I wanted to confirm 1), same problem here.

Something funny is going on with Geronimo itself on MacOSX 5.2, Java 1.5:

- on my Intel Macbook Pro, it runs without a hitch
- on my dual 2.5 Ghz PPC Powermac, it hangs during startup. Like it is waiting for a lock, but: when starting with either java -verbose switched on or debug on, it does finish loading.


On 19 mrt 2008, at 20:17, Mark Aufdencamp wrote:

Hey Guys,

I've been trying to get 2.1 running on my iBook. Running into a couple
of problems and could use some help.

1. Safari doesn't like the binary download link.  I grabbed Firefox to
download the 2.1 binary, but would hate to see other Mac user
discouraged from using Geronimo as a result of a bad link to the
download.  I'm not sure why it doesnt like the .tar.gz link, but it
tries to add a .html extension to the file (.tar.gz.html). I'm willing
to assist on this if I can be of help.

2. I extracted the binary and configured it in MyEclipse as a Geronimo
2.1 server. When I start the server it dies on the remote-deploy- tomcat
GBean.  (stack trace below)

3. Utilizing the latest OS X 10.4.11 JVM - 1.5.0_13.  I think:) its
apples latest production release.


Mark Aufdencamp

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