On Fri, 2011-04-22 at 17:43 +0100, Jim Webber wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> > Just in case we're not talking about the same kind of streaming --
> > when I think streaming, I think "streaming uploads", "streaming
> > downloads", etc.
> I'm thinking "chunked" transfers. That is the server starts sending a 
> response and then eventually terminates it when the whole response has been 
> sent to the client.
> Although it seems a bit rude, the client could simply opt to close the 
> connection when it's "read enough" providing what it has read makes sense. 
> Sometimes document fragments can make sense:

> In this case we certainly don't have well-formed XML, but some streaming API 
> (e.g. stax) might already have been able to create some local objects on the 
> client side as the Earth and Mars nodes came in.
> I don't think this is elegant at all, but it might be practical. I've asked 
> Mark Nottingham for his view on this since he's pretty sensible about Web 
> things.

Any intermediate proxies would have to cache the whole thing; many
proxies are not designed for streaming responses so might read the whole
thing before relaying it (although they seem to be getting a bit better
at this with video over http). So the server would probably end up
generating the whole thing if there was a proxy in the path. 

I think its workable, but not sure it is ideal...


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