Re: Promo - Buy A and get B free

2009-10-28 Thread Mridul Pathak
Set requireCode for your promo to "N" on EditProductPromo screen.

Thanks & Regards
Mridul Pathak
Hotwax Media
direct: +91 - 942.592.6892

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 7:15 PM, su2  wrote:

> Hello Friends,
> I was trying to create a promo under promo tab in product catalog.
> The promo is Buy 1 or more of 'A' item and get 'B' free.
> In Conditions:X Quantity of Product; is greater than equal to; 1
> Conditions Products: A
> In Actions: Gift with purchase; quantity=1; item=B
> This does not work for me. It gives "Invalid code" Error while using in the
> shopping cart.
> Does anybody know what am I missing?
> Thanks for the help in advance.
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at

Load Balacing two OFBiz servers using Apache Http server

2009-10-28 Thread Neha . Mehta

I am doing load balancing using two OFBiz servers in session replication 
mode with Apache HTTP Server. I have also incorporated the node fail over 
risk i.e. when one node fails, load gets transferred to the second node.

The servers run properly in load balanced mode, If i shut down one server 
in the middle of browser session, the other OFBiz server continues the 
browser session without any problem. User Login also persistes in the 
session, so the second server does not ask for login again. But when I go 
for placing the order, and close the server in middle of the check out 
process, rest all the details persist but cart comes out to be empty , and 
if there is some promotional item present in the cart, that promotional 
item persists inside the cart when second server continues browser session 
but all the other items get removed.

I am not able to understand the problem. The second server maintains the 
same browser session as was with the first server, it persists the user 
login details but cart details are not found with the second server.

Thanks & Regards,
Neha Mehta
Software Engineer


Re: Entity Sync

2009-10-28 Thread Marc Morin
Yes, i go in spurts on reading this group.   I just thought I'd drop on note on 
an issue that I am starting to investigate. I DIDN'T take the time (sorry) to 
read even a single email on the subject before posting.  Imagine my 
embarrassment when I posted right in the middle of a heavily discussed topic on 
the exact topic I was posting on.  Apologies.

Anyway, just wanted to put out a request to see if others see value in this 
"merged" rows type of sync.  Essentially a set of content, a nest of rows 
(inter-related) are "published" from one instance and have multiple "slaves" 
for it.For the simpler case where the entire contents of tables are 
published and the slaves are "readonly", there are a number of db-level 
technologies that work very well for that,and I am not trying to replace/redo 
that case.

So for this publish/subscribe model,  doing this within Ofbiz will maintain the 
db independence, which is good.  Ideally, there are three modes of updates: 
synchronous, asynchronous and batch.  (Asynchronous and batch are very closely 
related and likely implemented the same way). We only need the asynch/batch 

This could be done via:

1- eeca gathering up changes, published in master db as log, then send to slave 
for reply.
2- time base (like current sync)

For our use case, either approach is fine, but since #2 is already in the 
entity-sync, we'd be leaning that way for now.  Our application space is such 
that all instances of our databases are available to all app servers via a 
separate delegator, so, RMI/SOAP,  and other issue about getting the change set 
from the master to slave application is much simplified.

Since we'd be merging rows from multiple masters into a single table, we 
configure the sequenced-id-prefix for each instance to be different, generating 
unique ids.

Marc Morin
Emforium Group Inc. 
ALL-IN Software™ 
519-772-6824 ext 201 

- Original Message -
From: "Jacques Le Roux" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:35:48 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: Entity Sync

Do you mean it was a simple error on your side (sorry I did not take the time 
to read all yet ;o) ?


From: "Marc Morin" 
> Rookie error... apologies
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jacques Le Roux" 
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:36:50 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
> Subject: Re: Entity Sync
> Hi Marc,
> Did you follow recent threads on this subject ?
> Jacques
> From: "Marc Morin" 
>> We have a couple of use cases where we need to sync a subset of the 
>> information in one database and mirror it into another.
>> Been looking at the entity sync capability that is present in ofbiz.  Very 
>> good start, ability to build a sync set that is a
>> collection of entities to sync (pull or push) between delegators (or 
>> service).
>> In my case, I need to create the nest of entities to consider for the sync, 
>> but I need to restrict the rows from some starting
>> point.
>> Use case 1: Want to import a collection of parties from one system along 
>> with their relationships between the set of parties and
>> their contact info, notes, preferences, etc
>> Use case 2: Create a product category, rollups, and then associate products 
>> to that category.  Want to publish this category,
>> products, and subset of pricing, product content, features, etc to other 
>> instances.
>> Looks like a modification to entity sync is required to do this? or am i 
>> mistaken.
>> Modification involves:
>> - build set of entities in sync group
>> - add condition restrictions on possibly any number of entities for 
>> candidate rows. (category_id = 'x')
>> - "soft" inclusion by foreign key reference from a row in the set to one 
>> that is not explicit.
>> - alter row for foreign key references outside of entity set to null or to 
>> rows that cannot be replicated.
>> I'm sure more precision is needed here and will to do the work. Just wanted 
>> to see if others have similar use cases and if so,
>> what they have done.
>> Marc Morin
>> Emforium Group Inc.
>> ALL-IN Software™
>> 519-772-6824 ext 201

Re: Please Migrate Apache OFBiz forums to Nabble2

2009-10-28 Thread Jacques Le Roux [via Nabble Support]

Hi Hugo,

Here is David's answer

David E. Jones wrote:
>> I haven't noticed other Nabble messages moderated for a little while,  
>> but this one was moderated since the address it came from was not  
>> subscribed.
>> -David

So I guess it's only an issue when people use OFBIz Nabble forums to send
message wihout prior registering on OFBiz MLs. I guess we can't do much
about this, isn'it ?


This email was sent by user-2 (via Nabble)
Your replies will appear at
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Re: Difference between release 9.x and 4.x

2009-10-28 Thread Deepak Gupta
Thanks Ruth,

I really appreciate your help and your explanation has resolved my
confusion. Now I have a path and direction to move on.


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Ruth Hoffman  wrote:

> Hello Deepak:
> Yes, the parallel release numbering can be confusing, and I believe deters
> many potential newcomers.  It is an unfortunate state of affairs.
> I've been using OFBiz almost since the project's inception and IMHO, the
> best place to start exploring the many and varied aspects of this amazing
> project is with the older, more stable 4.x release. OFBiz veterans will
> argue most vociferously against this advice, suggesting newer and bigger is
> better. I maintain that from an end-user and new-user's  point of view the
> 4.x release works and behaves in a very predictable fashion. While it may
> not have all the newer features and functions as documented here
> one gets a really
> good sense of how OFBiz works by tinkering with it for a short time.
> Once you're comfortable with 4.x and know where you want to go with OFBiz,
> it is much easier to master the new, more feature reach 9.x releases. OFBiz
> has much to offer and sometimes, the best way to digest it all is by taking
> small bites.
> Just my 2 cents.
> Ruth Hoffman
> Want to know more about OFBiz? Please visit my website:
> Deepak Gupta wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am a newbie who is starting to explore Ofbiz, but i am confused with two
>> sets of parallel major release numbers release 9.x and release 4.x could
>> you
>> please provide me some information whats the difference between two and
>> which one is latest?
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Deepak

Re: Glossary update

2009-10-28 Thread Ruth Hoffman

Hi Erwan:

Awesome. I'll bookmark this.

Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:

Hi Ruth,
and the chapter is "How to Send in Your Contributions (or how to 
create and apply patches)"


Le 28/10/2009 16:33, Ruth Hoffman a écrit :

Hi Hans:
I'd be happy to do this...As you know, I am not an OFBiz committer and
the few patches I submitted in the past took me an inordinate amount of
time to create. If you could point me to step-by-step, "OFBiz patches
for Dummies" instructions on how to do this, it would expedite the
process considerably and I would be motivated to start working toward
this end.

Hans Bakker wrote:

Ever thought about put it in the system itself in the online help?

Submit your additions in a jira patch and i can guarantee they will be
committed quickly


On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 16:31 -0400, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Hello List:

FYI - I updated the component & application definitions. My apologies
to Jacques as I erased one of your examples. (I'm still fumbling
around with proper Wiki usage. From now on, I'll copy existing stuff
locally before I make changes.)
Anyhow Jacques, please feel free to put your contributing back in.

P.S. As I come up with more definitions, I'll continue updates.

