Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-31 Thread Hernan Cunico

Hi Phani,
opening a JIRA will provide a way to keep track on this issue. You will have to register to *CREATE 
A NEW ISSUE*. Pls explain in detail the environment and problem and how to implement your workaround.

Here is the link for the JIRAs

I'll keep playing with the password hashing as I am still not having consistent 


Phani Madgula wrote:

Hi Hernan/Aaron
I developed a small application that uses pure programmatic security 
login, using Nescape Java LDAP SDK.
When I store password in MD5/SHA, I applied corresponding hashing on 
password sent by user and compared with the passoword retrieved from the 
LDAP server. To know how the password is stored in LDAP, we can check 
for prefix "{md5}" for MD5, and "{sha}" for SHA.

The following is the code snippet
 String   uname  = req.getParameter("userName");

 String   password   = req.getParameter("password");

 boolean loginSucceed = false;

   String hashMethod = "PLAIN";
   String hashedPassword = password;

   String ldapPassword = getLdapPassword(uname); //Retrieve password 
from LDAP for the user

hashMethod = "MD5";
   }else if(ldapPassword.startsWith ("{sha}")){
hashMethod = "SHA";

hashedPassword = getSHAHashedPassword(password);
   }else if(hashMethod.equals("MD5")){
hashedPassword = getMD5HashedPassword(password);

   if(hashedPassword.equals (ldapPassword))loginSucceed=true;


So, with programmatic login, we can solve the problem. I guess hashing 
is not part of specification. With declarative security management, I 
guess, current application login implementation must consider MD5/SHA also.
If the above points are valid, we can have a JIRA on this..?


On 1/27/06, *Phani Madgula* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Hi Hernan/Aaron
The following is the export of my LDAP entries. I could export using

JXplorer. I also used another LDAP client called LDAP Browser/Editor
In the below LDAP export, there are two users balaji1, balaji2 whose

passwords are MD5 hashed.
Where as for other users, the passwords are stored PLAIN. So, with
balaji1/balaji2, I am getting "Userid/password wrong" message in the
browser while authenticating.
I am trying to find the answers for Aaron's questions. I will update

version: 1

dn: ou=system
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: system
userPassword:: e21kNX1JU012S1hwWHBhZERpVW9PU29BZnd3PT0=

dn: uid=admin,ou=system
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
cn: system administrator
displayName: Directory Superuser
sn: administrator
uid: admin
userPassword:: c2VjcmV0

dn: ou=users,ou=system
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: users

dn: uid=system,ou=users,ou=system
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: person
objectclass: top
cn: John Doe
facsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 5556
givenname: John
l: Las Vegas
ou: People
ou: Human Resources
roomnumber: 4613
sn: Doe
telephonenumber: +1 408 555 
uid: system
userPassword:: bWFuYWdlcg==

dn: uid=user1,ou=users,ou=system
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: person
objectclass: top
cn: User
facsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 5556
givenname: User1
l: Las Vegas
ou: People
ou: Human Resources
roomnumber: 4613
sn: One
telephonenumber: +1 408 555 
uid: user1
userPassword:: dXNlcjE=

dn: uid=user2,ou=users,ou=system
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: person
objectclass: top
cn: User
facsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 5556
givenname: User2
l: Las Vegas
ou: People
ou: Human Resources
roomnumber: 4613
sn: Two
telephonenumber: +1 408 555 
uid: user2
userPassword:: dXNlcjI=

dn: uid=admin,ou=users,ou=system
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: admin
sn: admin
uid: admin
userPassword:: YWRtaW4=

dn: uid=user3,ou=users,ou=system
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: user3
sn: user

Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-30 Thread Phani Madgula
Hi Hernan/Aaron
I developed a small application that uses pure programmatic security login, using Nescape Java LDAP SDK. 
When I store password in MD5/SHA, I applied corresponding hashing on password sent by user and compared with the passoword retrieved from the LDAP server. To know how the password is stored in LDAP, we can check for prefix "{md5}" for MD5, and "{sha}" for SHA.

The following is the code snippet
 String   uname  = req.getParameter("userName");  String   password   = req.getParameter("password");  

 boolean loginSucceed = false;
   String hashMethod = "PLAIN";   String hashedPassword = password;
   String ldapPassword = getLdapPassword(uname); //Retrieve password from LDAP for the user   if(ldapPassword.startsWith("{md5}")){hashMethod = "MD5";   }else if(ldapPassword.startsWith
("{sha}")){hashMethod = "SHA";   }
   if(hashMethod.equals("SHA")){hashedPassword = getSHAHashedPassword(password);   }else if(hashMethod.equals("MD5")){hashedPassword = getMD5HashedPassword(password);   }

   System.out.println("AuthenticateServlet:service:hashedPassword:"+hashedPassword);   System.out.println("AuthenticateServlet:service:ldapPassword:"+ldapPassword);   if(hashedPassword.equals
So, with programmatic login, we can solve the problem. I guess hashing is not part of specification. With declarative security management, I guess, current application login implementation must consider MD5/SHA also.

If the above points are valid, we can have a JIRA on this..?
On 1/27/06, Phani Madgula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Hernan/Aaron
The following is the export of my LDAP entries. I could export using JXplorer. I also used another LDAP client called LDAP Browser/Editor 2.8.2. 
In the below LDAP export, there are two users balaji1, balaji2 whose passwords are MD5 hashed.
Where as for other users, the passwords are stored PLAIN. So, with balaji1/balaji2, I am getting "Userid/password wrong" message in the browser while authenticating.
I am trying to find the answers for Aaron's questions. I will update soon.
version: 1dn: ou=systemobjectClass: organizationalUnitobjectClass: topou: systemuserPassword:: e21kNX1JU012S1hwWHBhZERpVW9PU29BZnd3PT0=
dn: uid=admin,ou=systemobjectClass: inetOrgPersonobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: personobjectClass: topcn: system administratordisplayName: Directory Superuser
sn: administrator uid: adminuserPassword:: c2VjcmV0
dn: ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: organizationalUnitobjectClass: topou: users
dn: uid=system,ou=users,ou=systemobjectclass: inetOrgPersonobjectclass: organizationalPersonobjectclass: personobjectclass: topcn: John Doefacsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 5556givenname: John 
l: Las Vegasmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ou: Peopleou: Human Resourcesroomnumber: 4613
sn: Doetelephonenumber: +1 408 555 uid: systemuserPassword:: bWFuYWdlcg== 
dn: uid=user1,ou=users,ou=systemobjectclass: inetOrgPersonobjectclass: organizationalPersonobjectclass: personobjectclass: topcn: Userfacsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 5556givenname: User1 
l: Las Vegasmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ou: Peopleou: Human Resourcesroomnumber: 4613sn: One
telephonenumber: +1 408 555 uid: user1userPassword:: dXNlcjE= 
dn: uid=user2,ou=users,ou=systemobjectclass: inetOrgPersonobjectclass: organizationalPersonobjectclass: personobjectclass: topcn: Userfacsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 5556givenname: User2 
l: Las Vegasmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ou: Peopleou: Human Resourcesroomnumber: 4613sn: Two
telephonenumber: +1 408 555 uid: user2userPassword:: dXNlcjI= 
dn: uid=admin,ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: adminsn: adminuid: adminuserPassword:: YWRtaW4=
dn: uid=user3,ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: user3sn: user3uid: user3userPassword:: dXNlcjM=
dn: uid=user4,ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: user4sn: user4uid: user4userPassword:: dXNlcjQ=
dn: uid=phani1,ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: phani1sn: phani1uid: phani1userPassword:: cGhhbmkx

dn: uid=balaji1,ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: balaji1sn: balaji1uid: balaji1userPassword:: e21kNX1wRWdLL2ZSODZXQmlPU1FZYmdFQUpBPT0= 

dn: uid=balaji2,ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: balaji2sn: balaji2uid: balaji2userPassword:: e21kNX1zdXNnSkwybWx0V0ZrZlpWWjk3WnBBPT0= 

dn: ou=groups,ou=systemobjectClass: organizationalUnitobjectClass: topou: groups
dn: cn=admin,ou=groups,ou=systemobjectClass: groupOfUniqueNamescn: adminuniqueMember: uid=system,ou=users,ou=system
dn: cn=guest,ou

Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-27 Thread Phani Madgula
Hi Hernan/Aaron
The following is the export of my LDAP entries. I could export using JXplorer. I also used another LDAP client called LDAP Browser/Editor 2.8.2. 
In the below LDAP export, there are two users balaji1, balaji2 whose passwords are MD5 hashed.
Where as for other users, the passwords are stored PLAIN. So, with balaji1/balaji2, I am getting "Userid/password wrong" message in the browser while authenticating.
I am trying to find the answers for Aaron's questions. I will update soon.
version: 1dn: ou=systemobjectClass: organizationalUnitobjectClass: topou: systemuserPassword:: e21kNX1JU012S1hwWHBhZERpVW9PU29BZnd3PT0=
dn: uid=admin,ou=systemobjectClass: inetOrgPersonobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: personobjectClass: topcn: system administratordisplayName: Directory Superusersn: administrator
uid: adminuserPassword:: c2VjcmV0
dn: ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: organizationalUnitobjectClass: topou: users
dn: uid=system,ou=users,ou=systemobjectclass: inetOrgPersonobjectclass: organizationalPersonobjectclass: personobjectclass: topcn: John Doefacsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 5556givenname: John
l: Las Vegasmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ou: Peopleou: Human Resourcesroomnumber: 4613sn: Doetelephonenumber: +1 408 555 uid: systemuserPassword:: bWFuYWdlcg==

dn: uid=user1,ou=users,ou=systemobjectclass: inetOrgPersonobjectclass: organizationalPersonobjectclass: personobjectclass: topcn: Userfacsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 5556givenname: User1
l: Las Vegasmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ou: Peopleou: Human Resourcesroomnumber: 4613sn: Onetelephonenumber: +1 408 555 uid: user1userPassword:: dXNlcjE=

dn: uid=user2,ou=users,ou=systemobjectclass: inetOrgPersonobjectclass: organizationalPersonobjectclass: personobjectclass: topcn: Userfacsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 5556givenname: User2
l: Las Vegasmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ou: Peopleou: Human Resourcesroomnumber: 4613sn: Twotelephonenumber: +1 408 555 uid: user2userPassword:: dXNlcjI=

dn: uid=admin,ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: adminsn: adminuid: adminuserPassword:: YWRtaW4=
dn: uid=user3,ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: user3sn: user3uid: user3userPassword:: dXNlcjM=
dn: uid=user4,ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: user4sn: user4uid: user4userPassword:: dXNlcjQ=
dn: uid=phani1,ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: phani1sn: phani1uid: phani1userPassword:: cGhhbmkx

dn: uid=balaji1,ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: balaji1sn: balaji1uid: balaji1userPassword:: e21kNX1wRWdLL2ZSODZXQmlPU1FZYmdFQUpBPT0=

dn: uid=balaji2,ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: balaji2sn: balaji2uid: balaji2userPassword:: e21kNX1zdXNnSkwybWx0V0ZrZlpWWjk3WnBBPT0=

dn: ou=groups,ou=systemobjectClass: organizationalUnitobjectClass: topou: groups
dn: cn=admin,ou=groups,ou=systemobjectClass: groupOfUniqueNamescn: adminuniqueMember: uid=system,ou=users,ou=system
dn: cn=guest,ou=groups,ou=systemobjectClass: groupOfUniqueNamescn: guestuniqueMember: uid=user2,ou=users,ou=systemuniqueMember: uid=user1,ou=users,ou=system
dn: ou=configuration,ou=systemobjectClass: organizationalUnitobjectClass: topou: configuration
dn: ou=partitions,ou=configuration,ou=systemobjectClass: organizationalUnitobjectClass: topou: partitions
dn: ou=services,ou=configuration,ou=systemobjectClass: organizationalUnitobjectClass: topou: services
dn: ou=interceptors,ou=configuration,ou=systemobjectClass: organizationalUnitobjectClass: topou: interceptors
dn: prefNodeName=sysPrefRoot,ou=systemobjectClass: extensibleObjectprefNodeName: sysPrefRoot
dn: uid=phani-users,ou=systemobjectClass: topobjectClass: personobjectClass: organizationalPersonobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: user1sn: user1uid: phani-users
On 1/26/06, Hernan Cunico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Phani,Can you export an LDIF so we can see your LDAP conf? I think the problem may be there.
So far I have been able to add new users and alter the groups with my other LDAP client. Jxplorer isgiving me some problems while importing/updating from LDIFs.Can you summarize the steps you do for adding the user?
Cheers!HernanPhani Madgula wrote:> Hi Hernan,>> I am using AG1.0. I tried with other LDAP clients.> I observed that, some clients store passwords in SHA, by deafult.> The authentication is failing in either case [MD5 or SHA]
>> Thanks> phani>>> On 1/25/06, *Hernan Cunico* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> wrote:>> Hi Phani,> So far I am only getting this error while using Jxplorer. What other> client have you tried?>> Ch

Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-25 Thread Hernan Cunico

Hi Phani,
Can you export an LDIF so we can see your LDAP conf? I think the problem may be 

So far I have been able to add new users and alter the groups with my other LDAP client. Jxplorer is 
giving me some problems while importing/updating from LDIFs.

