
I am using*commons-vfs2-2.0.jar* and am running into problems when file names contain non-ascii characters. According to this has been fixed/shipped in 2.0. In my environment I am able to create such file names when using ftp on the command-line (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8 (Tikanga)).

When I execute the following sample code, I get the output shown below.

public class FtpTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileSystemException
        String host="hhh";
        String user = "uuu";
        String password = "ppp";
        String destDir = "/tmp";
        FileSystemOptions opts = new FileSystemOptions();
FtpFileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance().setControlEncoding(opts, "UTF-8");

        DefaultFileSystemManager manager = new DefaultFileSystemManager();
        manager.addProvider("ftp", new FtpFileProvider());

        String root="ftp://"+user+":"+password+"@"+host+destDir;
// Specify a number of directories that should be created under destDir
        String[] lRoots = new String[4];
        lRoots[0]= root+"/ftpDebug";
        lRoots[1]= root+"/ftp\u7684Debug";  // insert a non-ascii char
lRoots[2]= root+"/ftp\u7685Debug"; // insert a different non-ascii char lRoots[3]= root+"/ftp\u7684Debug"; // insert the same non-ascii char

        // Verify the ControlEncoding
System.out.println("ControlEncoding is "+FtpFileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance().getControlEncoding(opts));

        int dirCount=0;
        for (String lRoot: lRoots) {
            System.out.println(dirCount+") Process directory ["+lRoot+"]");
            FileObject newDir = manager.resolveFile(lRoot, opts);
            if (!newDir.exists()) {
                try {
System.out.println(dirCount+") "+lRoot+" ::Dir Does Not Exist so Create It ");
                    if (newDir.exists())
System.out.println(dirCount+") "+lRoot+" ::Creation Successful ");
System.out.println(dirCount+") "+lRoot+" ::Creation Fails ");
                catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println(dirCount+") "+lRoot + " raised "+ex);
System.out.println(dirCount+") "+lRoot+" ::Dir Already Exists ");

The output from running the above is:-

ControlEncoding is UTF-8
0) Process directory [ftp://uuu:ppp@hhh/tmp/ftpDebug]
0) ftp://uuu:ppp@hhh/tmp/ftpDebug ::Dir Does Not Exist so Create It
0) ftp://uuu:ppp@hhh/tmp/ftpDebug ::Creation Successful
1) Process directory [ftp://uuu:ppp@hhh/tmp/ftpªDebug]
1) ftp://uuu:ppp@hhh/tmp/ftpªDebug ::Dir Does Not Exist so Create It
1) ftp://uuu:ppp@hhh/tmp/ftpªDebug ::Creation Successful
2) Process directory [ftp://uuu:ppp@hhh/tmp/ftp%Gçš…%@Debug]
2) ftp://uuu:ppp@hhh/tmp/ftp%Gçš…%@Debug ::Dir Does Not Exist so Create It
2) ftp://uuu:ppp@hhh/tmp/ftp%Gçš…%@Debug raised org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException: Could not create folder "ftp://uuu:***@hhh/tmp/ftp%Gçš…%@Debug".
3) Process directory [ftp://uuu:ppp@hhh/tmp/ftpªDebug]
3) ftp://uuu:ppp@hhh/tmp/ftpªDebug ::Dir Does Not Exist so Create It
3) ftp://uuu:ppp@hhh/tmp/ftpªDebug raised org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException: Could not create folder "ftp://uuu:***@hhh/tmp/ftpªDebug";.

After step 1) I see a directory called*/tmp/ftp?Debug*.
I think this is causing the subsequent creation problem in step 2) and step 3). When a directory such as "*ftp\u7684Debug*" does exist, then *exists*() returns the correct result of true, but *createFolder*() creates a directory with name "*ftp?Debug*".

Thanks in advance

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