[Neo4j] Neo4j as a service on Fedora 16

2012-04-18 Thread Georg Summer
Hi everyone,

I want to have neo4j standalone server running as a service on a Fedora 16 VM.
I can start the server without any problems from the cmdline (/bin/neo4j start)

The neo4j install obviously does not work because it uses update-rc.d
with is a Debian thing. So I replaced it with the Fedora equivalent:
chkconfig --add ${SERVICE_NAME}
The service gets installed and written into /etc/rc.d/init.d and
/etc/rc.d/rcX.d. (written into as in symbolic link to the neo4j
using chkconfig I can see that the service is registered to be ON on
runlevel 3-5.
I can also start it from there (including through systemd: sudo
systemctl start neo4j-service.service)

When I reboot the machine though nothing happens. The server is not
started and there is nothing written into the
$NEO4J_HOME/data/log/*.log messages. Also nothing pops up in
/var/log/messages or /var/log/boot.log or dmesg.
After the reboot I can without any problems start the server again.

Am I missing something obvious here?

best regards,

and consider posting at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/neo4j

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Re: [Neo4j] REST results pagination

2011-04-21 Thread Georg Summer
Legacy application that just uses a new data source. It can be quite hard to
get users away from their trusty old-chap-UI.  In the case of Pagination,
Legacy might only mean some years but still legacy :-).

@1-2) In the wake of mobile applications and mobile sites a pagination
system might be more relevant than bulk loading everything and displaying
it. defining smart filters might be problematic in such a use case as well.

Parallelism of an application could also be a interesting aspect. Each
worker retrieves the different pages of the graph and the user does not have
to care at all about separating the graph after downloading it. This would
only be interesting though if the graph relations are not important.


On 21 April 2011 14:59, Rick Bullotta rick.bullo...@thingworx.com wrote:

 Fwiw, I think paging is an outdated crutch, for a few reasons:

 1) bandwidth and browser processing/parsing are largely non issues,
 although they used to be

 2) human users rarely have the patience (and usability sucks) to go beyond
 2-4 pages of information.  It is far better to allow incrementally refined
 filters and searches to get to a workable subset of data.

 3) machine users could care less about paging

 4) when doing visualization of a large dataset, you generally want the
 whole dataset, not a page of it, so that's another non use case

 Discuss and debate please!


 - Reply message -
 From: Craig Taverner cr...@amanzi.com
 Date: Thu, Apr 21, 2011 8:52 am
 Subject: [Neo4j] REST results pagination
 To: Neo4j user discussions user@lists.neo4j.org

  I assume this:
 Traverser x = Traversal.description().traverse( someNode );
 x.nodes(); // Not necessarily in the same order as previous call.
  If that assumption is false or there is some workaround, then I agree
  this is a valid approach, and a good efficient alternative when sorting
  not relevant. Glancing at the code in TraverserImpl though, it really
  like the call to .nodes  will re-run the traversal, and I thought that
  mean the two calls can yield results in different order?

 OK. My assumptions were different. I assume that while the order is not
 easily predictable, it is reproducable as long as the underlying graph has
 not changed. If the graph changes, then the order can change also. But I
 think this is true of a relational database also, is it not?

 So, obviously pagination is expected (by me at least) to give page X as it
 is at the time of the request for page X, not at the time of the request
 page 1.

 But my assumptions could be incorrect too...

 I understand, and completely agree. My problem with the approach is that I
  think its harder than it looks at first glance.

 I guess I cannot argue that point. My original email said I did not know if
 this idea had been solved yet. Since some of the key people involved in
 have not chipped into this discussion, either we are reasonably correct in
 our ideas, or so wrong that they don't know where to begin correcting us

 This is what makes me push for the sorted approach - relational databases
  are doing this. I don't know how they do it, but they are, and we should
  at least as good.

 Absolutely. We should be as good. Relational database manage to serve a
 deep down the list quite fast. I must believe if they had to complete the
 traversal, sort the results and extract the page on every single page
 request, they could not be so fast. I think my ideas for the traversal are
 'supposed' to be performance enhancements, and that is why I like them ;-)

 I agree the issue of what should be indexed to optimize sorting is a
  domain-specific problem, but I think that is how relational databases
  it as well. If you want sorting to be fast, you have to tell them to
  the field you will be sorting on. The only difference contra having the
  put the sorting index in the graph is that relational databases will
  the indexing for you, saving you a *ton* of work, and I think we should

 Yes. I was discussing automatic indexing with Mattias recently. I think
 hope I am right), that once we move to automatic indexes, then it will be
 possible to put external indexes (a'la lucene) and graph indexes (like the
 ones I favour) behind the same API. In this case perhaps the database will
 more easily be able to make the right optimized decisions, and use the
 for providing sorted results fast and with low memory footprint where
 possible, based on the existance or non-existance of the necessary indices.
 Then all the developer needs to do to make things really fast is put in the
 right index. For some data, that would be lucene and for others it would be
 a graph index. If we get to this point, I think we will have closed a key
 usability gap with relational databases.