Can you summarize the steps you do for adding the user?


Phani Madgula wrote:

Hi Hernan,
I am using AG1.0. I tried with other LDAP clients.

I observed that, some clients store passwords in SHA, by deafult.
The authentication is failing in either case [MD5 or SHA]


On 1/25/06, *Hernan Cunico* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Hi Phani,
So far I am only getting this error while using Jxplorer. What other
client have you tried?


Hernan Cunico wrote:
 >> Hi Phani,
 >> sorry for the delay in the reply. I am having some issues too while
 >> validating the user.
 >> Maybe you arlready replied this in a previous note but, what
 >> of Geronimo are you using?
 >> Cheers!
 >> Hernan
 >> Phani Madgula wrote:
 >>> Hi Hernan,
 >>> Thanks for the link. It is quite helpful & informative.
 >>> I did similar operations, as specified in my previous mail, by
 >>> deploying the sample application given in the article.  I added
a new
 >>> user user3/pass123 in "ou=users, ou=system" in Directory
server, and
 >>> in geronimo-web.xml I added the user3 in role mappings
 >>> >>
 >>>   name="admin" designated-run-as="true"/>
 >>> >>
 >>>   name="system"/>
 >>> >>
 >>>   name="user3"/>
 >>> >>
 >>> "
 >>>   name="guest" designated-run-as="true"/>
 >>> >>
 >>>  name="user1"/>
 >>> >>
 >>>   name="user2"/>
 >>> I used Jxplorer LDAP client to create the new user users3. When I
 >>> provide password in PLAIN format which uses BASE64 encoding
 >>> LDAP client, the application is authenticating successfully. When I
 >>> store it in MD5, the authentication is failing for user3.
 >>> Any issue while using MD5 ?
 >>> thanks
 >>> phani
 >>> On 1/21/06, *Hernan Cunico* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 >>> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > wrote:
 >>> Hi Phani,
 >>> Here is an article that may help you configure LDAP
 >>> Cheers!
 >>> Hernan
 >>> Phani Madgula wrote:
 >>>  > Hi
 >>>  >
 >>>  > I am facing a problem while connecting to LDAP server
from an
 >>> LDAP client.
 >>>  > I have installed Softerra LDAP browser and tried to
connect to
 >>> LDAP
 >>>  > server running on Geronimo.
 >>>  >
 >>>  > I always get "Can not connect to the LDAP server : ERROR
 >>>  >
 >>>  > Any solution?
 >>>  >
 >>>  > thanks
 >>>  > phani

Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-25 Thread Aaron Mulder
I don't know much about LDAP, but...  Is password hashing part of the
standard?  Is there some way for our LDAP realm to figure out whether
the server expects a password in plain text or MD5 or SHA?  I know we
can send the hashed password, it's just a question of figuring out
which password method the LDAP server is expecting.  If nothing else,
we could add a configuration option for the password hashing
mechanism, but I would hope we could tell from the server's initial
challenge or something.


