Well, you can either modify the document's acls in the Tika pipeline
(which I think would be easiest), or you can hack up the Apache
ManifoldCF Solr Plugin.  Those seem like your only real choices to me.
 I would choose the former since Tika is meant to be configured in
this way.


On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 12:44 AM, Anupam Bhattacharya
<anupam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In our application there is a requirement to change the security on the
> document in index/search app Vs the Documentum repository. So that users who
> don't have login access to the Documentum system can also view certain
> documents in the world browse permission scenario.
> Additional constraint is that, we cannot change the ACLs on the Documentum
> Repository & the ManifoldCF Authority service should work as it is.
> I can think of 2 options to approach this case.
> 1. As I have a separate SOLR servlet which is indexing documents via
> ManifoldCF to SOLR. So this is one place where i can do some modifications
> to Add Read security tokens to the special documents.
> 2. Need to do some modifications in the ManifoldCF Authority Service
> Connector so that those special documents doesn't get filtered.
> Thanks for any help on this requirement.
> Regards
> Anupam

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