Ignite Yardstick - Package built from source

2017-06-19 Thread Swetad90
I am trying to use Ignite yardstick on packages that I build rather than
using the ones given in example packages(org.apache.ignite).
I tried to package the entire source and place it under the sources folder.
However, yardstick is not able to find my packages from properties file.

Contents of Benchmark.properties -
BENCHMARK_PACKAGES=org.yardstickframework, com.test.ignite.yardstick

-cfg ${SCRIPT_DIR}/../config/ignite-localhost-config.xml -nn ${nodesNum} -b
${b} -w ${w} -d ${d} -t ${t} -p com.test.ignite.yardstick -sm ${sm} -dn
IgnitePutBenchmark -sn IgniteNode -ds atomic-put-${b}-backup,\

Error in logs-
ERROR: Could not find benchmark driver class name in classpath:
Make sure class name is specified correctly and corresponding package is
added to -p argument list.
Type '--help' for usage.

Is there any other property we have to modify for yardstick to recognize the

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Re: WebConsole 1.9.0 not working

2017-06-08 Thread Swetad90
I did have the below in .babelrc file.

What fixed the issue was explicitly installing babel-register :
npm install babel-register --save-dev

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WebConsole 1.9.0 not working

2017-06-06 Thread Swetad90
I am using webconsole 1.9.0 locally.
All of my npm depedencies resolved fine for webconsole/backend and on npm
start gives below output
Start listening on port 3000
Start listening on port 3002

However, for frontend, gulp dependencies are not getting resolved  in
anyway. All the time I am getting below error -
run dev

> ignite-web-console@1.0.0 dev
> C:\Users\me\Documents\Gridgain\webconsole\apache-ignite-1.9.0-src\apache-ignite-1.9.0-src\modules\web-console\frontend
> cross-env NODE_ENV=development gulp watch

[21:55:26] Failed to load external module babel-register
[21:55:26] Failed to load external module babel-core/register
[21:55:26] Failed to load external module babel/register
import gulp from 'gulp';
SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
at createScript (vm.js:56:10)
at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:97:10)
at Module._compile (module.js:542:28)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10)
at Module.load (module.js:487:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3)
at Module.require (module.js:497:17)
at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
at Liftoff.handleArguments
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! ignite-web-console@1.0.0 dev: `cross-env NODE_ENV=development gulp
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the ignite-web-console@1.0.0 dev script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional
logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!

I have tried updating bablerc file, uninstalling-reinstalling gulp,babel,
nothing helps.
Anyone faced such errors?

Node version - 6.10.3
npm version - 5.0.3

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Re: BinaryObjects in IgniteCallable

2017-05-31 Thread Swetad90
Hi Denis,

Thanks. It worked that way.


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BinaryObjects in IgniteCallable

2017-05-25 Thread Swetad90

Is my understanding correct that we cannot use BinaryObjects in
IgniteCallable as it already uses serializable interface?

I am using IgniteCallable to retrieve a customClass object using
BinaryObject but facing a type cast exception.(ExchangeRate cannot be cast
to org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObject)

CacheConfiguration cacheCfg = new
 IgniteCache cache =
 IgniteDataStreamer Cachestmr =
Cachestmr.addData(rate.getRateKey(), rate);

IgniteCache binaryCache =
   ExchangeRate obj = binaryCache .get(key);
   System.out.println("Cache in : " + obj.getOfferRate() ); --> 

BinaryObject rate1 = ignite.compute().call(
new IgniteCallable() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public BinaryObject call() throws 
UnknownHostException {

BinaryObject obj = 
binaryCache.get(key); ---> This gives
return obj;


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Re: Port Range in JDBC Discovery

2017-05-25 Thread Swetad90
Hi Alex,

We are setting up separate tables for each cluster group.
What I wanted to check was if we can give a port range rather than assigning
each nodes host:port in JDBC Discovery?

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Port Range in JDBC Discovery

2017-05-22 Thread Swetad90
We are trying to set up non-interfering cluster group using JDBC Discovery.
We have assigned different table names for each cluster group and they are
not discovering one another.

But all nodes are taking available ports in the VM starting from 47500. Is
there any way we can set a port range for 1 cluster in JDBC Discovery or
local port.

I looked at registerAddresses in TcpDiscoveryJdbcIpFinder. Does this serve
the same purpose as we set multiple addresses with port range in

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Re: Alerting and Eventing in Ignite

2017-05-15 Thread Swetad90

Anyone yet have had such an use case for Ignite?