Re: Glossary update

2009-10-28 Thread Erwan de FERRIERES

Hi Ruth,
and the chapter is "How to Send in Your Contributions (or how to create 
and apply patches)"


Le 28/10/2009 16:33, Ruth Hoffman a écrit :

Hi Hans:
I'd be happy to do this...As you know, I am not an OFBiz committer and
the few patches I submitted in the past took me an inordinate amount of
time to create. If you could point me to step-by-step, "OFBiz patches
for Dummies" instructions on how to do this, it would expedite the
process considerably and I would be motivated to start working toward
this end.

Hans Bakker wrote:

Ever thought about put it in the system itself in the online help?

Submit your additions in a jira patch and i can guarantee they will be
committed quickly


On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 16:31 -0400, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Hello List:

FYI - I updated the component & application definitions. My apologies
to Jacques as I erased one of your examples. (I'm still fumbling
around with proper Wiki usage. From now on, I'll copy existing stuff
locally before I make changes.)
Anyhow Jacques, please feel free to put your contributing back in.

P.S. As I come up with more definitions, I'll continue updates.


Re: Glossary update

2009-10-28 Thread Ruth Hoffman

Hi Hans:
I'd be happy to do this...As you know, I am not an OFBiz committer and 
the few patches I submitted in the past took me an inordinate amount of 
time to create. If you could point me to step-by-step, "OFBiz patches 
for Dummies" instructions on how to do this, it would expedite the 
process considerably and I would be motivated to start working toward 
this end.

Hans Bakker wrote:

Ever thought about put it in the system itself in the online help?

Submit your additions in a jira patch and i can guarantee they will be
committed quickly


On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 16:31 -0400, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Hello List:

FYI - I updated the component & application definitions. My apologies to 
Jacques as I erased one of your examples. (I'm still fumbling around 
with proper Wiki usage. From now on, I'll copy existing stuff locally 
before I make changes.)

Anyhow Jacques, please feel free to put your contributing back in.

P.S. As I come up with more definitions, I'll continue updates.

Re: permission error on cancel order item from ecommerce

2009-10-28 Thread Abdullah Shaikh
I tried this, it's working fine using the permission-service-element, there
is no security error when doing a cancel item, but the cancel functionality
is not working, the item is not getting cancelled, I will take a look at it
later and post the details, will raise a jira issue for this.

Will be submitting the patch for security error.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Abdullah Shaikh <> wrote:

> Scott, I had a look at it and I guess this should work, I will try it out
> later in the day and let you know.
> Thanks for pointing
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:56 PM, Scott Gray wrote:
>> Okay I did the search :-)
>> Check out partyContactMechPermissionCheck and note it's usage in the
>> service defs with the permission-service element.
>> Regards
>> Scott
>> On 26/10/2009, at 9:31 PM, Abdullah Shaikh wrote:
>>  ok, I will take a look, can you please point to one of them, if you have
>>> any
>>> in mind.
>>> Also, I didn't get what you meant by "change the permission check to
>>> allow
>>> the placing party authorization", can you please explain a bit more ?
>>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Scott Gray >> >wrote:
>>>  Why do we need to use the system userlogin?  If we change the permission
 check to allow the placing party authorization then we shouldn't need to
 switch anything.  This type of situation is handled in a few places
 OFBiz, I would suggest that you find and take a look at them (which is
 I would have to do to answer any more questions :-)


 On 26/10/2009, at 9:05 PM, Abdullah Shaikh wrote:

 Hi Scott,

> Yes, I too thought of improving the already implemented service, I
> always
> have that as a first preference, and all should, to make more better
> code.
> Now coming back to the issue, below is what I have already comment in
> previous post.
> This error is because the party (customer) doesn't have the
> or ORDERMGR_ADMIN permission, but we can't give this permission to a
> customer, further as the common service is called from ecommerce and
> order
> manager for cancel, the solution will be to check the party's role, if
> its
> a
> CUSTOMER, then I guess we can use the SYSTEM user in place of the
> PARTY(CUSTOMER), for this we need to give ORDERMGR permission to the
> user. But then it will seem as if the SYSTEM user has cancelled the
> order
> and
> not the CUSTOMER ?
> The only thought that came to my mind to improve the permission check
> service is as above, but then I guess it will lead to some other
> issues.
> - Abdullah
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Scott Gray <
>> wrote:
> My first thought without looking at it is that the permission checking
>> service should be improved to allow the order placing party to invoke
>> the
>> service.  I don't personally think a separate service definition is
>> the
>> way
>> to go.
>> Regards
>> Scott
>> HotWax Media
>> On 26/10/2009, at 8:43 PM, Abdullah Shaikh wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>> Any thoughts on this ?
>>> Jacques, should I proceed with the overriding service patch ?
>>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 6:21 PM, Abdullah Shaikh <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Yes, I guess maybe this is the only solution for this, should I
>>> submit
>>>  the
 overriding service patch for this or should I wait for some more
 pour in for this ?

