Re: Sql Query Based On DateTime in .Net

2019-06-24 Thread Alexandr Shapkin

I would suggest you to move your business logic out of queryable fields.
Put [QuerySqlField] to plain _JoinDate and rewrite your sql to "where
_JoinDate = ..."

This should work as your *cache.Get() result* example.

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Sql Query Based On DateTime in .Net

2019-06-23 Thread siva

I am running .net core app as a server and using .net thin-client for crud
operations and SQL query . Here is the problem i am facing.

*Model Class:*

Here Getter and Setter using for to Convert DateTime to Utc DateTime .

If I  Use 
Cache.Get("1")  able to get the JoinDate (i.e. DateTime Field) in Object
Which I have store in Cache 
 But if I Use Sql Query Not able to get value.I have Looked at SqlLine
,JoinDate Field Comming as Empty in Result 

*Using cache.Get() result*


*Using sql Query Result*


*In SQl Line Query Result*



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