Some general guidance would be to aim for minimal JOINs in your regular queries.
Thus the biggest change from a normal-form RDBMS schema is to denormalize such 
that joins do not come in to play until a query has already performed data 
reduction via filtering or aggregation. This implies a star schema comprising 
one primary fact table that has sufficient data in it to sensibly partition it 
and support direct filtering and aggregations.
Supplementing the main table will be dimension tables that can provide 
additional data to flesh out result sets.

It looks like your data will be highly amenable to this.


From: Matthieu Labour []
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 3:50 PM
Subject: Should the SQL schema for HIVE be identical to the SQL schema for a 
relational database?


It would be terrific to get some advice on migrating a schema from RDMS to Hive.

Should the SQL schema for HIVE be identical to the SQL schema for a 
Posgresql/mysql database?


I have an application that generates events that look like the following:


Events are being written to persistent storage (AWS S3). A 'worker' wakes up 
periodically, reads the new events received and inserts them in a postgresql 
database. The database has  user, product, user_product (user_id, product_id, 
action:(viewed|wishlist...), timestamp), location etc... tables.

We are migrating to HIVE.

Should we also create user, product, user_product, locations etc... as HIVE 
tables and have a MapReduce job process event files to populate the HIVE 
tables? Or should/can we implement a different schema that would allow for 
external HIVE tables to map directly to the event files generated. Or a mix of 

Thank you for your help!


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