
1) No.
With publilcThreadPoolSize=16 and parallelJobsNumber=32 you’ll have 32 jobs 
submitted to executor with 16 threads,
which means that 16 jobs will be executing and 16 will be waiting in the public 
thread pool’s queue.

2) Yes – see setWaitingJobsNumber.


From: Prasad Bhalerao
Sent: 28 ноября 2018 г. 9:20
To: user@ignite.apache.org
Subject: PublicThreadPoolSize vs FifoQueueCollisionSpi.ParallelJobsNumber


What will happen in following case:

publilcThreadPoolSize is to 16.

But FifoQueueCollisionSpi is used instead of NoopCollisionSpi.

1) Will ignite execute 32 jobs in parallel even though the publicThreadPool 
size is set to 16?

2) Is there any configuration to set fifo queue size as well so that number of 
jobs that be submitted to this queue can be limited?


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