    I have a UDF that returns a list and another one that returns a list of 
lists.  I am not sure how to read the results back as lists in JDBC/hiveserver1.
All I can do is

while (rset.next()) {
  String fld = rset.getString(2);

This returns the field as a string like : 


Is there a way to read the data as a list instead of a String ? 
I tried rset.getArray(2).  But got an error "unsupported function".  I am using 
hive 0.9.  

Or, is there a way to convert this to a list in Java without parsing this 
string ?  I saw some Groovy code online while seem to do something like that.  
But would need this in Java/Python.
Would be helpful if someone has any ideas/pointers.


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