Hi, i have some trouble with enabling the TOTP plugin for a Docker installation. The guacamole without TOTP extension runs fine. So, after that, i did the following: - I defined a GUACAMOLE_HOME, say: /config - I mounted a host folder to /config - I placed the jar inside the host folder and finally started the container I can confirm that the container startup script copys the extension from /config to /root/.guacamole which apparently is the real guacamole home.
After that, i try to access guacamole from my browser and have problems now: After a login, i only get a message: TOTP.INFO_ENROLL_REQUIRED and a Next-Button. Clicking on the button spawns a red flash message, saying TOTP.INFO_VERIFICATION_FAILED. Additional info: I use MySQL as an auth backend, and the user is allowed to set their own password. The log file has no visible errors, only some "auth successful" messages when i do the first user/password login step. For me it seems that guacamole is able to load the extension, but instead of spawning the QR code and other items, i only get these error messages. I have no idea, why, and am kindly asking for help because of this. Thank you very much and best regards, Simon