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Alerting and Eventing in Ignite

2017-05-12 Thread Swetad90

I went through the docs on Apache Ignite Alerting & Eventing -

Here is my usecase -
1. Start up 5 server nodes to form 1 cluster group
2. Include events on default events(ie NODE JOINED,NODE LEFT,etc) and some
3. Write all events generated onto a log file
4. Generate alerts incase of certain events.

I understand that we need to include all the required event types while
starting the server nodes. And in order to get these events I actually have
to configure a listner from a client code.

1. Is there anyway for ignite to actually write to logs when these events
happen automatically if I have included event types while starting of the
nodes ?
2. We are planning to use external tools to set up alerts based on the logs
we get. But Can Ignite Alerts used with Ignite events?

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Ignite-Visor with Alert and Logs

2017-05-09 Thread Swetad90

I am trying to monitor Ignite cluster using the Visor console.

Read the ignite docs and was implementing the below steps -
1. Set up an Alert on the number of nodes/CPUs/CPU usage on a cluster
2.If Alert is met, I am trying to execute a script that will run the visor
in batch mode and display the topology. 

Alert is getting successfully registered. But when I try to write them to a
log file by giving log -l -f="/tmp/visor-log", I am getting below error:
class org.apache.ignite.IgniteException: Failed to query events because
default no-op event storage SPI is used. Consider configuring
MemoryEventStorageSpi or another EventStorageSpi implementation via
IgniteConfiguration.setEventStorageSpi() configuration property.

Went through the below ticket where this is expected:

1. Can anyone give more idea as to why EventStorageSpi is needed to
configure Alerts?
2. Also, this is happening only when I write the alerts to a log file, is
there any other way to display the alerts other than writing to a file?

I am using ignite 2.0.

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Re: Ignite2.0 and Memory Policies

2017-05-09 Thread Swetad90
I tried capturing metrics for memory policies as well as from cache & nodes.
Here is what I observed.

Before Updating Cache Node statistics -
|Heap memory initialized  | 1gb
| Heap memory used| 139mb  
| Heap memory committed   | 982mb  
| Heap memory maximum | 982mb  
| Non-heap memory initialized | 2mb
| Non-heap memory used| 47mb   
| Non-heap memory committed   | 48mb   
| Non-heap memory maximum | 1gb

| Heap memory initialized | 1gb
| Heap memory used| 135mb  
| Heap memory committed   | 982mb  
| Heap memory maximum | 982mb  
| Non-heap memory initialized | 2mb
| Non-heap memory used| 45mb   
| Non-heap memory committed   | 46mb   
| Non-heap memory maximum | 1gb

After updating cache-
| Heap memory initialized | 1gb
| Heap memory used| 58mb   
| Heap memory committed   | 982mb  
| Heap memory maximum | 982mb  
| Non-heap memory initialized | 2mb
| Non-heap memory used| 55mb   
| Non-heap memory committed   | 56mb   
| Non-heap memory maximum | 1gb

| Heap memory initialized | 1gb
| Heap memory used| 235mb  
| Heap memory committed   | 982mb  
| Heap memory maximum | 982mb  
| Non-heap memory initialized | 2mb
| Non-heap memory used| 53mb   
| Non-heap memory committed   | 54mb   
| Non-heap memory maximum | 1gb

1. non-heap memory used increased for both nodes. Does this confirm that
data went to off-heap memory?

2. I am just doing a cacheStreamer.addData(). If data is going into off-heap
memory, why is heap memory varying?

3. MemoryMetrics is actually not showing any results -
>>> Memory Region Name: 40MB_Region_Eviction
>>> Allocation Rate: 0.0
>>> Fill Factor: -1.0
>>> EvictionRate: 0.0
>>> TotalAllocatedPage: 0
>>> Memory Region Name: Default_Region
>>> Allocation Rate: 0.0
>>> Fill Factor: -1.0
>>> EvictionRate: 0.0
>>> TotalAllocatedPage: 0