 On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:


> Yes, overriding the service without permission check only for
> ecommerce
> use seems the better choise IMO
> Jacques
> From: "Abdullah Shaikh" 
> If I cancel an order item from ecommerce. I get, the below error
> displayed
> on the page.
> The Following Errors Occurred:
> Unable to cancel order line : WSCO11640 / 1 / null
> Note to test this you need to take the latest update of apply this
> patch
> Below is the error trace from console, this error is because the
> party
> (customer) doesn't have the ORDERMGR_CREATE or ORDERMGR_ADMIN
> permission,
> but we can't give this permission to a customer, further as the
> common
> service is called from ecommerce and or

Promo - Buy A and get B free

2009-10-28 Thread su2

Hello Friends,

I was trying to create a promo under promo tab in product catalog.

The promo is Buy 1 or more of 'A' item and get 'B' free. 

In Conditions:X Quantity of Product; is greater than equal to; 1

Conditions Products: A

In Actions: Gift with purchase; quantity=1; item=B

This does not work for me. It gives "Invalid code" Error while using in the
shopping cart.

Does anybody know what am I missing?

Thanks for the help in advance.

View this message in context:
Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at

Re: website for retail

2009-10-28 Thread Jacques Le Roux

OK, thanks Hans,

I needed just a confirmation...


From: "Hans Bakker" 

Yes Jacques,

but that is how it is setup now, i am sorry to say, feel free to change
it and make it optional in the setup component? A warning message that
if it is missing, the orderentry and ecommerce will not properly



On Wed, 2009-10-28 at 08:53 +0100, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

But Hans,

If you don't want to use eCommerce, only POS ?


From: "Hans Bakker" 
> Yes that is required otherwise the e-commerce does not work..
> On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 22:40 +0100, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

>> Hi,
>> I wonder if we really need to create a website when creating only a retail store ?

>> If not we should release a constraint in the (great) Setup component.
>> Thanks
>> Jacques

-- Quality OFBiz services for competitive rates

Re: Entity Sync

2009-10-28 Thread Deyan Tsvetanov
We could also discuss another idea: 
Using the record's timestamp for generating a graph of sync entities is
tricky. We need pretty precise system clock ntp sync and cpu time for
ofbiz to generate the graph. 

Another approach might be to implement triggers in entity engine ( if
that feature does not exist already ) and create a transaction log. I
use the same approach 
but on a DB level - using DB triggers. The clients remember the last ID
of the transaction log entry they have successfully reached so they just
ask the server - give me everything 
after it. 
The transaction log approach would eliminate the system clock issues and
graph generation. 

-- deyan

-Original Message-
From: Deyan Tsvetanov 
To: Jacques Le Roux 
Subject: Re: Entity Sync
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 09:31:01 +0200

Yup, we all thank you :)

I'll send you my entity sync setup and some notes and stuff i've
discovered by the end of the week. 

In general it can be re-worked a bit and still be a very useful tool so
users can choose whether to use it or use some db level

-- Deyan 

-Original Message-
From: Jacques Le Roux 
Reply-to: "Jacques Le Roux" 
Subject: Re: Entity Sync
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 21:05:51 +0100

From: "David E Jones" 
> That's great Jacques, I'm glad someone is coordinating and looking  into 
> things with it.

I appreciate the compliment, I have no escape now ;o)


> -David
> On Oct 27, 2009, at 1:22 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Marc David,
>> Sounds like David took the time to read you message...
>> I remains, that we need to clarify what is working and what is not.  I 
>> should work on this these next days.
>> Jacques
>> From: "David E Jones" 
>>> Marc,
>>> Actually this is a separate topic from what I've seen in the other   
>>> thread. It would be good to read the other thread, but I'd 
>>> recommend  taking everything there with a grain of salt. There  seems to be 
>>> some  misunderstanding in a lot of the assessments 
>>> of  what the Entity Sync  does and what the issues are with it (ie  things 
>>> that make it slow, the  constraints it has trying to 
>>> reproduce time order of database changes  over multiple tables, etc).
>>> In any case, yes, it is correct that the current Entity Sync stuff   does 
>>> not have filtering on a record level (other than by 
>>> time),  and  also has nothing to follow a graph of related records to  
>>> include  desired information.
>>> -David
>>> On Oct 27, 2009, at 8:24 AM, Marc Morin wrote:
 Rookie error... apologies

 - Original Message -
 From: "Jacques Le Roux" 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:36:50 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada   Eastern
 Subject: Re: Entity Sync

 Hi Marc,

 Did you follow recent threads on this subject ?


 From: "Marc Morin" 
> We have a couple of use cases where we need to sync a subset of  the  
> information in one database and mirror it into another.
> Been looking at the entity sync capability that is present in   ofbiz.  
> Very good start, ability to build a sync set that is a
> collection of entities to sync (pull or push) between delegators   (or 
> service).
> In my case, I need to create the nest of entities to consider  for  the 
> sync, but I need to restrict the rows from some 
> starting
> point.
> Use case 1: Want to import a collection of parties from one  system  
> along with their relationships between the set of parties 
> and
> their contact info, notes, preferences, etc
> Use case 2: Create a product category, rollups, and then  associate  
> products to that category.  Want to publish this 
> category,
> products, and subset of pricing, product content, features,  etc  to 
> other instances.
> Looks like a modification to entity sync is required to do this?  or  am 
> i mistaken.
> Modification involves:
> - build set of entities in sync group
> - add condition restrictions on possibly any number of entities  for  
> candidate rows. (category_id = 'x')
> - "soft" inclusion by foreign key reference from a row in the  set  to 
> one that is not explicit.
> - alter row for foreign key references outside of entity set to   null or 
> to rows that cannot be replicated.
> I'm sure more precision is needed here and will to do the work.   Just 
> wanted to see if others have similar use cases and if 
> so,
> what they have done.
> Marc Morin
> Emforium Group Inc.
> ALL-IN Software™
> 519-772-6824 ext 201


Re: AW: AW: AW: [OFBiz] Users - SOAP service call

2009-10-28 Thread jitender

Javrishvili, Giorgi (Key-Work) wrote:
> Hi peter!
> I made it run!!! Strange, but the problem was with export attribute od
> service definition: It should be true. May be it is a version question...
> Now I'm facing problem with Deserializing:
> org.xml.sax.SAXException: Deserializing parameter 'message':  could not
> find deserializer for type
> {}string
> at
> org.apache.axis.message.RPCHandler.onStartChild(
> My code looks like this:
> public static Map hello(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
>   GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
> LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
> String userName = (String)context.get("userName");
> Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
>   Debug.logInfo("*** "+userName+" says Hello, this is 
> our
> first SOAP service in OFBiz", module);
>   result.put("message", "*** "+userName+" says Hello, 
> this is
> our first SOAP service in OFBiz");
>   return result;
>   }
> How did you cope with that?
> Thank you,
> Giorgi
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: []
> Im Auftrag von Peter Goron
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2005 14:40
> An: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
> Betreff: Re: AW: AW: [OFBiz] Users - SOAP service call
> Hi Giorgi,
> Your service definitions seem to be correct but I've never tried to call a
> webservice from ofbiz.
> Does the ofbiz log file contain some errors or warnings ?
> You can also try to a call an external webservice from ofbiz (e.g.
> google) to check if the problem comes from the client or server part of
> ofbiz soap implementation.
> Peter
>> Hi, Peter.
>> Many thanks for your answers. They are extremely useful, believe me! 
>> So, with outgoing soap is now OK. I finally found the problem. I mean, 
>> I see now at least following:
>> If I call my service, I mean, "soapHello", I get
>> **
>> **
>> *** Incoming SOAP **
>> Requested service not available
>> But if I call some "soapHelloGoodByeDontComeBack"(which doesn't exist 
>> at all) I'm getting
>> **
>> **
>> *** Incoming SOAP **
>> Problem processing the service
>> Here is a services.xml part:
>> >  engine="java" location=""
>>  invoke="hello" export="true">
>>  Service for testing java services in Ofbiz
>>  >  optional="true">
>>  >  optional="true">
>> >  location="http://localhost:22080/webtools/control/SOAPService";
>>  invoke="hello" auth="false" export="false">
>>  SOAP service;
>>  >  optional="true">
>>  >  optional="true">
>> What is important, that "hello" service itself is called without 
>> problems by dispatcher.runSync("hello"...).
>> Does it need any additional configuration?
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Giorgi
> ___
> Users mailing list
> ___
> Users mailing list