On 1/25/06, Phani Madgula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Hernan,
> I am using AG1.0. I tried with other LDAP clients.
> I observed that, some clients store passwords in SHA, by deafult.
> The authentication is failing in either case [MD5 or SHA]
> Thanks
> phani
> On 1/25/06, Hernan Cunico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Phani,
> > So far I am only getting this error while using Jxplorer. What other
> > client have you tried?
> >
> > Cheers!
> > Hernan
> >
> > Hernan Cunico wrote:
> > >
> > >> Hi Phani,
> > >> sorry for the delay in the reply. I am having some issues too while
> > >> validating the user.
> > >> Maybe you arlready replied this in a previous note but, what version
> > >> of Geronimo are you using?
> > >>
> > >> Cheers!
> > >> Hernan
> > >>
> > >> Phani Madgula wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> Hi Hernan,
> > >>>
> > >>> Thanks for the link. It is quite helpful & informative.
> > >>>
> > >>> I did similar operations, as specified in my previous mail, by
> > >>> deploying the sample application given in the article.  I added a new
> > >>> user user3/pass123 in "ou=users, ou=system" in Directory server, and
> > >>> in geronimo-web.xml I added the user3 in role mappings
> > >>>
> > >>>  
> > >>> 
> > >>> 
> > >>>
> > >>>  > >>>
> class=""
> > >>>
> > >>>   name="admin" designated-run-as="true"/>
> > >>>  > >>>
> class=""
> > >>>
> > >>>   name="system"/>
> > >>>  > >>>
> class=""
> > >>>
> > >>>   name="user3"/>
> > >>>   
> > >>>  
> > >>>
> > >>>  
> > >>> 
> > >>>  > >>>
> class="
> > >>> "
> > >>>   name="guest" designated-run-as="true"/>
> > >>>  > >>>
> class=""
> > >>>
> > >>>  name="user1"/>
> > >>>  > >>>
> class=""
> > >>>
> > >>>   name="user2"/>
> > >>> 
> > >>> 
> > >>>
> > >>> 
> > >>>
> > >>> I used Jxplorer LDAP client to create the new user users3. When I
> > >>> provide password in PLAIN format which uses BASE64 encoding through
> > >>> LDAP client, the application is authenticating successfully. When I
> > >>> store it in MD5, the authentication is failing for user3.
> > >>>
> > >>> Any issue while using MD5 ?
> > >>>
> > >>> thanks
> > >>> phani
> > >>>
> > >>> On 1/21/06, *Hernan Cunico* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >>>  > wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> Hi Phani,
> > >>> Here is an article that may help you configure LDAP
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> Cheers!
> > >>> Hernan
> > >>>
> > >>> Phani Madgula wrote:
> > >>>  > Hi
> > >>>  >
> > >>>  > I am facing a problem while connecting to LDAP server from an
> > >>> LDAP client.
> > >>>  > I have installed Softerra LDAP browser and tried to connect to
> > >>> LDAP
> > >>>  > server running on Geronimo.
> > >>>  >
> > >>>  > I always get "Can not connect to the LDAP server : ERROR 91".
> > >>>  >
> > >>>  > Any solution?
> > >>>  >
> > >>>  > thanks
> > >>>  > phani
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >
> >

Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-25 Thread Phani Madgula
Hi Hernan,
I am using AG1.0. I tried with other LDAP clients. 
I observed that, some clients store passwords in SHA, by deafult. 
The authentication is failing in either case [MD5 or SHA]
On 1/25/06, Hernan Cunico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Phani,So far I am only getting this error while using Jxplorer. What otherclient have you tried?
Cheers!HernanHernan Cunico wrote:>>> Hi Phani,>> sorry for the delay in the reply. I am having some issues too while>> validating the user.>> Maybe you arlready replied this in a previous note but, what version
>> of Geronimo are you using? Cheers!>> Hernan Phani Madgula wrote:> Hi Hernan,>> Thanks for the link. It is quite helpful & informative.
>> I did similar operations, as specified in my previous mail, by>>> deploying the sample application given in the article.  I added a new>>> user user3/pass123 in "ou=users, ou=system" in Directory server, and
>>> in geronimo-web.xml I added the user3 in role mappings>>  >>> >>> 
>> >>> class="">>   name="admin" designated-run-as="true"/>
>>> >>> class="">>   name="system"/ >>> class="">>   name="user3"/   
>>>  >>  >>> 
>>> >>> class=">>> ">>>   name="guest" designated-run-as="true"/>
>>> >>> class="">>  name="user1"/ >>> class="">>   name="user2"/ 
>>> >> >> I used Jxplorer LDAP client to create the new user users3. When I>>> provide password in PLAIN format which uses BASE64 encoding through
>>> LDAP client, the application is authenticating successfully. When I>>> store it in MD5, the authentication is failing for user3.>> Any issue while using MD5 ?
>> thanks>>> phani>> On 1/21/06, *Hernan Cunico* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:>> Hi Phani,>>> Here is an article that may help you configure LDAP>> Cheers!>>> Hernan>> Phani Madgula wrote:
>>>  > Hi>>>    > I am facing a problem while connecting to LDAP server from an>>> LDAP client.>>>  > I have installed Softerra LDAP browser and tried to connect to
>>> LDAP>>>  > server running on Geronimo.>>>    > I always get "Can not connect to the LDAP server : ERROR 91".>>>  >
>>>  > Any solution?>>>    > thanks>>>  > phani>

Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-24 Thread Hernan Cunico

Hi Phani,
So far I am only getting this error while using Jxplorer. What other
client have you tried?


