Client node disconnected from cluster

2021-05-06 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
Getting below error on ignite server:

FAIL: [tcp-disco-client-message-worker-[[CredentialsTcpDiscoverySpi] Client
node considered as unreachable and will be dropped from cluster, because no
metrics update messages received in interval:
TcpDiscoverySpi.clientFailureDetectionTimeout() ms. It may be caused by
network problems or long GC pause on client node, try to increase this
parameter. [clientFailureDetectionTimeout=3] 

Getting below error on my Client:

02:57:20.732 [tcp-client-disco-msg-worker-#4] INFO 
c.s.p.i.s.CredentialsTcpDiscoverySpi - Client node disconnected from
cluster, will try to reconnect with new id.

How to avoid above disconnection from cluster?
Relationship with above two error messages?
Do you have any root cause of above error messages ?

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Ignite cluster issue

2021-02-08 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
My application is running with two nodes and two nodes are in one cluster.
all the cache ids are available.

All of sudden yesterday, two clusters are created and one node for each. now
we got problem.

Could you please help me, all of sudden why cluster is created

how clusters are creating in ignite?

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Re: ignite partition mode

2020-08-26 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
By using ignite web console

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Re: Ignite partitioned

2020-08-21 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
$ ./ --baseline
Control utility [ver. 2.8.0#20200226-sha1:341b01df]
2020 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
Time: 2020-08-21T09:13:11.334
Command [BASELINE] started
Arguments: --baseline

Failed to execute baseline command='collect'
Node with id= not found
Check arguments. Node with id=** not found
Command [BASELINE] finished with code: 1
Control utility has completed execution at: 2020-08-21T09:13:11.696
Execution time: 362 ms

I am getting below error, could you please help me on this.

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Re: Ignite partitioned

2020-08-18 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
Could you please help with this. 

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Re: Ignite partitioned

2020-08-18 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
My topology snap shot:
[06:46:33,961][INFO][disco-event-worker-#44][GridDiscoveryManager] Topology
snapshot [ver=27, locNode=, servers=2, clients=17, state=ACTIVE,
CPUs=32, offheap=90.0GB, heap=160.0GB]

How should we know, is it formed cluster or not.

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ignite partition mode

2020-08-18 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
Our application running with 2 ignite node,. 
But data is available in one node, and not available in the second node. 
Our cache configuration: 
Cache mode:partitioned
Automatic mode:atomic
Write Synchronization mode:full_sync
Rebalance delay:1

We have above cache configuration. 

Could you please help, data is not available in secound node. 
Second node only cache ids are created and it's having no data in the cache

Could you please help me on this, shall I need add any of the configuration
for this. 

My requiremnt is if node down, other node automatically re balance and get
the data. 

Sent from:

Ignite partitioned

2020-08-18 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
Our application running with 2 ignite node,. 
But data is available in one node, and not available in the second node. 
Our cache configuration: 
Cache mode:partitioned
Automatic mode:atomic
Write Synchronization mode:full_sync
Rebalance delay:1

We have above cache configuration. 

Could you please help, data is not available in secound node. 
Second node only cache ids are created and it's having no data in the cache

Could you please help me on this, shall I need add any of the configuration
for this. 

My requiremnt is if node down, other node automatically re balance and get
the data. 

Sent from:

ignite partition mode

2020-08-18 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
Our application running with 2 ignite node,. 
But data is available in one node, and not available in the second node. 
Our cache configuration: 
Cache mode:partitioned
Automatic mode:atomic
Write Synchronization mode:full_sync
Rebalance delay:1

We have above cache configuration. 

Could you please help, data is not available in secound node. 
Second node only cache ids are created and it's having no data in the cache

Could you please help me on this, shall I need add any of the configuration
for this. 

My requiremnt is if node down, other node automatically re balance and get
the data. 

Sent from:

Cache configuration

2020-08-15 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
My cache ids are dynamic.
Is it possible to add cache configuration in xml. 
I have checked, name property is mandatory. But i cannot add the name as
it's dynamic name. 

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Can not finish proxy initialization in logs

2020-06-25 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
Hi Team,

Recently i have upgraded ignite version 2.6 to 2.8 version.

I am getting below INFO "Can not finish proxy initialization"

3:19:26.806 [sys-#273] INFO  o.a.i.i.p.cache.GridCacheProcessor - Can not
finish proxy initialization because proxy does not exist,
cacheName=, localNodeId=

But we are not getting this in 2.6 version.

shall i need to do any configuration change not to get proxy initialization.

it is there any impact if we get the info in our logs.

Could you please help me on this.

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Re: ignite web agent issue

2020-06-12 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
Could you please let me know, what is the supported mongodb version.
Please let me know the mongodb version, which your using. 

Sent from:

Re: ignite web agent issue

2020-06-10 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
thank you for the help.

To Building Ignite Web Agent, shall we need MongoDB (version >=3.2.x
<=3.4.15) and  NodeJS (version >=8.0.0) ???
Could you please let me know, the stop to building the web agent from

As for the docs

Building Ignite Web Agent
To build Ignite Web Agent from sources, run the following command from the
$IGNITE_HOME folder:
mvn clean package -pl :ignite-web-agent -am -P web-console -DskipTests=true

Once the build process is over, you can find in:

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ignite web agent issue

2020-06-10 Thread itsmeravikiran.c
Hi Team,

Currently my application is using ignite 2.6.0 version and ignite web agent
version is ignite-web-agent-2.4.4.
Everything is working fine.

Now we are migrating ignite 2.6.0 to 2.8.0. 

Ignite 2.8.0 will support the  ignite-web-agent-2.4.4??

While running the queries i am getting below error in ignite-web-agent.

Error: Cannot read property 'length' of null
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Could you please help me on this

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