The setup: Hello folks I have a simple Apache Ignite setup with two Ignite
instances configured as server nodes over C# and one Ignite instance as a
client node over java.

What is the goal: Populate data on instance 1 and instance 2 but avoid
movement of data between them. In other words data receiced on each node
must stay in node. Then using the java client to run queries against the two
nodes either combined (distributed join) or per node (using affinity).

The issue: With one server node everything works as expected, however on
more than one server nodes, data of the cluster is balancing between the x
member nodes even if I have expliccitly set the CacheRebalanceMode to None
which should disable the rebalance between then nodes. The insert time is
increase by 4x-10x times, function to each node's populated data.

P.S. I have tried change the cache mode from Partitioned to Local where each
node will have isolated the data in it's internal H2 db however in that case
the Java client is unable to detect the nodes or read any data from the
cache of each node.

Java Client Node

        IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
        // Enable client mode.

        // Setting up an IP Finder to ensure the client can locate the
        TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder ipFinder = new
        cfg.setDiscoverySpi(new TcpDiscoverySpi().setIpFinder(ipFinder));

        // Configure Ignite to connect with .NET nodes
        cfg.setBinaryConfiguration(new BinaryConfiguration()
                        .setNameMapper(new BinaryBasicNameMapper(true))

        // Start Ignite in client mode.
        Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(cfg);

        IgniteCache<AffinityKey, Trade> cache0 = ignite.cache(CACHE_NAME);
        IgniteCache<AffinityKey, BinaryObject> cache =
        // execute some queries to nodes
C# Server Node

               IIgnite _ignite =

                // Create new cache and configure queries for Trade binary
                // Note that there are no such classes defined.
                var cache0 = _ignite.GetOrCreateCache<AffinityKey,

                // Switch to binary mode to work with data in serialized
                _cache = cache0.WithKeepBinary<AffinityKey,

               //populate some data ...

        public static IgniteConfiguration DefaultIgniteConfig()
            return new IgniteConfiguration

                PeerAssemblyLoadingMode =
                BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration
                    NameMapper = new BinaryBasicNameMapper { IsSimpleName =
true },
                    CompactFooter = true,
                    TypeConfigurations = new[] {
                        new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof(Trade)) {
                            Serializer = new IgniteTradeSerializer()
                DiscoverySpi = new TcpDiscoverySpi
                    IpFinder = new TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder
                        Endpoints = new[] { "" }
                    SocketTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.10)
                Logger = new IgniteNLogLogger(),
                CacheConfiguration = new[]{
                    new CacheConfiguration{
                            Name = CACHE_NAME,
                            CacheMode = CacheMode.Partitioned,
                            Backups = 0,
                            QueryEntities = new[] { 
                                new QueryEntity(typeof(AffinityKey),

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