That is quite sad to hear but not entirely unexpected.

I've been using jclouds on and off for the past 5 years, mainly for cloud storage and some cloud VM management.

Nowadays for the IaC use case, to me at least, the declarative tools such as Terraform make more sense.

I would like to thank the jclouds community for making my life as developer easier all these years.

Best regards

On 10/10/2022 15:03, Andrew Gaul wrote:
jclouds development has slowed from 123 commits from 26 contributors in
2018 to just 24 from 6 contributors in 2022.  This is despite growing
downloads over the last 12 months from 50,000 to 80,000 for jclouds-core
alone.  Unfortunately the number of active committers has shrunk and we
will soon lack quorum for future releases.  This means that the project
must move to the Apache attic.

Ideally the community could step up to sustain the project, e.g.,
reviewing pull requests, fixing issues, responding to mailing list
queries, and eventually becoming committers themselves.  Does anyone
have a multi-year interest in jclouds that wants to help out?

If not, I will cut a final 2.6.0 release before retiring the project.

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