FWIW, the newest version of the Solr connector now has configurable
timeout values.  But my original comment still stands; you really
should not find yourself in a position to need this.


On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 6:19 AM, Karl Wright <daddy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Shigeki,
> While timeout values into Solr could theoretically be configured as
> connection parameters, the timeout values for jCIFS are currently only
> settable globally.  Therefore, to make changes configurable by
> connection, the jCIFS library needs to change.  I've already
> approached the jCIFS developer about changes of this kind, and he was
> unreceptive to this request.  Part of the reason is the nature of the
> CIFS protocol, which multiplexes many simultaneous requests using the
> same connection.  So this cannot be solved in the manner you suggest,
> in any case.
> Furthermore, on a properly-set-up system, it should be unnecessary to
> adjust either jCIFS timeout parameters or Solr timeout parameters.  If
> you are consistently getting timeouts from jCIFS, it is a strong sign
> you are overloading the Windows servers you are trying to crawl, and
> you should take steps immediately to reduce the maximum number of
> connections you are trying to crawl with.  Similarly, chronically
> exceeding the Solr timeout parameters indicates you are pushing
> documents into a Solr that is either insufficiently powered, or has
> too few available threads.  Cutting back on the max number of
> connections is also indicated here as well.
> Since ManifoldCF retries failures, occasional failures due to other
> loads on either the Windows servers or on Solr are expected and will
> not cause problems.  But chronic failures indicate serious
> configuration problems, for which increasing the timeouts is the wrong
> solution.  So I hesitate to add features of the kind you request,
> unless you can convince me that there is a fundamental reason why it
> should be necessary to change these parameters.
> Thanks,
> Karl
> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 2:18 AM, Shigeki Kobayashi
> <shigeki.kobayas...@g.softbank.co.jp> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> As I have used MCF so far, I've faced timeout error many times while
>> crawling and indexing files to Solr.
>> I would like to propose to have the following timeout values configurable in
>> properties.xml.
>> Timeout errors often occur depending on files and environments(machines), so
>> it would be nice to change
>> the timeout value without rebuild the whole source.
>> $MCF_HOME\connectors\solr\connector\src\main\java\org\apache\manifoldcf\agents\output\solr\HttpPoster.java
>> int responseRetries = 9000;         // Long basic wait: 3 minutes.  This
>> will also be added to by a term based on the size of the request.
>> $MCF_HOME\connectors\jcifs\connector\src\main\java\org\apache\manifoldcf\crawler\connectors\sharedrive\SharedDriveConnector.java
>>     System.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.soTimeout","150000");
>>     System.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.responseTimeout","120000");
>> Regards,
>> Shigeki

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