Hello Geronimo Users,

I will be conducting a training on "Developing Rich Internet
Applications with Apache Geronimo" at ApacheCon US 2008, New Orleans,
USA held in November.

 - What's the training about?
This training will introduce the Web 2.0 support in Apache Geronimo
and discuss the various integrated frameworks (DWR and DOJO). It will
discuss the comet support that geronimo provides via the integrated
tomcat web container. It will also introduce the Async Http Client.
The attendees will then go through the development of a Web 2.0
application that uses these frameworks.The Geronimo Eclipse Plugin
will be used for development.

 - Who should consider this training?
This training is for application developers who want to get an idea of
how to develop AJAX based Java EE applications in Apache Geronimo
using features and frameworks that are bundled with the Geronimo
distribution i.e. Dojo and DWR. Developers who want to get a feel of
development with the Geronimo Eclipse Plugin can also attend the
training as it will be used to develop the application.

 - What will attendees learn?
The attendees will learn about the various frameworks that are bundled
with Geronimo that aid in Ajax development. They will learn about
enabling Comet and using the Reverse Ajax functionality of DWR. They
will also get an idea about the Dojo toolkit.  After completing the
training, the users will be in a position to develop and deploy AJAX
based JEE5 applications on Geronimo using the Dojo and DWR frameworks
and the Geronimo Eclipse Plugin.

 - Link

Please register for the training if you are interested before October
3rd as the training will be cancelled if there are not enough
registrations by that date.


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