Re: Use of AspectJ load time weaving in Geronimo

2009-07-13 Thread Dan Becker
Ahh, true Kevan, I am omitting one other step that I normally do to make 
this run on Apache Tomcat. Namely, this context.xml is placed in the web 
app META-INF/context.xml, and the Spring JAR spring-tomcat-weaver.jar is 
placed into $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib:

Context path=/MyApp reloadable=false


I've had success now in Geronimo with instrumenting the the system class 
loader by setting JAVA_OPTS==-javaagent:%ASPECTJ_WEAVER% (where 
ASPECTJ_WEAVER points to aspectjweaver-1.6.2.jar) before I call 
geronimo.bat, but I would rather run the weaver as part of the web app 
class loader rather than the system class loader. So is it possible to 
do an instrumented web app class classloader using context.xml or some 
other mechanism in Geronimo?

Kevan Miller wrote:

On Jul 13, 2009, at 11:26 AM, Dan Becker wrote:

I've been implementing an Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) profiling 
and timing system on some of my web application code. I've been able 
to Load Time Weave (LTW) my application code using plain Apache Tomcat 
by placing the following AOP configuration file in 

However, when I try the same operation in Geronimo 1.1.1 (J2EE version 
with Tomcat), I do not see the weaver weaving, nor do I catch any of 
the application code with the pointcuts or the aspects.

I assume you're using G 1.1.1 for a reason. Have you tried 2.1.4?

You must be doing more than simply creating an aop.xml file. Otherwise, 
how is AspectJ getting loaded/triggered to read the configuration file?

Have other people tried AOP with Geronimo? Have they been successful 
load time weaving with such a configuration file? Pointers to any AOP 
examples with Geronimo are appreciated.

Maybe others who have used it. I've never tried it. But interested to 
see it running. Even more interested to see it on G 2.1.4 :-P, but happy 
to help with 1.1.1, also...

Prolly best to follow up on our user@ list...

Thanks, Dan

Apache Con US '09 Geronimo Track

2009-07-13 Thread Kevan Miller

Repost from our dev list.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 5:53 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

There will be a Geronimo Track at ApacheCon US '09. We will be  
sharing a full day with the Directory Project. This means that we'll  
have 2 to 3 50 minute time slots. We have some flexibility on how we  
format these time slots. So, IIUC, we can sub-divide these time  
slots, if we desire.

I've put together the following proposed Track Description. Comments  
much appreciated. I'd like to settle on the track description  
quickly, if possible. And hope we can start discussing talk  
proposals and track formats, real soon.


Apache Geronimo is a lightweight, flexible, component-based server  
for building dynamic application server environments. Geronimo  
plugins can be assembled into a fully compliant Java EE Server.  
However, it can be easily assembled into a server providing a subset  
of functionality or a minimal subset required to meet the  
requirements of a set of applications. In addition to the Apache  
Geronimo Server, the Geronimo project is also comprised of a number  
of subprojects: Development Tools, XBean, Yoko, GShell, Specs, etc.

Potential topics for the Geronimo Track include, but are in no way  
limited to:

  * Geronimo architecture,
  * Systems management,
  * Application development and user experiences,
  * OSGi Blueprint,
  * Kernel restructuring,
  * Java EE 6,
  * etc.


Please let me know your thoughts on the above. Also, please start  
thinking about potential talks. However, please don't start making  
specific talk proposals, yet.

Finally, we will need to discuss our selection process for talk  
proposals. I would prefer that we reach our talk decisions on our  
public mailing list, rather than our private@ mailing list. This  
could be a bit sensitive, however. So, I would appreciate your  
thoughts. If we're concerned about potential harm this might cause,  
it's possible that some sort of anonymous vote could be held.


Re: log4jResource setting in GBean: ApplicationLog4jConfigurationGBean

2009-07-13 Thread Ying Tang
Thanks David and Viola.

 The document
been updated with this issue:

You can also use a file in your classpath, for example, in
WEB-INF/classes/META-INF. (If you prefer not to place this file under
WEB-INF/classes/, the path of this file must be added to your
classpath).But this will obstruct anyone trying to configure logging
as the file will
remain packed in your application somewhere hard to find.

gbean name=DirectoryLog4jConfiguration class=

attribute name=log4jResourceMETA-INF/

Best Regards,

Ying Tang

2009/6/9 David Jencks

 On Jun 8, 2009, at 11:03 PM, wrote:

 hi, i follow steps in
 and add gbean information in geronimo-web.xml using log4jResource.





 But Can't find META-INF/  error always exists. if i use
 log4jFile setting like below:



 it works well.

 I looked into ApplicationLog4jConfigurationGBean code:
 InputStream in;
   if (log4jFile != null) {
   File file = serverInfo.resolveServer(log4jFile);
   in = new FileInputStream(file);
   } else if (log4jResource != null) {
   in = classloader.getResourceAsStream(log4jResource);
   if (in == null) {
   throw new NullPointerException(No log4j properties resource
 found at  + log4jResource);
   } else {


 in = classloader.getResourceAsStream(log4jResource);

 ClassLoader will search this file from classpath, and my project structure


 Why it can't find out file META-INF/

 Because that's not in your classpath.

 Try WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/

 david jencks

 Anyone can figure it out? Thanks.
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