Flink not rolling log files

2018-08-17 Thread Navneet Kumar Pandey
I am using Flink in EMR with following configuration.

  "Classification": "flink-log4j",
  "Properties": {



HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %-60c %x - %m%n"


FYI this configuration get written into flink's log4j.properties.As you can
see even after this setting taskmanager and jobmanager log files are not
getting rolled.

[hadoop@ip-XX ~]$ sudo ls -lh
total 7.0G
-rw-r--r-- 1 yarn yarn 770K Aug 17 14:02 taskmanager.err
-rw-r--r-- 1 yarn yarn 6.0G Aug 17 14:02 taskmanager.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 yarn yarn 526K Aug 17 13:54 taskmanager.out

Can somebody help me to give pointer about how to roll these log files?
Note that these files are also being copied into s3.

Re: Flink not rolling log files

2018-08-17 Thread Gary Yao
Hello Navneet Kumar Pandey,

org.apache.log4j.rolling.RollingFileAppender is part of Apache Extras
Companion for Apache log4j [1]. Is that library in your classpath?

Are there hints in taskmanager.err?

Can you run:

cat /usr/lib/flink/conf/log4j.properties

on the EMR master node and show the output?

For troubleshooting, you can also try org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
which can roll the file if a certain size is exceeded. An example
configuration can be found here (I have not tested it):



[1] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/extras/

On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 4:09 PM, Navneet Kumar Pandey 

> I am using Flink in EMR with following configuration.
>  {
>   "Classification": "flink-log4j",
>   "Properties": {
> "log4j.logger.no":"DEBUG",
> "log4j.appender.file":"org.apache.log4j.rolling.
> RollingFileAppender",
> "log4j.appender.file.RollingPolicy.FileNamePattern"
> :"logs/log.%d{MMdd-HHmm}.log",
> "log4j.appender.file.RollingPolicy":"org.apache.log4j.rolling.
> TimeBasedRollingPolicy",
> "log4j.appender.file.append":"false",
> "log4j.appender.file.layout":"org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout",
> "log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern":"%d{-MM-dd
> HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %-60c %x - %m%n"
>   }
> }
> FYI this configuration get written into flink's log4j.properties.As you
> can see even after this setting taskmanager and jobmanager log files are
> not getting rolled.
> [hadoop@ip-XX ~]$ sudo ls -lh  /mnt/var/log/hadoop-yarn/
> containers/application_DDD_0002/container_
> _0002_01_02
> total 7.0G
> -rw-r--r-- 1 yarn yarn 770K Aug 17 14:02 taskmanager.err
> -rw-r--r-- 1 yarn yarn 6.0G Aug 17 14:02 taskmanager.log
> -rw-r--r-- 1 yarn yarn 526K Aug 17 13:54 taskmanager.out
> Can somebody help me to give pointer about how to roll these log files?
> Note that these files are also being copied into s3.

Re: Flink not rolling log files

2018-08-17 Thread Dominik WosiƄski
I am using this *log4j.properties *file config for rolling files once per
day and it is working perfectly. Maybe this will give You some hint:

HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %-60c %x - %m%n

Best Regards,

Re: Flink not rolling log files

2018-08-18 Thread Gary Yao

When using org.apache.log4j.rolling.RollingFileAppender, it is apparently
allowed to set:


It works for me if I remove this property from the log4j.properties file.

Moreover, you have configured:

log4j.appender.file.RollingPolicy.FileNamePattern =

This will create the log files in the "logs" directory relative to where you
start the Flink cluster. You may want to change FileNamePattern to an
path. Also note that the Flink default logging directory is "log" and not


On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 8:28 PM, Navneet Kumar Pandey 

> Hi Gary,
> Thanks for quick reply.
> Following is output of  "cat /usr/lib/flink/conf/log4j.properties"
> log4j.rootLogger=INFO,file
> # Log all infos in the given file
> log4j.appender.file=org.apache.log4j.rolling.RollingFileAppender
> log4j.appender.file.file=${log.file}
> log4j.appender.file.append=false
> log4j.appender.file.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
> log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}
> %-5p %-60c %x - %m%n
> # suppress the irrelevant (wrong) warnings from the netty channel handler
> log4j.logger.org.jboss.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline=ERROR,file
> log4j.appender.file.RollingPolicy = org.apache.log4j.rolling.
> TimeBasedRollingPolicy
> log4j.appender.file.RollingPolicy.FileNamePattern =
> logs/log.%d{MMdd-HHmm}.log
> log4j.logger.no = DEBUG
> and I double checked the log4j library is in the lib
> [hadoop@ip-XX lib]$ ls /usr/lib/flink/lib/
> apache-log4j-extras-1.2.17.jar  flink-metrics-datadog-1.4.2.jar
> flink-queryable-state-runtime_2.11-1.4.2.jar  log4j-1.2.17.jar
> flink-dist_2.11-1.4.2.jar   flink-python_2.11-1.4.2.jar
> flink-shaded-hadoop2-uber-1.4.2.jar   slf4j-log4j12-1.7.7.jar
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 5:15 PM, Gary Yao  wrote:
>> Hello Navneet Kumar Pandey,
>> org.apache.log4j.rolling.RollingFileAppender is part of Apache Extras
>> Companion for Apache log4j [1]. Is that library in your classpath?
>> Are there hints in taskmanager.err?
>> Can you run:
>> cat /usr/lib/flink/conf/log4j.properties
>> on the EMR master node and show the output?
>> For troubleshooting, you can also try org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAp
>> pender
>> which can roll the file if a certain size is exceeded. An example
>> configuration can be found here (I have not tested it):
>> https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/5371/files
>> Best,
>> Gary
>> [1] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/extras/
>> On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 4:09 PM, Navneet Kumar Pandey 
>> wrote:
>>> I am using Flink in EMR with following configuration.
>>>  {
>>>   "Classification": "flink-log4j",
>>>   "Properties": {
>>> "log4j.logger.no":"DEBUG",
>>> "log4j.appender.file":"org.apache.log4j.rolling.RollingFileA
>>> ppender",
>>> "log4j.appender.file.RollingPolicy.FileNamePattern":"logs/lo
>>> g.%d{MMdd-HHmm}.log",
>>> "log4j.appender.file.RollingPolicy":"org.apache.log4j.rollin
>>> g.TimeBasedRollingPolicy",
>>> "log4j.appender.file.append":"false",
>>> "log4j.appender.file.layout":"org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
>>> ",
>>> "log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern":"%d{-MM-dd
>>> HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %-60c %x - %m%n"
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> FYI this configuration get written into flink's log4j.properties.As you
>>> can see even after this setting taskmanager and jobmanager log files are
>>> not getting rolled.
>>> [hadoop@ip-XX ~]$ sudo ls -lh  /mnt/var/log/hadoop-yarn/conta
>>> iners/application_DDD_0002/container__0002_01_02
>>> total 7.0G
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 yarn yarn 770K Aug 17 14:02 taskmanager.err
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 yarn yarn 6.0G Aug 17 14:02 taskmanager.log
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 yarn yarn 526K Aug 17 13:54 taskmanager.out
>>> Can somebody help me to give pointer about how to roll these log files?
>>> Note that these files are also being copied into s3.