Re: Problems creating JMS Resrouce Group

2006-02-08 Thread Johnny l
Thanks a lot Aaron! that worked perfectly! I'm still hammering this all out so I'll hopefully be back with more fundamental questions!

Re: Problems creating JMS Resrouce Group

2006-02-06 Thread Johnny l
lol well after relooking at that entire section, I took a swipe at the manual config of it. Unfortunately I still can't seem to get it going. When I deploy the deployment plan with deploy, everything goes fine until i check it out in the admin console. The connection factory's state is set to Failed and when i try to check the details, it gives me Error occurred in portlet!. 

In the server window the exception thrown is:
ERROR [GBeanInstanceState] Error while starting; GBean is now in the FAILED state: objectName=geronimo.server:J2EEApplication=null,J2EEServer=geronimo,

Considering I took most of my deployplan from the tutorial and didn't change too much, I feel I sorta missed some vital step in actually setting up the server perhaps?Any help would be greatly appreciated (and sorry about all these bash head on desksilly problems :)

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?connector xmlns=
 configId=MyTopicConnectionFactory parentId=geronimo/activemq/1.0/carresourceadapter!-- how to connect to the JMS Server --resourceadapter-instance
 resourceadapter-nameTestJMS/resourceadapter-name config-property-setting name=ServerUrl tcp://localhost:61616 /config-property-setting
 config-property-setting name=UserName not needed /config-property-setting config-property-setting name=Password not needed /config-property-setting
 workmanager gbean-linkDefaultWorkManager/gbean-link /workmanager/resourceadapter-instance!-- defines a ConnectionFactory --outbound-resourceadapter
 connection-definition connectionfactory-interface javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory /connectionfactory-interface connectiondefinition-instance
 namejms/MyTopicConnectionFactory/name implemented-interface javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory /implemented-interface connectionmanager
 xa-transaction transaction-caching / /xa-transaction single-pool max-size10/max-size min-size0/min-size
 blocking-timeout-milliseconds 5000 /blocking-timeout-milliseconds idle-timeout-minutes 0 /idle-timeout-minutes
 match-one/ /single-pool /connectionmanager /connectiondefinition-instance /connection-definition /outbound-resourceadapter
 /resourceadapter!-- defines a Topic -- adminobject adminobject-interfacejavax.jms.Topic/adminobject-interface adminobject-classorg.activemq.message.ActiveMQTopic
/adminobject-class adminobject-instance message-destination-namejms/Topic/message-destination-name config-property-setting name=PhysicalNamejms/Topic/config-property-setting
 /adminobject-instance /adminobject/connector

Problems creating JMS Resrouce Group

2006-02-05 Thread Johnny l
I'm just trying starting up with Geronimo, so please be gentle:

I was just running throughAaron Mulder's online book Apache Geronimo Development and Deploymentand got to the chapter in creating JMS Connection factories and resource groups (
7.2 Easy configuration and deployment using the console). My problem is that I can't find any of the view's that are being shown! in fact, I can't even find where you even create a new destination. All I have options for is to create a new connection factory (no option for any other JMS provider as stated in the tutorial) and only options for url, name, pw, pool max, and blockout timer. 

I'm really confused and been frustrated with this for a few days now. Any ideas?