Function is ok but how to call this function from userinterface.
where i need to change in configuration.
View this message in context:
Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at

Re: Entity Sync

2009-10-28 Thread Deyan Tsvetanov
Yup, we all thank you :)

I'll send you my entity sync setup and some notes and stuff i've
discovered by the end of the week. 

In general it can be re-worked a bit and still be a very useful tool so
users can choose whether to use it or use some db level

-- Deyan 

-Original Message-
From: Jacques Le Roux 
Reply-to: "Jacques Le Roux" 
Subject: Re: Entity Sync
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 21:05:51 +0100

From: "David E Jones" 
> That's great Jacques, I'm glad someone is coordinating and looking  into 
> things with it.

I appreciate the compliment, I have no escape now ;o)


> -David
> On Oct 27, 2009, at 1:22 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Marc David,
>> Sounds like David took the time to read you message...
>> I remains, that we need to clarify what is working and what is not.  I 
>> should work on this these next days.
>> Jacques
>> From: "David E Jones" 
>>> Marc,
>>> Actually this is a separate topic from what I've seen in the other   
>>> thread. It would be good to read the other thread, but I'd 
>>> recommend  taking everything there with a grain of salt. There  seems to be 
>>> some  misunderstanding in a lot of the assessments 
>>> of  what the Entity Sync  does and what the issues are with it (ie  things 
>>> that make it slow, the  constraints it has trying to 
>>> reproduce time order of database changes  over multiple tables, etc).
>>> In any case, yes, it is correct that the current Entity Sync stuff   does 
>>> not have filtering on a record level (other than by 
>>> time),  and  also has nothing to follow a graph of related records to  
>>> include  desired information.
>>> -David
>>> On Oct 27, 2009, at 8:24 AM, Marc Morin wrote:
 Rookie error... apologies

 - Original Message -
 From: "Jacques Le Roux" 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:36:50 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada   Eastern
 Subject: Re: Entity Sync

 Hi Marc,

 Did you follow recent threads on this subject ?


 From: "Marc Morin" 
> We have a couple of use cases where we need to sync a subset of  the  
> information in one database and mirror it into another.
> Been looking at the entity sync capability that is present in   ofbiz.  
> Very good start, ability to build a sync set that is a
> collection of entities to sync (pull or push) between delegators   (or 
> service).
> In my case, I need to create the nest of entities to consider  for  the 
> sync, but I need to restrict the rows from some 
> starting
> point.
> Use case 1: Want to import a collection of parties from one  system  
> along with their relationships between the set of parties 
> and
> their contact info, notes, preferences, etc
> Use case 2: Create a product category, rollups, and then  associate  
> products to that category.  Want to publish this 
> category,
> products, and subset of pricing, product content, features,  etc  to 
> other instances.
> Looks like a modification to entity sync is required to do this?  or  am 
> i mistaken.
> Modification involves:
> - build set of entities in sync group
> - add condition restrictions on possibly any number of entities  for  
> candidate rows. (category_id = 'x')
> - "soft" inclusion by foreign key reference from a row in the  set  to 
> one that is not explicit.
> - alter row for foreign key references outside of entity set to   null or 
> to rows that cannot be replicated.
> I'm sure more precision is needed here and will to do the work.   Just 
> wanted to see if others have similar use cases and if 
> so,
> what they have done.
> Marc Morin
> Emforium Group Inc.
> ALL-IN Software™
> 519-772-6824 ext 201
