Re: List of running Continuous queries or CacheEntryListener per cache or node

2017-12-20 Thread fefe
For sanity checks or tests. I want to be sure that I haven't forgot to
deregister any listener. 

Its also very important metric to see how many continuous queries/listeners
are currently running.

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List of running Continuous queries or CacheEntryListener per cache or node

2017-12-20 Thread fefe
Is it possible to get list of running continuous queries or
cacheEntryListener for given Cache or given Node?

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Impact of connectionsPerNode and pairedConnection

2017-12-18 Thread fefe

My configuration: Ignite 2.1, two ignite servers, two ignite client,
replicated cache, 10Gb network between nodes.

My regular load is about 100 objects put into cache per seconds. Objects are
about 40KB. So the network traffic should be about 40MB/s. I run several
continuous queries for given cache. Ignite  is quite unstable and I see many
peeks of outbound queue size up to 200_000, and put time is increasing
because of outbound queue.

So I tried little bit to tune it and I changed the default settings of
TcpCommunicationSpi. I set UsePairedConnections to true and
ConnectionsPerNode to 5. This significantly improves the performance of
Ignite and now I have much more stable put time without ignite outbound
queue peaks.

I haven't found any information about effect of these parameters, except
some property description on which is even outdated
with old names setDualSocketConnection and connectionsPerNode is not
mentioned at all.

I am missing some best practices/rules/advices how/why/when to set up these
parameters to improve Ignite throughput. And also what is the memory effect
of them because now I can see I have much bigger memory consumption then
before. Is it created one thread per connection?

Can someone describe me what changes that now the Ignite is much more


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Is it possible to change notify event for continuous query

2017-12-14 Thread fefe
My data in ignite cache are Maps(the map can be pretty big, few kilobytes).
Is it possible to change the value of the event that is generated for the
continuous query when filter passed? Currently, the continuous query event
returns the whole map, but I need only a subset of values from that map.
Ideally, there would be more continuous queries for that cache and each of
them would return the different subset of values from that map.


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Re: Cache listener for new keys

2017-12-14 Thread fefe
Hello Alex,

I need to be notified about new keys, because on every client I am creating
a register of the keys. My keys are not the simple number, but contains id,
type and version. Key register on the client then contain info about latest
version per data/id and so on... 

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Re: Cache listener for new keys

2017-12-12 Thread fefe
I know about continuous queries, but they also send both value and key(or is
the possibility to change the event to send only the key for continuous
queries?). I used ignite cache as a cache so sometimes I read from it, but I
am doing local register from keys on the ignite-client so I need to be
notified with the new key added to the cache. If there is no possibility to
be notified of the new key, I will have to create the new cache that will
store keys as values, but I would rather avoid this.

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Cache listener for new keys

2017-12-12 Thread fefe
I have Ignite cache and entry listener for that cache generates event with 
the entry key and entry value. Most of the times I am interested only in key 
and not in value, is it possible to create listener that will notify me with 
new key and based on this I can decide If i load the value from cache. I 
don't want to send the cache value always to client. 


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