Re: Trying out the karaf docker image

2020-04-11 Thread Steinar Bang
> Steinar Bang :

> 10. Tried running the image, but that failed with "no command specified":
>  [node1] (local) root@ ~
>  $ docker run -p 8101:8101 -p 8181:8181 steinarb/ukelonn-demo:202004071205
>  docker: Error response from daemon: No command specified.
>  See 'docker run --help'.
>  [node1] (local) root@ ~
>  $

I found the reason for this, I think: karaf is missing from the image

No /opt and no file named something with karaf in the directory tree and
no /opt/apache-karaf/bin in the PATH.

sb@lorenzo:~/workspaces/ws03/ukelonn/docker$ docker run -it 
steinarb/ukelonn-demo:202004071205 sh
/ # ls -al
total 68
drwxr-xr-x1 root root  4096 Apr 11 11:20 .
drwxr-xr-x1 root root  4096 Apr 11 11:20 ..
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 0 Apr 11 11:20 .dockerenv
drwxr-xr-x2 root root  4096 Mar  3  2017 bin
drwxr-xr-x5 root root   360 Apr 11 11:20 dev
drwxr-xr-x1 root root  4096 Apr 11 11:20 etc
drwxr-xr-x2 root root  4096 Mar  3  2017 home
drwxr-xr-x1 root root  4096 Mar  3  2017 lib
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root12 Mar  3  2017 linuxrc -> /bin/busybox
drwxr-xr-x5 root root  4096 Mar  3  2017 media
drwxr-xr-x2 root root  4096 Mar  3  2017 mnt
dr-xr-xr-x  231 root root 0 Apr 11 11:20 proc
drwx--1 root root  4096 Apr 11 11:20 root
drwxr-xr-x2 root root  4096 Mar  3  2017 run
drwxr-xr-x2 root root  4096 Mar  3  2017 sbin
drwxr-xr-x2 root root  4096 Mar  3  2017 srv
dr-xr-xr-x   13 root root 0 Apr 10 19:53 sys
drwxrwxrwt2 root root  4096 Mar  3  2017 tmp
drwxr-xr-x1 root root  4096 Mar  3  2017 usr
drwxr-xr-x1 root root  4096 Mar  3  2017 var
/ # find . -name \*karaf\*
/ # echo $PATH
/ #

Re: Camel 3.2.0 install on Karaf 4.2.8

2020-04-11 Thread Oleg Cohen
Hi JB,

Thank you, it did the trick!


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 11, 2020, at 1:18 AM, Jean-Baptiste Onofre  wrote:

Hi Oleg,

It’s a known issue in Camel feature.

The artifacts are located in org.apache.camel.karaf now (not directly in

I have a workaround (waiting new Camel feature) in Karaf: you have to add
the following etc/org.apache.karaf.features.xml:



Le 10 avr. 2020 à 22:39, Oleg Cohen  a écrit :


Not sure if anybody ran into this issue.

I am starting with a brand new instance of Karaf 4.2.8

I added camel and camel-extras repos

feature:repo-add camel
feature:repo-add camel-extras

karaf@root()> feature:repo-list | grep camel
camel-3.2.0   │
camel-2.24.3  │

When I try to install camel-core I get the following exception:

karaf@root()> feature:install camel
Error executing command: Error:

* Error downloading mvn:org.apache.camel/camel-commands-core/3.2.0*
karaf@root()> feature:install camel-core
Error executing command: Error:

* Error downloading mvn:org.apache.camel/camel-commands-core/3.2.0*

Seems org.apache.camel/camel-commands-core/3.2.0 is missing.

Would appreciate suggestions!

Thank you,

*Oleg Cohen  |  Principal  |  **A S S U R E B R I D G E*
*Office: +1 617 564 0737  |  Mobile: +1 617 455 7927  |  Fax: +1 888 409
*Email:   **| *