Re: Running Spark Job in Background

2018-08-13 Thread Ilya Kasnacheev

You can invoke `disown' after launching process with &.

Note that & and nohup are very different, it is very strange if the result
is the same. Nohup jobs don't even use same terminal.


Ilya Kasnacheev

2018-08-13 14:02 GMT+03:00 ApacheUser :

> Thanks Denis,
> When Submit Spark job which connects to Ignite cluster creates an Ignite
> Client. The Ignite Client gets disconnected whe I close the window(Linux
> Shell).
> Regular Spark jobs are running fine with & or nohup, but in Spark/Ignite
> case, the clienst ae getting killed and spark job nologer runs.
> is there any way I can run the spark/Ignite job continuously even ater
> closing the linux shell?
> thanks
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Running Spark Job in Background

2018-08-13 Thread ApacheUser
Thanks Denis,

When Submit Spark job which connects to Ignite cluster creates an Ignite
Client. The Ignite Client gets disconnected whe I close the window(Linux
Regular Spark jobs are running fine with & or nohup, but in Spark/Ignite
case, the clienst ae getting killed and spark job nologer runs.

is there any way I can run the spark/Ignite job continuously even ater
closing the linux shell?


Sent from:

Re: Running Spark Job in Background

2018-08-13 Thread Denis Mekhanikov
This is not really an Ignite question. Try asking it on Spark userlist:

Running commands with & is a valid approach though.
You can also try using nohup .


вс, 12 авг. 2018 г. в 5:12, ApacheUser :

> Hello Ignite Team,
> I have Spark job thats streams live data into Ignite Cache . The  job gets
> closed as soon as I close window(Linux shell) . The other spark streaming
> jobs I run with "&" at the end of spark submit job and they run for very
> long time untill they I stop or crash due to other factors etc.
> Is there any way I can run Spark-Ignite job continuously?
> This is my spark submit:
> spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.3.0
> --master spark://:7077  --executor-cores x --total-executor-cores x
> --executor-memory Xg --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=Xg --driver-memory
> Xg
> --conf spark.default.parallelism=XX --conf
> spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer   --class
> com...dataload .jar  &
> Thanks
> --
> Sent from: