Repost from our dev list.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 5:53 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

There will be a Geronimo Track at ApacheCon US '09. We will be sharing a full day with the Directory Project. This means that we'll have 2 to 3 50 minute time slots. We have some flexibility on how we format these time slots. So, IIUC, we can sub-divide these time slots, if we desire.

I've put together the following proposed Track Description. Comments much appreciated. I'd like to settle on the track description quickly, if possible. And hope we can start discussing talk proposals and track formats, real soon.


Apache Geronimo is a lightweight, flexible, component-based server for building dynamic application server environments. Geronimo plugins can be assembled into a fully compliant Java EE Server. However, it can be easily assembled into a server providing a subset of functionality or a minimal subset required to meet the requirements of a set of applications. In addition to the Apache Geronimo Server, the Geronimo project is also comprised of a number of subprojects: Development Tools, XBean, Yoko, GShell, Specs, etc.

Potential topics for the Geronimo Track include, but are in no way limited to:
  * Geronimo architecture,
  * Systems management,
  * Application development and user experiences,
  * OSGi Blueprint,
  * Kernel restructuring,
  * Java EE 6,
  * etc.


Please let me know your thoughts on the above. Also, please start thinking about potential talks. However, please don't start making specific talk proposals, yet.

Finally, we will need to discuss our selection process for talk proposals. I would prefer that we reach our talk decisions on our public mailing list, rather than our private@ mailing list. This could be a bit sensitive, however. So, I would appreciate your thoughts. If we're concerned about potential harm this might cause, it's possible that some sort of anonymous vote could be held.


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