Hi Jules,
I took the liberty to do some very basic formating to your doc and put it in confluence already (I hope you won't mind :) )

Here is the link to the *Geronimo Clustering* doc:


If you are OK with it I could do some additional formatting and editing to match it to the rest of the documentation.


Jules Gosnell wrote:
Rather than wait for resolution as to where exactly this document should live, I thought I would put this out here before it fossilises on my disc, so that people can get on with giving input.

This document is intended to bring together the various threads on clustering into a skeleton which we can begin to flesh out. Thus is is very incomplete... Please don't take offence at ommissions, mistakes, gaps in my understanding, or statement of the obvious - this is just the first broad brushstrokes, as evolved by the various clustering discussions that have happened recently, drawn into a single, slightly more orderly document - everything can change...

Until it finds a permanent home, I am happy to look after it and endeavour to keep it up to date with any new threads. if you have a particular change that you would like made, please let me know and I will ensure that it gets in.

I hope this will give birth to a few more threads to fill in sparse areas. Then we can hooks refs to this back into the doc and continue forward....



Geronimo Clustering Overview - 10,000 feet...

Clustering is one of the key features that distinguishes an enterprise
JEE implementation from the rest of the pack. As such it is an
important requirement for Apache Geronimo.

By using clustering technology to provide a scalable and highly
available platform for JEE deployment, Apache Geronimo will be able to
compete on equal terms with existing commercial offerings.

This document will begin the task of :

- enumerating clustering requirements in Geronimo's tiers
- abstracting out commonality from these
- cataloguing software available to us that may be used to implement them
- suggesting a clustering architecture

A 'Cluster' is an architecture that achieves scalability and high
availability through the arrangement of multiple smaller, cheaper,
less reliable, resources, rather than single large, expensive,
extremely reliable ones.

Scalability is ensured by decoupling dependencies on shared resources
so that related tasks may be run concurrently on many machines (nodes)
in the cluster without interfering with each other. If your
architecture achieves this, you can scale to service more users by
just adding more nodes.

High Availability is achieved through redundancy. If one less-reliable
node fails, you fail-over to the next. In this way, the availability
of your system becomes not the sum, but the product of the
availability of its constituent nodes.

The presence of State in a cluster, frustrates the achievement of both
of these goals, through being a point of shared contention (many tasks
may need to read/write the same piece of state at the same time) and
a point of failure (if state is held in a fragile resource
e.g. memory, that is lost, then so is the state i,e, it is no longer

Partitioning state can help restore scalability and making and
maintaining multiple copies of state (replication) can be used to
circumvent contention issues. Both solutions lead to further smaller
problems such as ensuring that processes are run in the same partition
as their state and ensuring consistancy of view across multiple copies
of state etc.Other solutions and further problems abound.

The number of different uses of state within a cluster precludes the
possibility of a single effective solution. So we need to devise
solutions for each usecase within Geronimo.

We will enumerate and examine these usecases.


URL: http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/download.html#specs
Interest Group: Jules Gosnell, Jan Bartel, Jeff Genender, David Jencks,...

Clustering in the web-tier has two points of implementation :

The HTTP Load Balancer:
- our solution should work with any load-balancer
- we can expect the LB to support some form of affinity (sticky or persistant 

The HttpSession:
- large numbers of potentially large objects (more data in the tier than can 
comfortably be held in one node) - needs partitioned cache
- typically frequently written
- typically frequently read
- typically a single consumer/client
- transactionless
- only one copy of an HttpSession may be 'active' at any one time
- multi-threaded
- pessimistic
- suggested impl - WADI

N.B.: Some other solutions allow the clustering of more than just the
HttpSession. The spec only requires that data stored in the
HttpSession is distributable.

Dev Threads
WADI and Network Partitions: 
WADI/AS merger - 


URL: http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/docs.html#specs
Interest group: David Blevins, Gianny Damour

Clustering in the EJB tier (like the web) has two points of implementation :

The Client/Proxy (equiv to Web Load-balancer):
- cluster-aware proxies needed
- can same proxies work with both OpenEJB and IIOP protocols ?

The Server:

- stateless

- stateless

- large numbers of potentially large objects (more data in the tier than can 
comfortably be held in one node) - needs partitioned cache
- transactional
- typically frequently written
- typically a single consumer/client
- typically frequently read
- single threaded
- pessimistic
- suggested impl - WADI

- potentially multiple consumers
- mapped to shared, persistant store
- transactional
- read/write frequency variable, pluggable impls required (e.g. RO Beans etc..)
- distributed db backed cache needed
- since mapped to db, does not need partitioned cache, data can just be unloaded
- distributed caching of entity beans: 
- suggested impl - ActiveSpace

Dev Threads:
client stubs and load-balancing: 
AC in client stub: 
Entity invalidation...

