starting Ignite server in embedded mode

2018-01-28 Thread Rajesh Kishore
Hi All,

We have requirement to manage Ignite server and client by the same
application in embedded mode. Whats the way forward?


Ignite query performance

2018-01-28 Thread suds123
I'm evaluating apache ignite for a use case very similar to the setup
described at -

1. Instead of Person I'm using Transaction for the proof-of-concept, so I
have followed the above link to create 3 source files -, and 

2. I'm loading cache from an Oracle database. The Transaction table has 2
million rows, each row having 30 fields and average row size is 300 bytes. 

3. This is my query in the 

QueryCursor> cursor = cache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("select id,
transactionAmount from Transaction where groupCode = ' ' and scheme = ' '
and transactionDate > '' and transactionDate < '' and
mid in ( )  order by transactionDate asc limit 100 offset 100"));

4. groupCode, scheme, transactionDate, and mid are indexed in model 

5. My infrastructure is a single VM on Google Cloud (4 CPUs and 20 GB RAM)
and as per dzone example I start a server instance with spring config file
and a client instance where I run the TransactionStoreExample class. 

6. I'm timing the query by printing timestamps before and after

7. For 2 million records I get a 1770 millis response time. 

My questions are - 
 - is this response timing expected for given setup? 
 - can this be improved? 
 - is there another way to capture query timings instead of printing
timestamps before and after cursor.getAll()?


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cache configuration without Key

2018-01-28 Thread Rajesh Kishore
Hi All,

I have a requirement to define a cache class, for which its instance
qualifies only for value.

public class EntryIndexedAttributes

  @QuerySqlField( orderedGroups = { @QuerySqlField.Group(
  name = "generic_attr_idx", order = 0) ,
  name = "generic_attrVal_idx", order = 0)} )
  private Long entryID;

  @QuerySqlField( orderedGroups = { @QuerySqlField.Group(
  name = "generic_attr_idx", order = 1) } )
  private String attrType;

  @QuerySqlField( orderedGroups = { @QuerySqlField.Group(
  name = "generic_attr_idx", order = 2),
  name = "generic_attrVal_idx", order = 1)} )
  private String attrValue;


While defining the cache , it looks like I need to aways specify the key
type ?

CacheConfiguration cacheCfg =
new CacheConfiguration<>("EntryIndexedAttributes");
