Hi Patricia,

Flink will create one Kafka consumer per parallelism, however, you'll need some 
testing to measure the capability of a single task. Usu, one consumer can 
consume at a much higher rate than 1 record per second.

Zhanghao Chen
From: patricia lee <plee3...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 15:26
To: user@flink.apache.org <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Parallelism and Target TPS


I have a flink job that consumes from kafka and sinks it to an API. I need to 
ensure that my flink job can send within the rate limit 200 tps, we are 
planning to increase the parallelism, but I do not know the right number to 
set. 1 parallelism  does equal to 1 consumer? So if 200, should we set it to 
200 parallelism too?

I only created a simple retry that will send it again if 421 http error is 

Any advise, appreciated. Thanks

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