Interest Group: Rajith Attapattu

Apache Directory - http://directory.apache.org/ (may use this?)

- small amounts of small objects
- typically seldom written
- typically frequently read
- typically multiple consumers/clients
- multi-threaded
- transactionless
- prime candidate for straight forward 1->all replication
- suggested impl - ActiveSpace

Dev Threads:
ActiveSpace in JNDI: 
WADI/AS merger - 



- impl - ActiveMQ

Would one of the AMQ guys like to look after this area ?

Dev Threads:
AMQ Clustering: 



- potentially large objects (perhaps we could just send references)
- union of tier content smaller than single node capacity
- seldom written ([un]deployed)
- frequently read (invoked)
- transactionless
- no uniqueness constraint ? (what should we do about creating heterogeneous 
- prime candidate for straight forward 1->all replication
- suggested impl - ActiveSpace

suggestion - 'deployments sets' - a groups of nodes that
share/implement a homogeneous deployment. See "Homogeneous vs
Heterogeneous Deployments" section.

suggestion - app is deployed on one node, it forms a url to the app
via its http server and replicates this link to other servers within
its deployment-set. Each member of this set, receives the link, pulls
down the app and deploys it.

suggestion - could replication be done synchronously and serially, so
that as the app is deployed on each node it can be sanity checked
before the distribution continues to the next node ?

WADI,AC,AS & Deployment: 



- still little discussion here

- may need to be centralised

- history - perhaps selected statistics snapshots should be dropped
into JMS every few secs by each server, then stashed in an rrdb ?


JCache - http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=107

- all of the above - whatever is available to Geronimo should be available to 
application-space pojos.
- JCache, and related technologies...
- suggested impls - ActiveSpace/WADI


any takers ?

Trans-Tier issues:
Network Partitions: check out 'Totem' thread on dev - not yet archived...
Application Session: 
clustering shopping list: 

Web Services

Interest Group: Rajith Attapattu

As WS moves towards more transport independance, session management
needs to be decoupled from Http.

Suggested impl - WADI/ActiveSpace - more discussion needed here

Clustering Substrate:

- suggested impl - ActiveCluster on top of various protocols


- clients need to autolocate nodes (ejb-client->jndi-port, 
http-load-balancer->http=port etc...)...
- nodes on same box need to negotiate ownership of per-host resources (e.g. 

Homogeneous vs Heterogeneous deployments

- homogeneous cluster is one set of nodes - the universal set
- heterogeneous cluster is one set (the universal set), with subsets defining 
internal scopes

Perhaps ActiveCluster could be extended to allow subclusters via the
same Cluster connection, or we could use multiple cluster
connections, or an AMQ MessageGroups...?

WADI/ActiveSpace synergy

WADI and ActiveSpace are complimentary technologies. There is a scope
for API convergence and code reuse here. If the two could coexist
behind the same API, we might be able to completely abstract the Cache
impl from the consumer, giving more flexibility and allowing us to
tailor solutions more closely to particular problems.

Suggested Building Blocks


URL:  http://www.activemq.org/
Interest Group: James Strachan, Hiram Chirino, ...

Geronimo's JMS implementation with pluggable transports including a
peer:// protocol which allows peers in a cluster to message each other
directly without the need for a central broker.


URL: http://activecluster.codehaus.org/
Interest Group: James Strachan, Hiram Chirino, ...

An API providing basic clustering fn-ality (specifically membership
change notification) along with 1->all and 1->1 messaging. Also,
various impls of this API, the most notable using ActiveMQ.


URL: http://activespace.codehaus.org/
Interest Group: James Strachan, Hiram Chirino, ...

Provides two abstractions, a JCache style Cache (replicated and/or
transactional) and a JavaSpaces style Space, for distributed


URL: http://wadi.codehaus.org/
Interest Group: Jules Gosnell,...

Provides Jetty and Tomcat compatible SessionManagers, a portable
HttpSession impl and a partitioned distributed cache, for support of
distributable webapps. OpenEJB SFSB support, also underway.

Tomcat Clustering

URL: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.0-doc/cluster-howto.html
Interest Group: Jeff Genender, ...

Clustered HttpSessions for Tomcat (not Jetty).
1->All replication, so clusters constrained to a few nodes

URL: http://www.bway.net/~lichtner/evs4j.html
Interest Group: Guglielmo Lichtner

Extended Virtual Synchrony for Java.
Potentially very useful in cases where we need fast, strictly ordered 1->all 
Might be integrated via ActiveCluster or ActiveMQ

Totem and ActiveCluster: 
Infiniband: http://www.mail-archive.com/dev%40geronimo.apache.org/msg15743.html

Further Discussion

Further Reading:


"Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems"
Pankaj Jalote, 1994
Chapter 7, Section 5, "Degree of Replication"

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