
I'm trying to setup LLAP on Hive 3.1.3, its been enable on non-secure cluster 
successfully and it prints out that llap daemon instead of container while 
running insert into table, although it allocates a separate Tez container for 
every simple insert (about +10 seconds for a simple insert). I setup LLAP on 
HDP 3 and it did not create a seperate container for every inserts and simple 
inserts took less than a second in HDP/LLAP.

After kerberised the cluster, the HS2 service is running successfully, but the 
state of LLAP daemon is UNKNOWN, although llap0 app is running in Yarn and its 
container num-1 is up and running with no errors but another container is being 
created and finishes with exeuteStatus=0 again and again. Also hive client 
failed to connect with no LLAP daemons errors.
I tried to apply all configs from HDP, although failed to enable kerberizing it.
Here is the log from container-01 which is responsible to create the other 

INFO impl.NMClientAsyncImpl: Processing Event EventType: START_CONTAINER for 
Container container_1703049378182_0001_01_000002

INFO instance.ComponentInstance: [COMPINSTANCE llap-0 : 
container_1703049378182_0001_01_000002] retrieve status after 0

INFO instance.ComponentInstance: [COMPINSTANCE llap-0 : 
container_1703049378182_0001_01_000002] retrieve localization statuses

INFO instance.ComponentInstance: [COMPINSTANCE llap-0 : 
container_1703049378182_0001_01_000002] Transitioned from INIT to STARTED on 
START event

INFO instance.ComponentInstance: [COMPINSTANCE llap-0 : 
container_1703049378182_0001_01_000002] cancelling localization retriever

WARN instance.ComponentInstance: Unable to process container ports mapping: {}

content to map due to end-of-input

[Source: (String)""; line: 1, column: 0]

INFO registry.YarnRegistryViewForProviders: [COMPINSTANCE llap-0 : 
container_1703049378182_0001_01_000002]: D

eleting registry path 

INFO instance.ComponentInstance: [COMPINSTANCE llap-0 : 
container_1703049378182_0001_01_000002] new IP = [], host = 
ambari-server, updating registry

INFO instance.ComponentInstance: [COMPINSTANCE llap-0 : 
container_1703049378182_0001_01_000002] IP = [], host = 
ambari-server, cancel container status retriever

INFO component.Component: [COMPONENT llap] Requesting for 1 container(s)

INFO component.Component: [COMPONENT llap] Submitting container request : 
Type: GUARANTEED, Enforce Execution Type: false}]Resource Profile[null]

INFO instance.ComponentInstance: [COMPINSTANCE llap-0 : 
container_1703049378182_0001_01_000002]: container_1703049378182_0001_01_000002 
completed. Reinsert back to pending list and requested a new container.


INFO instance.ComponentInstance: [COMPINSTANCE llap-0 : 
container_1703049378182_0001_01_000002] Transitioned from STARTED to INIT on 
STOP event

INFO registry.YarnRegistryViewForProviders: [COMPINSTANCE llap-0 : 
container_1703049378182_0001_01_000002]: Deleting registry path 

INFO service.ServiceScheduler: 1 containers allocated.

INFO service.ServiceScheduler: [COMPONENT llap]: remove 1 outstanding container 
requests for allocateId 0

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