Apache Commons JXPath , would be a new release ?

2023-03-01 Thread Luis Panadero Guardeño
I just take a look that JXPatch had many commits on the last years 
(fixes, third party dependencies updated, tests...) but not was any new 
release since 2015 .

JXPatch would get a new release any time ?


/Luis Panadero Guardeño/
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Re: [ JEXL ] Engine and expression thread safety

2023-03-01 Thread Henri Biestro
Hi Nilesh;

Wrt thread safety, yes, JexlEngine and JexlExpression are thread-safe. Objects 
whose access is shared through scripts - your classes - must be too though. 
Btw, in your case, note that JEXL uses a (configurable thread-safe) cache for 
expressions which may mitigate your need for 'greedy' expression creation.

Wrt security, as of JEXL 3.3 - soon to be released -, the default permissions 
will restrict what a user can access to a very limited set of classes. Those 
are configurable and can be tailored (JexlPermissions/JexlSandbox/@NoJexl 
annotation). In JEXL 3.2.1, *by default*, any public class/method/field is 
accessible which ultimately allows all kinds of shenanigans.
You can also restrict parts of the language to disallow constructs like 
side-effects (JexlFeatures).

Hope this helps,

On 2023/02/23 15:36:18 Nilesh PS wrote:
> Hello Jexl users,
> First of all, thank you devs for building and maintaining this library. I
> was about to give up my search for a simple expression evaluator when I
> came across Jexl.
> I'm hoping to use Jexl in a web service to evaluate simple expressions.
> Having tried out a few simple expressions successfully, a couple of
> questions immediately came to mind.
> 1. Are classes like JexlEngine and JexlExpression thread safe ?  I'm
> running a spring boot service with one thread per request and have to
> evaluate some expressions with the values given in the request. Would it be
> safe to create a JexlExpression during service init and share it between
> all request threads ? I'm hoping this would reduce the latency overhead
> since the expression is parsed only once, but I couldn't figure out whether
> it's safe to do so.
> 2.  Are there any obvious security risks in evaluating expressions (not
> scripts) that come from an external user ? I know this will heavily depend
> on my implementation, but I'm hoping expressions are side effect free (e.g
> no calls to System.setProperty allowed) under all circumstances so they can
> be used with simple string and number inputs.
> Any inputs are appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Nilesh

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