4. I captured CacheMetrics for the clustergroup as well. Even they are not
showing any data -

>>> Cache Metrics: CacheMetricsSnapshot [reads=0, puts=0, hits=0, misses=0,
>>> txCommits=0, txRollbacks=0, evicts=0, removes=0, putAvgTimeNanos=0.0,
>>> getAvgTimeNanos=0.0, rmvAvgTimeNanos=0.0, commitAvgTimeNanos=0.0,
>>> rollbackAvgTimeNanos=0.0, cacheName=firstCache40MBP, offHeapGets=0,
>>> offHeapPuts=0, offHeapRemoves=0, offHeapEvicts=0, offHeapHits=0,
>>> offHeapMisses=0, offHeapEntriesCnt=0, offHeapPrimaryEntriesCnt=0,
>>> offHeapBackupEntriesCnt=0, offHeapAllocatedSize=0, size=0, keySize=0,
>>> isEmpty=true, dhtEvictQueueCurrSize=0, txThreadMapSize=0,
>>> txXidMapSize=0, txCommitQueueSize=0, txPrepareQueueSize=0,
>>> txStartVerCountsSize=0, txCommittedVersionsSize=0,
>>> txRolledbackVersionsSize=0, txDhtThreadMapSize=0, txDhtXidMapSize=0,
>>> txDhtCommitQueueSize=0, txDhtPrepareQueueSize=0,
>>> txDhtStartVerCountsSize=0, txDhtCommittedVersionsSize=0,
>>> txDhtRolledbackVersionsSize=0, isWriteBehindEnabled=false,
>>> writeBehindFlushSize=-1, writeBehindFlushThreadCnt=-1,
>>> writeBehindFlushFreq=-1, writeBehindStoreBatchSize=-1,
>>> writeBehindTotalCriticalOverflowCnt=0, writeBehindCriticalOverflowCnt=0,
>>> writeBehindErrorRetryCnt=0, writeBehindBufSize=-1,
>>> keyType=java.lang.Object, valType=java.lang.Object, isStoreByVal=true,
>>> isStatisticsEnabled=false, isManagementEnabled=false,
>>> isReadThrough=false, isWriteThrough=false]

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Re: Ignite2.0 and Memory Policies

2017-05-08 Thread Swetad90

Yes, I checked cache config via Visor.

Thanks, I will have a look at the other options.

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Ignite2.0 and Memory Policies

2017-05-08 Thread Swetad90
As per Ignite Docs, Ignite 2.0 Memory page feature defaults memory
assignment to off-heap memory.

These will be snippets from my config file:

When I try to put data intocache, it is getting populated in heap memory.
Whether I set onheapCacheEnabled value or not, it is not making any
|  Node ID8(@), IP  | CPUs | Heap Used | CPU Load |   Up Time|  
Size | Hi/Mi/Rd/Wr |
| 0BC13BD7(@n2), | 8| 17.02 %   | 0.07 %   | 00:02:22:686 |
Total: 32540 | Hi: 0   |
|   |  |   |  |  |  
Heap: 32540| Mi: 0   |
|   |  |   |  |  |  
Off-Heap: 0| Rd: 0   |
|   |  |   |  |  |  
Off-Heap Memory: 0 | Wr: 0   |

Is there anything that I am missing to set ?

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Re: Ignite TLS with TrustStore

2017-05-03 Thread Swetad90
Does ignite looks for Truststore from any other default location or 
Is SSL/TLS keystore/trust store location varies for VMs?

I tried enabled logging to capture the error, but don't seem to find any
reason for this error-
 Failed to initialize connection (missing SSL configuration on remote node?)

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Ignite TLS with TrustStore

2017-05-02 Thread Swetad90
I referred to the Ignite docs on TLS:

I have the below set in my config XML file for TLS:



and the below for Discovery:



However when I start my nodes, they don't discover one another.
[16:18:24] Topology snapshot [ver=1, servers=1, clients=0, CPUs=8,
[16:18:29] Failed to initialize connection (missing SSL configuration on
remote node?) [rmtAddr=/10.17.XX.XXX]

[16:18:30] Topology snapshot [ver=1, servers=1, clients=0, CPUs=8,

I have checked both my keystore and truststore and they are fine.Also, they
are not self-signed certificates.
But it works with disabled trust managers.

Is there anything I am missing in setting up TLS communication here?

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Re: Combined off heap size?

2017-05-02 Thread Swetad90

I have a physical 8x32 server and I am using 4 data nodes in one cluster

I have the below config:


So basically I am assigning 40GB of off-heap memory. I know that this is
just assigned, nodes will use that memory as and when data comes in. Based
on this scenario -

1. What will happen once I have exhausted 32 GB of memory. I don't have SWAP
memory configured. How will Ignite behave?

2. If I have a separate cluster group of another 3 nodes(G2) on the same
server being used by another application. They will also be affected as the
current 4 nodes(in G1) will utilize all the memory of the server. Is there
any other workaround/ best practices to handle such multi tenancy in ignite?

3. When it comes to this memory allocation, has OS anything to with it or
everything is taken care by the JVM/ignite instance only.


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Re: Apache ignite performance

2017-05-01 Thread Swetad90
Hi Sasha,

We are in the cloud platform. While In understand the points you have given
below are valid incase of VMs, is it a strict No-No for ignite to run on
VMs gives us an auto scalability and on-demand services which we wanted to
leverage with ignite.

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