 There are cases where you need to add this sort of meta data to your domain

[Neo4j] [neo4j] Exposing Webadmin

2011-04-14 Thread Georg Summer
Hi there,

My setup is that I have a server in a subnet protected by relative strict
port policy, so I can not access the 7474 port of the server where by
default neo4j is running.
I have an Apache Server running as well serving some websites.
I am accessing it remotely from a different part of the network.

Checking the documentation showed that I can use a proxypass to expose the
restful service:
ProxyPass /neo4jdb/db http://localhost:7474/db
ProxyPassReverse /neo4jdb/db http://localhost:7474/db

which works fine. (at least using it through a browser for querying)

So my idea was: same thing for the webadmin:
ProxyPass /neo4jdb/webadmin http://localhost:7474/webadmin
ProxyPassReverse /neo4jdb/webadmin http://localhost:7474/webadmin

I get directed to the webadmin page. The side gets displayed but no values
are retrieved so all status info is undefined. The Browser also only  tells
me: not found.
The Service Info displays: no bean found

# REST endpoint for the data API
# Note the / in the end is mandatory

# REST endpoint of the administration API (used by Webadmin)

That didn't work. I also tried directly the IP address of the machine. as
well as:

no luck either.

Any Idea what I am missing?


Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] [neo4j] Exposing Webadmin

2011-04-14 Thread Georg Summer
Yeah Curl works fine; as well as from a Browser;

curl http://server-ip/neo4jdb/db/manage/
  services : {
console : http://server-ip/db/manage/server/console,
jmx : http://1server-ip/db/manage/server/jmx,
monitor : http://server-ip/db/manage/server/monitor

what I just noticed is that the links here can not work because they are
missing my /neo4jdb/
Is that a problem with the proxy settings?


On 14 April 2011 13:08, Peter Neubauer peter.neuba...@neotechnology.comwrote:

 mmh! I could try setting this up on my local machine, but is anyone
 else having input here? Seems like we should examine the Webadmin
 Javascript requests.

 Can you access the data REST endpoint with curl?


 /peter neubauer

 GTalk:  neubauer.peter
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 Phone   +46 704 106975
 LinkedIn   http://www.linkedin.com/in/neubauer
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 http://www.neo4j.org   - Your high performance graph database.
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 On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 12:50 PM, Georg Summer georg.sum...@gmail.com
  Hi there,
  My setup is that I have a server in a subnet protected by relative strict
  port policy, so I can not access the 7474 port of the server where by
  default neo4j is running.
  I have an Apache Server running as well serving some websites.
  I am accessing it remotely from a different part of the network.
  Checking the documentation showed that I can use a proxypass to expose
  restful service:
  ProxyPass /neo4jdb/db http://localhost:7474/db
  ProxyPassReverse /neo4jdb/db http://localhost:7474/db
  which works fine. (at least using it through a browser for querying)
  So my idea was: same thing for the webadmin:
  ProxyPass /neo4jdb/webadmin http://localhost:7474/webadmin
  ProxyPassReverse /neo4jdb/webadmin http://localhost:7474/webadmin
  I get directed to the webadmin page. The side gets displayed but no
  are retrieved so all status info is undefined. The Browser also only
  me: not found.
  The Service Info displays: no bean found
  # REST endpoint for the data API
  # Note the / in the end is mandatory
  # REST endpoint of the administration API (used by Webadmin)
  That didn't work. I also tried directly the IP address of the machine. as
  well as:
  no luck either.
  Any Idea what I am missing?
  Neo4j mailing list
 Neo4j mailing list

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] [neo4j] Exposing Webadmin

2011-04-14 Thread Georg Summer
so in theory if I changed the proxy settings to:

ProxyPass / http://ip:7474
ProxyPassReverse / http://ip:7474

and reverse the neo4j-server.properties to the original state should work
out. (To answer that myself: yes it does)

Any idea how I could configure these proxy settings in a nicer way so that I
am still able to access the other sides on the apache? e.g. phpmyadmin

On a side node: I am doing this dance because I like the Browser and it
would be perfect for a specific part of my concept. I do not know the
complete structure, but in theory it should be possible to rib out the
html/java script of the browser and just dump them in /var/www/neo_browser?


On 14 April 2011 14:56, Jim Webber j...@neotechnology.com wrote:

 Hi guys,

  Jim, what is your RESTy expertise on this?

 Our JAX-RS plumbing will dispatch on very specific parts of the URI (that's
 just the way JAX-RS works). So if ultimately you send the server something
 that doesn't match, it's either going to cause a 404 or similar, or where we
 think it's sensible it'll cause a redirect to webadmin.

 So the only solution is to preserve the URI structure on the way into the
 Noe4j server, and (potentially) have it mapped to something else on the
 network where your client lives.

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