JMX-MBean Reports OffHeapAllocatedSize as zero

2018-04-10 Thread Christoph

I use a partitioned cache with off heap in Ignite 2.3.0. After putting some
values I see in JMX MBean
some entries with prefix OffHeap.
Value OffHeapEntriesCount is the number of stored entries and now 3178.
*Value OffHeapAllocatedSize is 0.*
But CachePuts is 3178, AveragePutTime is 328.502 and
OffHeapPrimaryEntriesCount is 3178.
The 3178 values can be retrieved from the cache. So I believe they are
stored in off heap.

I also run a test with 1 million entries and OffHeapAllocatedSize states

*Is this expected behaviour?*

Kind regards,

Re: JMX-MBean Reports OffHeapAllocatedSize as zero

2018-04-11 Thread Christoph Weißenborn
Hi Val and others,
same behavior with Ignite 2.4.0, MBean-CacheMetrics always report
OffHeapAllocatedSize zero.
Is this a bug, a feature/expected? Can I somehow change setup to get a
metric for off heap usage?

KR, Christoph

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Re: JMX-MBean Reports OffHeapAllocatedSize as zero

2018-04-11 Thread Christoph Weißenborn
I step into the code and ended up in this method in

@Override public long offHeapAllocatedSize() {
// TODO GG-10884.
return 0;

Is ticket GG-10884 about resolving this TODO or did it introduced this TODO?
Is there a schedule for this TODO? If yes, where/how can I find it?

KR, Christoph

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