Ok, my bad, I was simply looking in the wrong place. I though the logs were
sent to YARN but they were actually stored in the Flink logs folder.
Problem solved, sorry for the mix up.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 8:48 PM, Stefano Baghino <
stefano.bagh...@radicalbit.io> wrote:

> There's another open thread on a similar situation but I'm not quite sure
> this is completely related, so I'm opening a new one.
> Is there a particular setting that has to be used when logging from an
> application that is running in YARN? I quickly put together a simple
> application that reads from and writes to Kafka, starting from the Maven
> Java archetype. I didn't edit the log4j.properties coming with the
> archetype, so it's currently using a ConsoleAppender, but I'm not sure on
> how I should edit it in order to make it appear in the YARN aggregate logs;
> as of now, yarn logs just show the TaskManager and JobManager logs, with no
> signs of my logs appearing on them. Should I look elsewhere.
> In the application I use SLF4J, like this:
> private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Job.class);
> To make sure I'm not just skipping the points where I log, I put error
> level logs at the very first line of my application. Still nothing.
> --
> BR,
> Stefano Baghino
> Software Engineer @ Radicalbit

Stefano Baghino

Software Engineer @ Radicalbit

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