Hernan Cunico wrote:

Hi Phani,
sorry for the delay in the reply. I am having some issues too while 
validating the user.
Maybe you arlready replied this in a previous note but, what version 
of Geronimo are you using?


Phani Madgula wrote:

Hi Hernan,
Thanks for the link. It is quite helpful & informative.
I did similar operations, as specified in my previous mail, by 
deploying the sample application given in the article.  I added a new 
user user3/pass123 in "ou=users, ou=system" in Directory server, and 
in geronimo-web.xml I added the user3 in role mappings


  name="admin" designated-run-as="true"/>




  name="guest" designated-run-as="true"/>




I used Jxplorer LDAP client to create the new user users3. When I 
provide password in PLAIN format which uses BASE64 encoding through 
LDAP client, the application is authenticating successfully. When I 
store it in MD5, the authentication is failing for user3.
Any issue while using MD5 ?

On 1/21/06, *Hernan Cunico* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 > wrote:

Hi Phani,
Here is an article that may help you configure LDAP 


Phani Madgula wrote:
 > Hi
 > I am facing a problem while connecting to LDAP server from an
LDAP client.
 > I have installed Softerra LDAP browser and tried to connect to 

 > server running on Geronimo.
 > I always get "Can not connect to the LDAP server : ERROR 91".
 > Any solution?
 > thanks
 > phani

Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-24 Thread Hernan Cunico

Hi Phani,
sorry for the delay in the reply. I am having some issues too while validating 
the user.
Maybe you arlready replied this in a previous note but, what version of 
Geronimo are you using?


Phani Madgula wrote:

Hi Hernan,
Thanks for the link. It is quite helpful & informative.
I did similar operations, as specified in my previous mail, by deploying 
the sample application given in the article. 
I added a new user user3/pass123 in "ou=users, ou=system" in Directory 
server, and in geronimo-web.xml I added the user3 in role mappings


  name="admin" designated-run-as="true"/>





  name="guest" designated-run-as="true"/>




I used Jxplorer LDAP client to create the new user users3. When 
I provide password in PLAIN format which uses BASE64 encoding through 
LDAP client, the application is authenticating successfully. When I 
store it in MD5, the authentication is failing for user3.
Any issue while using MD5 ?

On 1/21/06, *Hernan Cunico* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 > wrote:

Hi Phani,
Here is an article that may help you configure LDAP


Phani Madgula wrote:
 > Hi
 > I am facing a problem while connecting to LDAP server from an
LDAP client.
 > I have installed Softerra LDAP browser and tried to connect to LDAP
 > server running on Geronimo.
 > I always get "Can not connect to the LDAP server : ERROR 91".
 > Any solution?
 > thanks
 > phani

Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-20 Thread Phani Madgula
Hi Hernan,
Thanks for the link. It is quite helpful & informative. 
I did similar operations, as specified in my previous mail, by deploying the sample application given in the article. 
I added a new user user3/pass123 in "ou=users, ou=system" in Directory server, and in geronimo-web.xml I added the user3 in role mappings
  name="admin" designated-run-as="true"/>
  name="guest" designated-run-as="true"/>
I used Jxplorer LDAP client to create the new user users3. When I provide password in PLAIN format which uses BASE64 encoding through LDAP client, the application is authenticating successfully. When I store it in MD5, the authentication is failing for user3.

Any issue while using MD5 ?
On 1/21/06, Hernan Cunico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote: 
Hi Phani,Here is an article that may help you configure LDAP!HernanPhani Madgula wrote:> Hi>> I am facing a problem while connecting to LDAP server from an LDAP client. 
> I have installed Softerra LDAP browser and tried to connect to LDAP> server running on Geronimo.>> I always get "Can not connect to the LDAP server : ERROR 91".>> Any solution? 
>> thanks> phani

Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-20 Thread Hernan Cunico

Hi Phani,
Here is an article that may help you configure LDAP


Phani Madgula wrote:

I am facing a problem while connecting to LDAP server from an LDAP client.
I have installed Softerra LDAP browser and tried to connect to LDAP 
server running on Geronimo.
I always get "Can not connect to the LDAP server : ERROR 91".
Any solution?


Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-20 Thread Phani Madgula

Thanks for help. I am currently porting an application on geronimo using Apache Directory Server Service..
I am facing a problem with passwords.
I have an application that uses LDAP authentication. I have an user in LDAP Server, lets say, "user3" with password "pass123".
We can store the passwords in LDAP server either in BASE64 encoding or in MD5 digest or in SHA. 
If I store password in BASE64 encoding, the application is authenticating successfully when I give correct userid/password as "user3"/"pass123".
When I store password in MD5, the authentication is failing with user3/pass123 as userid/password, eventhough they are correct as said above.
When I tried to investigate the problem, I found the following.LDAP server is storing the password as BASE64Encoding("{md5}"+BASE64Encoding(MD5("pass123"))). Here "pass123" is the password. 
MD5("pass123") is MD5 on "pass123".
So, when I send the password as "pass123", the LDAP server is not performing similar operation on this, as above, and compare it for authentication. I guess, the responsibility does not lie on programmer to perform similar operation and send it for authentication.

Is it a problem with LDAP server?Any comments on this?
On 1/20/06, Cristian Roldan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   I have used the IBM's ldap client, but you could you any ldap client.
ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1389 -D "uid=admin,ou=system" -w secret -b "ou=system" "objectClass=*"
if everything works ok this should be the output:
uid=admin,ou=systemsn=administratorobjectClass=inetOrgPersonobjectClass=organizationalPersonobjectClass=personobjectClass=topcn=system administratoruid=adminuserPassword=secretdisplayName=Directory Superuser

Phani Madgula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

I am facing a problem while connecting to LDAP server from an LDAP client.
I have installed Softerra LDAP browser and tried to connect to LDAP server running on Geronimo.
I always get "Can not connect to the LDAP server : ERROR 91".
Any solution?

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Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-19 Thread Cristian Roldan
Hi,     I have used the IBM's ldap client, but you could you any ldap client.     ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1389 -D "uid=admin,ou=system" -w secret -b "ou=system" "objectClass=*"     if everything works ok this should be the output:     ou=systemou=systemobjectClass=organizationalUnitobjectClass=top  ou=systemou=systemobjectClass=organizationalUnitobjectClass=top  ou=configuration,ou=systemobjectClass=organizationalUnitobjectClass=topou=configuration  ou=interceptors,ou=configuration,ou=systemobjectClass=organizationalUnitobjectClass=topou=interceptors  ou=partitions,ou=configuration,ou=systemobjectClass=organizationalUnitobjectClass=topou=partitions 
 ou=services,ou=configuration,ou=systemobjectClass=organizationalUnitobjectClass=topou=services  ou=groups,ou=systemobjectClass=organizationalUnitobjectClass=topou=groups  ou=users,ou=systemobjectClass=organizationalUnitobjectClass=topou=users  prefNodeName=sysPrefRoot,ou=systemobjectClass=extensibleObjectprefNodeName=sysPrefRoot  uid=admin,ou=systemsn=administratorobjectClass=inetOrgPersonobjectClass=organizationalPersonobjectClass=personobjectClass=topcn=system administratoruid=adminuserPassword=secretdisplayName=Directory Superuser     Bye.  Phani Madgula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:Hi     I am facing a problem while connecting 
 to LDAP
 server from an LDAP client.  I have installed Softerra LDAP browser and tried to connect to LDAP server running on Geronimo.     I always get "Can not connect to the LDAP server : ERROR 91".     Any solution?     thanks  phani  
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Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo web del mundo 
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Re: How to connect to LDAP server on Geronimo from an LDAP client?

2006-01-19 Thread Krishnakumar B
hi phani,

try JXplorer ( )


On 1/20/06, Phani Madgula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I am facing a problem while connecting to LDAP server from an LDAP client.
> I have installed Softerra LDAP browser and tried to connect to LDAP server
> running on Geronimo.
> I always get "Can not connect to the LDAP server : ERROR 91".
> Any solution?
> thanks
> phani