: "Commons Users List" 
Subject: Re: [scxml] State hierarchy with scxml

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Charbel Abou-Khalil


Just wondering whether it is possible to define a state hierarchy with 

In short if you have a tree and the state of each tree node is based on a 
set of rules that will involve the states of the child nodes all the way 
down to the leaf nodes of the tree.

From the limited information above, it seems each node has its own
state machine, and changes in the node state may affect parent node's
state. This could be achieved by maintaining an SCXML executor per
tree node and bubbling state changes up along the parent axis using
existing parent-child references available in the tree. A lighter
weight structure of one executor for the entire tree can perhaps also
be achieved using a state machine that is generated to match the tree
structure and parent node states are managed in composite states
recursively down to the simple states for the leaf nodes.


Many thanks



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Re: Configuration: Reading multiple files with the same name (from different jars)

2010-05-17 Thread Oliver Heger

Hi Ralph,

Am 17.05.2010 12:34, schrieb rhwinzin:


I'm currently designing an application which has to be very flexible /
extendable. My idea was to provide certain "hooks" (i.e. configuration files
with well defined names) that can be placed in various jar modules or in the
file-system classpath. Maybe I should give an example:

Say we have a configuration file "". This file might be
provided in various JARs (/META-INF/") and all of them
should be loaded. Furthermore, the application should check the file-system
classpath if there's also one (or more) such property file. The whole thing
should support reload strategy and the application should also check, if
there was a new properties file created in the classpath.

I'm not quite sure, whether Commons-Configuration supports this out of the
box. If so, maybe someone could give me a hint, on how to do this. If not,
hints for writing the respective extension are highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

unfortunately, there is no support for such features out of the box.

But I think you could use DefaultConfigurationBuilder; it provides some 
functionality similar to your use case. Per default, 
DefaultConfigurationBuilder reads an XML definition file that defines 
the configuration sources to be loaded. One approach would be to 
generate such a file with the configuration sources you need dynamically 
and pass it to the builder. An alternative would be to initialize the 
builder manually: it is derived from XMLConfiguration, so it is possible 
to set properties that correspond to the definitions of configuration 

So the basic idea is that you use DefaultConfigurationBuilder to load 
the configuration sources available and define reloading strategies for 
them. Looking up the sources would be in the responsibility of your 

Probably you will not be able to satisfy all your requirements. For 
instance, Commons Configuration does not provide any functionality to 
monitor the class path and reread configuration files if something has 


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Re: [scxml] State hierarchy with scxml

2010-05-17 Thread Rahul Akolkar
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Charbel Abou-Khalil
> HI,
> Just wondering whether it is possible to define a state hierarchy with scxml?
> In short if you have a tree and the state of each tree node is based on a set 
> of rules that will involve the states of the child nodes all the way down to 
> the leaf nodes of the tree.

>From the limited information above, it seems each node has its own
state machine, and changes in the node state may affect parent node's
state. This could be achieved by maintaining an SCXML executor per
tree node and bubbling state changes up along the parent axis using
existing parent-child references available in the tree. A lighter
weight structure of one executor for the entire tree can perhaps also
be achieved using a state machine that is generated to match the tree
structure and parent node states are managed in composite states
recursively down to the simple states for the leaf nodes.


> Many thanks
> Regards
> Charbel.

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Re: [scxml] State hierarchy with scxml

2010-05-17 Thread Sachin Dole
On May 17, 2010 11:09 AM, "Charbel Abou-Khalil" 


Just wondering whether it is possible to define a state hierarchy with

In short if you have a tree and the state of each tree node is based on a
set of rules that will involve the states of the child nodes all the way
down to the leaf nodes of the tree.

Many thanks



[scxml] State hierarchy with scxml

2010-05-17 Thread Charbel Abou-Khalil

Just wondering whether it is possible to define a state hierarchy with scxml?

In short if you have a tree and the state of each tree node is based on a set 
of rules that will involve the states of the child nodes all the way down to 
the leaf nodes of the tree.

Many thanks



[Travel Assistance] - applications Open for ApacheCon NA 2010

2010-05-17 Thread sebb
 The Travel Assistance Committee is now taking in applications for those
 wanting to attend ApacheCon North America (NA) 2010, which is taking place
 between the 1st and 5th November in Atlanta.

 The Travel Assistance Committee is looking for people who would like to be
 able to attend ApacheCon, but who need some financial support in order to be
 able to get there. There are limited places available, and all applications
 will be scored on their individual merit.

 Financial assistance is available to cover travel to the event, either in
 part or in full, depending on circumstances. However, the support available
 for those attending only the barcamp is smaller than that for people
 attending the whole event. The Travel Assistance Committee aims to support
 all ApacheCons, and cross-project events, and so it may be prudent for those
 in Asia and the EU to wait for an event closer to them.

 More information can be found on the main Apache website at - where you will also find a link to
 the online application and details for submitting.

 Applications for applying for travel assistance are now being accepted, and
 will close on the 7th July 2010.

 Good luck to all those that will apply.

 You are welcome to tweet, blog as appropriate.


 The Travel Assistance Committee.

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Configuration: Reading multiple files with the same name (from different jars)

2010-05-17 Thread rhwinzin


I'm currently designing an application which has to be very flexible /
extendable. My idea was to provide certain "hooks" (i.e. configuration files
with well defined names) that can be placed in various jar modules or in the
file-system classpath. Maybe I should give an example:

Say we have a configuration file "". This file might be
provided in various JARs (/META-INF/") and all of them
should be loaded. Furthermore, the application should check the file-system
classpath if there's also one (or more) such property file. The whole thing
should support reload strategy and the application should also check, if
there was a new properties file created in the classpath.

I'm not quite sure, whether Commons-Configuration supports this out of the
box. If so, maybe someone could give me a hint, on how to do this. If not,
hints for writing the respective extension are highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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