Amazing! Thanks for sharing Sunil!

On 9 June 2015 at 11:22, Sunil Abraham <> wrote:

>  We are pleased to announce that Two Sigma is open-sourcing Satellite, a
> Mesos
> monitoring and alerting application with self-healing capabilities.
> Satellite
> makes it easy to continuously monitor your cluster, automatically add and
> remove
> slaves, and alert you via email or PagerDuty if your cluster becomes
> unresponsive. Satellite is able to do this by  embedding Riemann,
> leveraging its
> powerful and simple stream processing DSL.
> We are releasing Satellite under Apache v2.0. Full source and
> documentation is
> on Github: <>.
> We welcome comments and contributions! You can contact us through this
> thread,
> email <>, or Twitter <@sabraham>.
> Sunil Abraham
> Two Sigma Open Source, LLC

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